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Eclampsia- Treatment And Outcome

Bilbo Baggins

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I have loaned my girl to a breeder whose girl on day 10 developed eclampsia.

The treating vet said to wean the pups because she will get it again.

This lady was giving Troy calcium but putting it in the food and mum was not eating.

I have always used Sandos and give it 5 mls twice a day for 10 days. (Cavaliers)

I feethat if the mum has been treated and continues to be given the calcium there is no need to wean the pups.

This aldy was also giving the mum to be puppy food and then she was told that this would negate the calcium intake.

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Eclampsia is not to be messed about with. It can come on suddenly & kill quickly.

Usually starts later than 10 days when the nursing pups deplete the mum but if the lady was giving calcium to the pregnant mum before the birth this may have upset her natural calcium production. Who knows.

She should take the vets advice or get a second opinion from another vet to check the facts. I would not be guessing on this.

Better to feed the pups than risk losing the mum.

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so the pups are ten days old ? she has hypo-calcemia ?

Has she been on IV calcium at the vet & fluids ?

I'd be giving the calcium sandoz after each puppy feed, check the daily dose and break that down.

Let the puppies feed, but not stay on for ages, just full and then pop them off - might need a divider so you can let them be seperate.

Give mum lots of fluids /milks/chicken broth.

I'd only do this if the bitch is bouncing back after the vet treatment & if not, then probably might have to hand raise the pups.

Its usually calcium given in pregnancy that tells the body not to manufacture its own, so I guess a puppy food high in calcium may mimic this ? not sure.

Bitches that become inappetant in late pregnancy also seem prone to HC.

As Christine said, take the vet advice though, each dog is a case by case event.


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Pleased they are all ok, BB. Lots of vets recommend putting pregnant bitches on puppy kibble, and I cannot think why the Sandoz would not have worked with the kibble?

Should not have made any difference, surely? If she wasn't eating it, though, it wouldn't have. I squirt 5ml down my girls' throats so I knew they got it, although a couple quite liked it.

Troy and Sandoz are exactly the same ingredients, last time I looked - about 12 months ago. The only difference is the bottle and the price

Some years ago, I had a bitch develop shocking eclampsia when the pups were 3 weeks. She was on calcium - Sandoz - only after whelping. She was in good order, a good mum.

I spoke to other breeders and discovered a few other bitches also developed eclampsia whilst on Sandoz post whelping, at around the same time. My bitch was on raw diet with a lot of milk, honey and cooked rolled oats then barf when the pups were older. That is what I normally feed, usually without problems. She delivered via caesarian, and the treating vet believed that there was some unresolved problem with the caesarian, and I had never thought she was "right" after whelping, so that may have been a factor.

She couldn't feed the pups after being so ill, but at 3 weeks, they were ok to be weaned.

I've had eclampsia twice in the years I've been breeding. This was the second. The first time, there was powdered calcium only, and on vet advice the bitch was on that throughout pregnancy and raising the pups. Research at that time had shown that the bitches needed calcium through the pregnancy and after wards.

She was eating some virulent type of dry food, and very nasty canned food, because they were supposed to be the most wonderful thing at the time for bitches with pups.

*sigh*. The things we do to our dogs with the best intentions!! ;)

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