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Maybe One Day, We Can Be So Enlightened...


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Hopefully this link posts.. and yes, you should be able to watch it here Down Under


So... anyone care to tell me which ones are Pit Bulls? Which ones are "Staffys". :thumbsup: Wait, I'll give you a hint, Little Johnny (the Black and White one) is an AKC registered Staffordshire Bull Terrier...

I encourage everyone to buy Jim Gorant's book. Heck, I've purchased a few, and have handed many out to my veterinarian friends - and I've got a few packed and ready to go to some SE QLD politicians one day

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Thanks for sharing this,.....It's hard not to shed a tear remembering and watching those dogs and what they must of gone through :thumbsup:

I just tried to order the book and for some reason they won't ship It to me ;)

Not sure what's going on with Amazon, may have to try someone else

Oh and most definitly need to be sent out to our Ignoramus political folk here, and QLD Is a very good start :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks for Sharing :champagne:

Just bought a copy of The Lost Dogs on fishpond for $26, free delivery if anyone else is interested in buying it.


Got my copy of "The Lost Dog's" & there's some stuff in there that made me cry, puke & want to shoot any Bas***** caught using animals for fighting :) . Sorry if I sound a bit dramatic but reading about what those A H's did to those dogs was horrible, hell anytime there's a bullfighter gored on TV I cheer.

But the people who rehabilitated those dog's are wonderful & deserve every bit of praise they get :laugh:. Any way I'll get off my soap box, just had to have a rant :rofl:.

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