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2011 Brags Thread


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Well at least the midget showed you what she can achieve in the ring even with the sore shoulder. Once she has rested she will be firing on all cylinders. Go the little Midget. Ness enjoy you retirement

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A small brag........

Scoota sat in the middle of the UDX cones during a trial twice today :thumbsup:

You would have to have been reading my FB page to appreciate what an achievement this really is :thumbsup:

Bless him he also won UD, but his round was a bit like pulling teeth using my teeth!

The icing on the cake was Ciders 2nd novice obedience pass after 5 months out of the ring - she is something just a little bit special :thumbsup:

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Great work xena (again!!!) :thumbsup: 2 full days trialling is a big ask indeed.

I hope Ness enjoys her retirement and that young Kenzie is on the mend soon.

Ptolomy - great work. Sometimes the little things mean the most!!! And Cider looks just lovely :thumbsup:

Before I follow in the wake of my dogs and fall in a heap I must say that I was really chuffed with Zig's work at today's trial. From 4 runs we had one pass with 2nd place in Excellent Jumping and, as luck would have it, it was the only one I managed to have videoed thanks to a fellow working Springer owner:

Zig absolutely nailed his first Open Jumping run, including the distance challenge, but somehow managed to enter the weaving poles from the wrong side....possibly I pushed him into it but I was delighted nonetheless. The other Excellent Jumping and Open Jumping runs revealed a couple of holes in our training, but nothing too drastic. All in all a great day out - Em had zoomies with another Springer puppy, some retrieving drills and LOTS of cuddles. Both of them have dashed off to bed with barely a goodnight :thumbsup:

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A small brag........

Scoota sat in the middle of the UDX cones during a trial twice today :thumbsup:

You would have to have been reading my FB page to appreciate what an achievement this really is :D

Bless him he also won UD, but his round was a bit like pulling teeth using my teeth!

The icing on the cake was Ciders 2nd novice obedience pass after 5 months out of the ring - she is something just a little bit special :thumbsup:

Yay Ptolomy! :thumbsup: Cider looked beatiful. What was her score? :thumbsup:

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A small brag........

Scoota sat in the middle of the UDX cones during a trial twice today :thumbsup:

You would have to have been reading my FB page to appreciate what an achievement this really is :thumbsup:

Bless him he also won UD, but his round was a bit like pulling teeth using my teeth!

The icing on the cake was Ciders 2nd novice obedience pass after 5 months out of the ring - she is something just a little bit special :thumbsup:

Congratulations Ptolomy

Hey you got to tell me how you did it cause my black and white has no clue where the middle is she thinks all you have to do is mark the cone and than sit next to it :thumbsup:

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Well done xena98 and your kids! Good girl Gabby with 2011 Open State Champion!!

Happy retirement Ness! :)

Congrats TSD on Ziggy's JDX placing!!

Yuuuuuge congrats on beautiful Soggy's novice win! She surely is something special :D And I would pinch her if I ever got the chance :D And good boy Scoota nailing your cones, TWICE!!

Rubystar - where are you????????


I am so, sooooo happy with my kids. Firstly, with Ruby, many of you might know what dramas I've been having with Ruby lately in getting her to pay attention in the ring, and her SFE. And asking her to trial during the day is usually met with a "pffft!" But today she worked her booty off! We got through to Distance Control with some very lovely work getting us there, and a nice blade of grass distracted her so she missed her sit :cry:

Then in the afternoon trial, on such a hot day, Ruby came out and gave as much as she did for the morning trial and managed a pass in her ringwork! :cheer:

Millie's AM trial got off to a distracted start so I pulled her out a few seconds into it. Almost scratched her for the PM trial to focus on Ruby who was sitting on a pass, but in the end decided to go in. The round was painful. She got off to a distracted start but pulled it together, but getting her to focus in between exercises, OMG it was the hardest work I have ever had to do in a ring. SOMEHOW, we managed to pass the ringwork, and come out sitting on 189, equal score to Ruby! So I now had 2 dogs on a pass for the stays! :eek:

bedazzledx2 kindly took Ruby in for me while I took Millie. Sadly Ruby dropped in her sit stay :( But Millie was a very good girl and nailed both her stays, her first ever OOS stays in a trial! So Millie got her very first CDX pass, and 1st place to boot!! :winner: :D

So it's a very happy, and sleepy, household right now! :D

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Way to go RubyStar, Millie and Ruby - fantastic work and sounds like those remaining passes won't be to far away and then just think you will have two dogs trialling in UD :cheer: .




Edited by RubyStar
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A small brag........

Scoota sat in the middle of the UDX cones during a trial twice today :winner:

You would have to have been reading my FB page to appreciate what an achievement this really is :eek:

Bless him he also won UD, but his round was a bit like pulling teeth using my teeth!

The icing on the cake was Ciders 2nd novice obedience pass after 5 months out of the ring - she is something just a little bit special :laugh:

Awesome work and so pleased the training repair work is going well. That video was amazing-now I know I am not ready for a trial in 2 weeks :cheer:

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Well we are back from our 2nd day of obedience competition and after yesterday 100% success I knew today would be terrible as I can only have 50% :eek:

Inka worked well with 194 points. We did the sit stays but when it came to the drop we went to follow stood there for awhile than sat down than she lay down arghhh :cry: so that went her chances of being state champion than it got worse in the ud we couldnt find a box and got half way and sat down :D . Gabby couldnt do ud when your so busy looking for your friend and knowing you cant knick off to her so only half a brain in that department dropped an article and didnt pick it up.(might add the rest of the work was ummmm lets say not great) In open she worked brilliantly except got a sub in the retrieve as she went and found a smell next to the dumbell. at least she remembered to pick it up so lost 6 points. Came out with 191 and first place.

Overall Gabby is the 2011 State Obedience Champion in open and also won the Highest Club Team Trophy.

Well done Rivsky and Zuma :cheer: commiseration Ness and Kenzie :D



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WTG everyone some great results!!!

TSD - I think I was as tired as you were last night :cheer:

RS am SO happy for you and a CDX pass with Miss Millie!! Yayyy!! And well done to Ruby also :winner:.

Well we got our ADM title this weekend! One happy mumma! then the next day he polished it off with another ADM pass (just to make sure :laugh: ).

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RS am SO happy for you and a CDX pass with Miss Millie!! Yayyy!! And well done to Ruby also :eek:.

Well we got our ADM title this weekend! One happy mumma! then the next day he polished it off with another ADM pass (just to make sure :D ).

Congrats on the ADM title!!!!! :winner::cheer: Awesome stuff!

Might sound weird, but I am actually much more pleased with Ruby's work yesterday over Millie's, even though it was Moo who got the pass. Ruby worked beautifully in both AM and PM trials, while Millie's ringwork was mediocre. But I am oh so happy with both kids, between them it was a great day out and worth the long drive there and back! Oh and it was sooooo hot!! So I'm doubly impressed with the kiddies :laugh: They've come a long way :cry:

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Wow, I love this thread! Always makes me happy to hear about everyone's success with their wonderful dogs. Give them all a big pat for me (and maybe slip them a treat, too).

Well done RS! The thought of out of sight stays still scares me a little and I am always in awe when I watch them at trials.

LP - Good boy Leo! Ava sends a body slam his way.

Ptolomy - Your videos are very inspiring for newbies like me so thank you for posting and congratulations! Cider certainly looks like a super special girl.

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Congratulations RS - fantastic work with your girls and the taste of sweet success to top it off :winner:

LP - Zig has only recently appeared from his bed - outside briefly and then moved to his day bed. Em has been up for hours and has destroyed a couple of toys :cheer: Great effort on Leo's part - you must be delighted with him :laugh: SUCH a long day wasn't it!!!!

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Rubystar where are the videos :winner: Its still makes me smile when yesterday you said......I am going to have to find a stand in handler for stays OMG.

Judging by how they went yesterday - this wont be the last time :cheer:

PS - I am looking forward to cake at training tonight :eek::laugh:

Well done to Xena98, TSD and Leopuppy - do you take cake to training to celebrate with your mates :cry:

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Well I only have 10 seconds of Millie's winning round, the memory card ran out! :cry: Bugger :cheer: I have both Ruby's rounds, might put them up later. While they were great rounds in my eyes compared to what she has been giving me lately, it isn't a great example of an Open round to other people so was a bit wary of putting them up. On tonight's training agenda after watching videos, drops in heelwork! They are still very shoddy. She drops a whole body length in front of me because she can't help herself and takes a couple of extra steps after the command :D

I gotta say, it was a bit weird, and a bit teary, handing off my special girl to someone else to take into stays! But Millie hasn't been handled by anyone else so turns out it was better for me to take her in instead of Ruby. But what a great experience to get both kids into stays :winner: I was gobsmacked! Thanks bedazzled for taking Ruby in for me! Even though the little bugger couldn't hold her sit stay (which I thought she would, her stays have come a LONG way since this time last year when she needed light entertainment ringside to keep her upright :laugh:)

I'll stop by Coles and pick up a cake after work cos I don't have time to bake :eek: Or maybe more of those yummy mars bar cookies :D

Well done again with Cider! You really won the lottery with getting her!!

Oops, long blubbeing post, shut me up now :D

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:laugh: Great weekend for DOLers and DOLdogs it seems - and the usual few near misses.

Only a tiny brag from me - my Rory man, who is very much a beginner at Rally O, did a great job learning Advanced and Excellent moves and then putting them together in a little trial run in a fabulous workshop we had down here with Angelsun.

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