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Feeding Barf


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I want to look into feeding my girls BARF, is it easy to make your own mix? what do you put in it? I want to keep kibble in their diets because it makes it easier when they are away from home to just take kibble from home and substitute the meat in their diet

atm Lexi gets pet mince, Royal Canin and Advance kibble, she also gets the odd turkey neck or turkey wing when they are available. Tess gets Propac kibble and chicken necks a couple of times a week

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I go to the market on a Sat just before they close. I buy all my veges and fruit then. It is then chopped and put through a food processor. It is then put into containers and frozen. I then feed it every second meal with either minced beef or minced chicken. For the other meals they get either beef brisket or chicken frames. With their meat/veg meal they get either cheese, sardines or yoghurt. My guys love it and have never been so healthy. Their stools are half the size with no smell and no flies. Have attached a pic of the vege fruit mix, this amount lasted my 5 Rotts a month.


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When I used to do it myself, back in the day b4 the pre-made patties I would put carrot, pumpkin, apple, sweet potato, tomato, lettuce, brocoli, cabbage, collie-flower & whatever vegies I had on hand. Into that I would add a couple of eggs, yoghurt, flaxseed oil, vitC powder, chicken liver or heart & brewers yeast. That was the Billinhurst model. Lonsdale just says to give raw meaty bones with healthy table scraps.

For the bones I would give chicken pieces, frames, lamb flaps with most of the fat cut off, lamb necks & the occasional lamb shank.


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Thanks, we decided to go bulk as we did not want to do it all the time. We actually bought another food processor so that halved the process time. So cheap when you go to the markets. That lot cost us under $50. It took us 2 hours with the both of us doing it. That is from the start of chopping till the end of tubbing.

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Our dog was not keen on either Billinghurst or Canine Country patties. Currently wolfing down the ready-to-eat VAN mince but that's probably just because of the kangaroo base. I believe it would be cheaper to make yourself.

I want to get into making my own once we get a second freezer - not necessarily all-inclusive patties, just prepared quantities of various things for convenience. As it is our small freezer is about 80% dog (bones, necks, chicken portions etc) which makes storing food for the humans a little difficult. To think I originally allocated just a shelf in the door for the dog :thumbsup:

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I have a 500ltr chest freezer and by the time I get 50kg beef mince, 30kg chicken mince, 30kg briskets, 36kg frames and then all the veges there is not alot of room for our food. We do have two fridges and those freezers seem to be ours :thumbsup:

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Laneka could I just ask a question or two or 10 :rofl: ???

I believe you have 5 Rotties, and that much will do you for a month... Each of those containers would feed how many Rotties ??? Is the meat added into the container, or is it just the fruit and vegies in there ???

Im just trying to see what the containers would feed/night... I have 5 ACD's and 4 Basenji's that I would LOVE to feed the way you are. I need to get a decent freezer first though !!!

To GoldenGirl85, sorry to highjack your thread :rofl: ...

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Hi rajacadoo, because each of my dogs eat different amounts and sometimes I have to increase or decrease meals, I decided to keep the veges and meat seperate and weigh out individual meals each day. Okay here is what I do, every morning they get veges and meat. Every second night they get veges and meat. On the alternate night they either get beef brisket bones or chicken carcasses. I try to alternate the bones so they do not get the same type in a row. Just to give you an idea, my 9mth old male weighs nearly 45kg for all his vege and meat meals he gets 200gms veg and 300gms meat (this could be minced beef or minced chicken). He gets 1kg of bones. In his meat/veg he gets one of the following, cheese, this can be grated cheese or cottage cheese, sardines, eggs (shell ground up) or yoghurt. He also gets a product called power blend, this has all the added vitamins, minerals and kelp also cold pressed flax seed oil.

Hope this helps. To start with it was a bit of hit and miss with the amounts to feed. Two of my girls put on weight just looking at bones so I had to really reduce the amount of bone. They get around 300gms. I find it a very individual thing.

Veges I use,

All types of green leafy except cabbage



Sweet potato

Tomato (small amounts)





Parsley (both types)

Broad Beans

Raw Beetroot (my dogs don't particularly like this so I only use a very small amount)

Bean spouts, all sprout type veges must be sprouted.

and just about anything else I see. I do not feed onions of any sort




Oranges (all) I do not use many


Kiwi Fruit

small amount of Grapes ( these must be seedless)

All stone fruit and berries

It is a matter of what is in season at the time and cheap. If you have a good market you can go to find out what time they close on a Sat and see if they sell off stuff.

Two books I have found fantastic are The Barf Diet by Dr. Ian Billinghurst and Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs by Lew Olson PhD

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Thank you soooooooo much Laneka, I really appreciate all the detail that you have posted :laugh: ...

I have photocopied this and it will sit in my bag, so that when the new freezer arrives, I will have my dogs food 'shopping list' all ready to go :(

I am a bit of a Nazi about my dogs food intake and I watch them like a hawk, (in fact the B's are all on a diet, cos I did get a little slack over the Xmas/New Year period), so down goes the food intake, much to their disgust :laugh: ...

Thanks again, I appreciate the input :( .

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Glad I can help. I am a food Nazi too, I feed my dogs twice a day and every bit including bones is weighed out. That way I know exactly who needs what. All the bones are bagged up and named. Some people think I am crazy but I am happy with that. I do try to give my dogs the best I can and keep them as healthy as I can.

If I can help anymore just yell.

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im going to drop in on my local fruit and vege market tomorrow and talk to them and find out if i can get the older produce off them for cheap and also talk to the butcher next door to them about getting pet mince and go from there.. im thinking ill do it meat and vege mix 1 meal and chicken frames and/or whatever else i can get the second meal.. i can get a box of around 32 chicken frames for $8 at the butcher which is really handy.. they also do the big cannon bones for $1 each..

i love my butcher lmao...

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Any bones that they can actually eat. You can use poultry necks, ducks, turkey. This includes lamb necks, flaps and so forth. I just re read what I had written. I stay away from rib bones as I find these splinter.

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