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Issue With Eyes


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Thia morning I dragged my poor puppy out into the area across te road, took some photos for 52weeks.

I noticed that her eyes are like black pits. There's no shine. Never had this issues before, and I was on the lowest ap. 1.8!

Any ideas??

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If I can get flickr to work I'll post up pre and post editing.

She's just a shepherd with really dark eyes, but again, never had the issue. Give me a second to post the pics :thumbsup:

We were sitting in sunlight but it was behind me on her, which is the way i usually shoot.

Edited by Kickss
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Youve put a tocuh too much contrast in. If there isnt light reflecting and the dog is looking away you often wont get 'eye glint'. There are creative ways to add it in photoshop (and probably other progrms) but the light needs to be strong enough to reflect.

Aperture wont make a difference - if you had some kind of reflector to get light from the right direction that might work or just wait til the sun comes out and have your back to it.

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How about a bit of fill-in flash? That would help put a glint in the eye.

Are you able to show me this?? I'm really willing to learn, I hate this problem :rolleyes:

Thanks guys heaps, Dad and my brothers friends dad tried playing with it, Dad even got erm... Creative? And made it look like er eyes were GLOWING. Like hollywood lights -.-' He thought it was funny

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How about a bit of fill-in flash? That would help put a glint in the eye.

Are you able to show me this?? I'm really willing to learn, I hate this problem :rolleyes:

Thanks guys heaps, Dad and my brothers friends dad tried playing with it, Dad even got erm... Creative? And made it look like er eyes were GLOWING. Like hollywood lights -.-' He thought it was funny

What camera have you got?

ETA - This explains it well http://photonotes.org/articles/eos-flash/i....html#fillflash

This is a good link and something I need to read properly myself.


But basically even when shooting in daylight, the flash can be very useful at making images 'pop' a bit more.

Edited by CrazyCresties
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Have you got photoshop? Personally I would be burning and dodging the eyes to bring out the highlights. You can see that there is detail there, it's just that your dog has dark eyes. That being said, with your editing, it will probably make your dog look a little possessed since the areas around them are so dark.

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Have you got photoshop? Personally I would be burning and dodging the eyes to bring out the highlights. You can see that there is detail there, it's just that your dog has dark eyes. That being said, with your editing, it will probably make your dog look a little possessed since the areas around them are so dark.

Yeah shell that is the only problem! Damn her dark eyes. She's got the darkest eyes on a shepherd i've ever seen! I do have ps maybe i'll have a play later on and see what i can do. I really dont want to abandon this photo. She just looks so grown up :birthday:


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As you have Photoshop, if you shoot RAW instead of jpeg, you can fix it in raw converter without having to go into Shadows/Highlights or anything that will be over-kill. Use the "fill-light" bar - it will only put detail back into the darkest spots, without changing the all-over exposure. Using RAW gives nice control to tweak a good image without going too far.

D70 is a lovely camera, I've upgraded twice but would never sell mine and still use it.

It would be worth doing the shoot again in RAW to see how it goes. (jpegs won't open in Converter, they go straight in to Photoshop).

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PC - It's the camera I've self taught myself on. I love it. I want to upgrade, but atm, my lovely car s taking every penny. I can save for my 7D another day!!

The origianly just lacks... colour? I find. It's very boring. I am going to start shooting in RAW, Just need to invest in a bigger memory card!!

I'll give it another go on Wednesday when I've got the day off :D That is if I don't get up super early and take her down to the beach before the crowds get there!!

Persephone - It's a great camera eh?

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