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If You Show Or Trial Your Dog


Do you volunteer to help at trials and shows?  

133 members have voted

  1. 1. Volunteering - stewarding, club committee, etc

    • I don't show/trial and I don't volunteer
    • I don't show/trial and I do volunteer
    • I show/trial and i volunteer
    • I show/trial and I don't volunteer
  2. 2. Why we volunteer

    • I don't volunteer
    • I enjoy it
    • It helps me become better at showing/trialling
    • Networking
    • I believe I have a duty to if I get benefits from showing/trialling
    • I am required to for my judging qualification
    • Other - explain in comments
  3. 3. Why we don't volunteer

    • I volunteer
    • I don't know what to do
    • Politics
    • I don't think I have anything to offer
    • I don't have time
    • My club is a closed shop
    • I don't know how to get started
    • I offer, and no-one gets back to me
    • I used to and have done my time/am burned out
    • Other - explain in comments

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I've trialled obedience a few times at a couple of different clubs & helped out at two clubs on trial days (making/selling canteen food, setting up jumps, laying tracks, etc).

The time I helped out at my home club, the people I worked with were all welcoming & inclusive, & there was a friendly atmosphere - I will definitely help out again if I start trialling again.

When I helped out the other other local club that I was considering joining, the people at the club weren't overly welcoming - they were very cliquey and no one introduced themselves or seemed interested in conversation with a newbie when I talked to them - so I won't be helping them out again anytime soon.

Call me selfish, but I'm not about to give up my day to help a club when I have a miserable time doing so. I'll still trial at their club, though. Perhaps when I get to know them better they'll be friendlier, and then I might volunteer to help again.

The contrast between the two clubs was pretty remarkable.

I think most newbies would be willing to help out at shows if they're clearly told that they're needed and appreciated, and if the existing club members try to make them feel like one of the team, explain what's going on, & include them in conversations. It might seem trivial or petty, but if newbies are left alone standing around feeling confused and left out when they volunteer - why would they want to help again?

Perhaps clubs that are having a volunteer problem could even do something like assign a specific seasoned club member to take each newbie under their wing on their first day volunteering, with the purpose of explaining to them what's to be done, what's going on, and who everyone is, so they're never left feeling confused or left out.


Edited by Staranais
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I think most newbies would be willing to help out at shows if they're clearly told that they're needed and appreciated, and if the existing club members try to make them feel like one of the team, explain what's going on, & include them in conversations. It might seem trivial or petty, but if newbies are left alone standing around feeling confused and left out when they volunteer - why would they want to help again?

Perhaps clubs that are having a volunteer problem could even do something like assign a specific seasoned club member to take each newbie under their wing on their first day volunteering, with the purpose of explaining to them what's to be done, what's going on, and who everyone is, so they're never left feeling confused or left out.

:birthday: :birthday:

When I volunteered at my club's obedience trial, I did spend a bit of time standing around wondering what I should be doing! Thankfully everyone was very helpful and it was much easier when I was accompanied by someone who knew what they were doing and were given specific tasks :birthday:

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I volunteer because no one else does and the club needs people to help out (fair amount of people are lazy) it isn't that hard at obedience and doesn't involve that much to steward.

Agility is a bit of a pain because it goes for a long time.

It would be more benificial to get a heap of people to do a hour or two each helping that way people are more inclined to do it for there club and not have to spend hours of there time.

and to run a small induction on how the everything works at trails/shows so they don't just turn up with no clue which can delay big time a week or two before hand that way they no what to expect and exactly what to do when they arrive.

I volunteer for these reasons too. I do not compete, show etc.

I do use the club for flyball, obed and agility. I do not compete as I do not want to travel all over the country and we only have a few trials etc. here.

We do have 'time limits', shifts and also taught what to do.

I usually do around 6 or 7 hours a day, but you can do only about 3 hours. I always let new people know it is fun, you meet a lot of people and dogs etc. and learn a lot.

I often get stuck in the canteen, so dont see much..as no one else wants to do it..but this is where the club makes a bit of money, so someone has to. :birthday::birthday:

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I did 10+ years on horse club committees. Helping at shows etc. Reached burn out there. There was never enough people to help out/ Same people year after year had to do it.

My dog club is a big club. They don't seem to struggle to get people to help. I've taught now for about 4 years pretty much every weekend and helped at comps. Have just about reached burn out there.

I have never been a big competitor either. Would have helped out far more then I have competed.

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I show and I use to volunteer alot , stewarding, commitees, sourceing sponsership and prizes, canteen etc. Over the last few years time and work have effected my ability to do this. It does take alot of time and commitment. I support more atm by buying raffle tickets, support the canteens and events . I do intend to go back to volunteering in the future and really appreciate those that do. We should all remember to thank stewards and card writers at every show. We could not do it without them. :birthday:

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I trial, mostly in obedience and agility. This morning I was setting up agility equipment at 6am for my club's trial (not entered) and will do the same next Sunday (entered). I turned up last Sunday to clean the equipment. I don't have the time to be part of a committee at the moment (I run our community fire guard group as it is) so try to help out on an ad hoc basis - I do obedience and agility demos for the Dally Club and agility demos for my training club. I will help out the Dally club when we hold the Dally Nationals in 2012. At a retrieving trial (where I had 6 runs a day for 3 days) and was a complete novice, I placed "double blinds" for other competitors once I had run my dog - it was amazing to watch the retrieve from the other side.

Why? It's the least I can do with all the knowledge and help I receive for minimal $$$. There are a few people who do a lot of work and you don't want THEM burning out.

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I trial in obedience and have just started agility training, I have volunteered at both clubs as a steward etc at trials because I think it's important to help out and you learn so much from doing it. I am also instructing at obedience club this year.

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I show and I don't do anything to help out :laugh:

:D go to the naughty corner and flagelate with a wet towel you bad girl !!


I know, how terrible of me!

I can't thou, im buggered from helping out at today's show. :(

I fundraise for trophies, Donate - both private and business, fundraise for rescue, work on committee, do clubs websites and steward.

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All shows, agility etc are on weekends and I work every weekend so as much as I would like to be involved in a club I cant. Boy would I love to take my girl to agility and I would volunteer to help on event days.

Edited by kelpiekaye
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