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Moving Dog From Constant Company To Not-so-much


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I was planning on getting a Shiba Inu puppy in a few months, but a few months after that I am moving out (only 19, living with parents at the moment) with my girlfriend.

I was so worried that the puppy would miss my parents being around and my parents dog keeping it company during the day. So worried that I was thinking of waiting till I moved to get the little one but they seem to be hard to get a hold of, so now could be my only chance for a while.

So basically, the dog will be at home alone during the days until we both get home from work.

I just want to know if anyone knows if dogs can be affected by being constantly surrounded by people/other dogs, to being left alone.

Sorry if this is worded badly ;)

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I would imagine that they would be affected, yes.

Personally, I would wait. Or get an older dog that is okay on it's own during the day.

That's what we did, we got an older (2.5yo) dog that was used to and quite happy to be left alone during the day. In saying that, we only work 2 mins from home and I come home for an hour at lunch everyday.

Some dogs can take it, some can't. I would think it would impact a puppy harder to get used to a certain way of life, and then all of a sudden be spending alot of time on their own. Sounds like a recipe for disaster!!! ;)

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I have recently moved my dog from being with my families dog 24/7 and having people surround him all the time. The first week he has been whining a little and seeking a lot more attention then usual but we have given him as much time as we can and he is getting a lot happier.

We make sure he has everything he needs during the day to stay happy, like toys etc and then when we get home we play his favourite game of fetch and he gets quality time with us as well as a walk most days.

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I would wait until you are settled in a home with good fencing that has approval for a dog.

Raising a puppy can be hard work. Raising a puppy in a home with another dog and other adults who may have different ideas to you about how to do it is a headache.

Getting a pup now because one's available could be even bigger headaches down the track.

I'd be waiting.

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I think it would make problems with the puppy, I would wait till you are in a new house or even get an older dog which is what kelly wrote. A puppy would just become bored even with toys being at home for all that time i dont think it would be a good idea. ;)

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