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2011 Brags Thread


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Congratulations on everyone's weekend results! Some great stuff in agility and obedience :thumbsup:

Huge congratulations to RubbyStar! A perfect score is fantastic and then two CDX passes :D

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I have a few brags from this morning and this afternoon :cheer:

My morning brag is Millie won CCD in the Obedience Challenge (which is the top 10 scoring dogs from each class from the previous year compete here), and blow me down, she scored a perfect 100 eek1.gif

Millie and Ruby were also in Novice at the Challenge. Ruby got a pass, but I'd rather not talk about Millie's Novice round! Let's just say I pulled her out before I could find out if it would get better. My nerves once again failed us, so I told myself to take a chill pill, told Millie we're going to go out there and have some fun, and we did. She came out firing for her CCD round as a result :D

My afternoon brag is that both my girls got their second CDX pass :cheer: Ruby came 3rd with 189 and Millie came 2nd with 191 :D They both need 1 more pass each and then it's onto UD eek1.gif (might have to actually start training more consistently for that one! :o)

So my girls did me proud today! I think I'll stick around and trial for another day, after almost throwing in the towel after Millie's woeful attempt at Novice this morning :laugh:

Well done!! I really love hearing about obedience results. I'm not sure I'll ever get into the Obedience ring, but admire those who do!

23 runs - seemed like a lot when I said it, but when we actually got there it wasn't too bad. The dogs just kept on getting madder and madder all day. Once you get in the ring the adrenaline just kicks in and away you go!

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23 runs OMG I need to sit down and pour a drink just thinking about it. I now have visions of you being only half my age - so I can rest easy tonight. Well done you deserve a medal - I am super impressed :thumbsup:

ROFLMAO - that would make you just about 80!! (Sorry)

I didn't get any video other than this one which is mostly of my friend's Beardie, but has Xena and Ghetti's pairs run in there at about 1:53.

I LOVE the slow motion stuff of her going through the weaves. :)

Can't wait until I'm running 3 dogs!!

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AD - congrats on your awesome weekend... but... you sound as about insane as me :rofl:

Sounds like your kids did really well ;). when is the youngen going to start playing with the big kids then?!

They were great. :) CK is just improving all the time. The beardie in the video I posted is very similar to CK in temperament and Nat is an inspiration - has helped me tremendously.

Her Royal Wooness (Wikki) is about 4.5 months away from being old enough to set foot in the ring. Scary thing is that she has more skills now than when either CK or Xena started to trial. :) I think she should go pretty well. The two things she can't do yet are weave and see-saw, but still plenty of time to learn the former. The latter can wait a while longer since it isn't in the beginners classes.

On that - funny thing. The first time on the weekend both CK and Xena ran up the dog walk they got 4/5 of the way along the up ramp and rocked back. Poor little puppies thought it was a see-saw because it didn't have slats across it like the ADAA ones do! After that they didn't miss a beat.

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:thumbsup: great results RS - well done to you and the girls. :thumbsup:

Ptolomy - Rory's agility could be after the tracking season :D - and might depend on when Rally O becomes official, since he's doing beautifully in our mock Rally trials. Surprisingly, since club agility training is only on Sundays :( when we're usually otherwise occupied, I haven't been able to do much in the way of sequencing - and more importantly, proofing him against distraction to other dogs - seeing imporivements in stay training - but that's when he's not already excited.

Immediate tasks with Rory apart from showing (for fun, and cos he loves showing off) are getting him ready for his first tracking test - Sunday week, and for ET - second week in July! (I'm definitely Jack of all trades, master of none - but we're having fun, and our variable schedulre of rewards keeps us in there :rofl: .

AD - I'm pretty sure Rory's little sis will get in the agility ring sooner than him - although he can weave (thanks to 2x2). ;)

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AD - I'm pretty sure Rory's little sis will get in the agility ring sooner than him - although he can weave (thanks to 2x2). ;)

:) perhaps, but her interests aren't quite as broad as his are. ;)

She is learning to weave via the magic of 2 x 2's. Just starting to weave a little now, but I want to work a bit more on drive before we move too far ahead.

Edited by Agility Dogs
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And my lil big man is 32 months - 3 at the end of September :eek: . And yes AD - his interests are (too???) broad. (OT - his litter sister Phoebe has her show CH too now, and brother Luc is very close - great genes in there I reckon ;) )

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:( That's so true ness. Or at least Rory didn't. ;) He got the norty tail though.


HRW got the embarassing GAY tail gene. Good thing she won't ever play show dog. :)

My brag for the morning - I took the little one to agility last night and gave her a bit of a run before I instructed. We have the tyre sorted (last week she was running under it) and her dog walk is just amazing. I can't beat her along the length of it and we have a perfect (ready for some serious proofing) 2o2o at the end of it. MUCH better than Xena ever had. :)

She's just starting to really get the 2 x 2 weaves as well. Time to start tightening them up. It's getting exciting - will start simple sequencing with her in the next week or so. She's still only jumping 400, but I figure the additional 150 can come soon enough. :)

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Nudge nudge - I hear both Ptolomy and Bedazzledx2 have brags from today ;). Well done guys fantastic work, knew it was only a matter of time.

Edited by ness
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A UDX Pass.....A UDX Pass.....A UDX pass.....A UDX pass.....A UDX Pass.....A UDX Pass

Can you tell I am just a LITTLE bit excited??

He was a Happy Boy - Goodonya Scoota :thumbsup:

Jackpots and Champaign are flowing freely today! :rofl::eek:

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