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Taken Way Too Soon


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I'm just devastated and I don't even know if I can even believe what's happened! I went away fro two nights to help with the floods in Kerang Victoria and came home this afternoon to find my baby girl laying lifeless around the corner of my house!! :)

Sahla was a 19 month old Golden Retriever who had no health issues and had only been to the vet a month ago for her check up! The vet who conducted her autopsy and the autopsies of my other two dogs (8 year old Lab Lucy, 3 month old Golden Retriever Marley) in the last two years told me that her results have come back clear so she can only assume that she was bitten by a snake.

I'm absolutely horrified to think that this happened to my baby whilst I was not here to be able to protect her like any good Mum should have been. She was the most loving dog and just lived for people and the love that she could give and receive from them. I miss her like crazy and feel immense guilt over her passing.

I'm finding it hard ot let her go as she wasn't even sick.

RIP baby girl, mummy wishes she could change this and you could be nudging me to get off the computer and pat you right now.


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I am very sorry for your loss I have recently lost my boy very suddenly also and the sense of loss and guilt still overwhelms me. All I can say is to try to focus on those moments, the hand nudging and the look in her eyes when she was with you as those are the memories that you need to hold onto. Grieve for what you have lost but treasure what you had with her, again I offer my heartfelt condolensces

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Sahla, i am soo soo sorry that you had to return home to find your beautiful young 'Sahla' had passed away :(

I feel very sad for u :eat: And the 'Not knowing how? or why? this happened' :D

U would definately be in shock and it will take a lot of time to sink in.. So devastating :(

U mustn't feel guilty! Do not beat yourself up! U were away doing a very good deed and there may not hav been a lot u could have done for Sahla even if u were there :mad

U must think about the good times with her and not feel bad. Shittty things 'Just happen' and they are SHIT! But u need to be strong and remember the good times u sheared with her! Hugs :shrug:



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Thank you all for your comments. This is my third dog to die in 2 years. I'm ready to sell my house and leave!! We still have Pancho (choc lab born two days after Sahla) but he's staying inside with me for the next couple of days!!

I was upset when the last two died, but Sahla is by far my favourite dog. My family all say that she is a mirror image of me and my personality and that if I was a dog I'd be Sahla. She followed me around and laid on my feet, always wanted a pat. I feel the pain of losing her so much more than the others even.

She wasn't sick and my biggest fear always was that a snake might get her and it looks as though this is what has happened :) I did everything for her by the book.

I'm also upset that I haven't seen her since Wednesday and I can't even remember what she was doing when I saw her last or what I even said to my baby girl. I can't get another dog ever as no other dog will ever be able to live up to my Sahla who was a delight right from the beginning.

Sorry I'm probably not in a good state of mind to writing right now.

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I am so sorry for your loss, I lost my six year old Dobe last september to a snake bite and I will always feel guilty about it. I think about her every day and sometimes have dreams that it was all a mistake and she is not dead- its an aweful feeling.

I made sure when we got a puppy again, that snakes were not welcome in our yard. That means keep the grass very short all around the yard and beyond if you back onto a reserve or anything. No piles of building materials and you can also get a snake deterant which sends vibrations into the ground to keep them away.

I hope you can remember all the wonderful things about your baby, they live on in our memory.

Do not stand at my grave and forever weep.

I am not there; I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain.

I am the gentle autumn’s rain.

When you awaken in the morning’s hush

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circled flight.

I am the soft stars that shine at night.

Do not stand at my grave and forever cry.

I am not there. I did not die.

Mary E. Fry

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This is so sad it made me cry! :) I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. To come home and find her like that must have been absolutely devastating for you.

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this tragic time. RIP Sahla, and wait for your mummy at the bridge. :love:

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:) It's awful losing any of our dogs but when they are so young it seems especially unfair

Run free Sahla :love:

Give yourself time Sahla's Mum, you have had such a terrible shock. I know it's a cliche but time really is the greatest healer. :)

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RIP baby girl, mummy wishes she could change this and you could be nudging me to get off the computer and pat you right now.

OMG this makes me cry every time I read it, Lexi does the exact same thing, if Im paying attention to my computer, or late giving her some dinner...nudge, nudge, nudge...

Im going to go and give my baby a hug

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i am so sorry Sahlas mum.....your pain and grief is coming through so deeply in your posts and I feel so sorry for you. Life just isnt fair at times, its moments like these where you really wonder why. Draw strength from Pancho, he will be feeling your sadness too. RIP pretty Sahla.

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i am so sorry Sahlas mum.....your pain and grief is coming through so deeply in your posts and I feel so sorry for you. Life just isnt fair at times, its moments like these where you really wonder why. Draw strength from Pancho, he will be feeling your sadness too. RIP pretty Sahla.

Me too.so sad..hugs to you all.

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Sahla I am stunned to read your past :) :) :)

:D to you and give Pancho a big cuddle from here :thumbsup:

Sahla was lucky to have a wonderful family who loved her dearly. Cherish the memories. Know that she was loved.

Try not to beat yourself up about it. Even if you were home you may not have caught her in time.

The vet could not do a blood test to check if it was a snake bite?

RIP Sahla....have fun with my guys at the bridge. I know they are there waiting.

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Thank you all again for your kind words and poems to bring me comfort.

Erinonthefarm - We are going to look at getting one of those vibration things as we still have a choc lab (a very depressed one now) who we want to keep safe. The only problem apparently is that if the snake is still around then it will not leave the property. We've checked the yard four times though and not seen anything. Sahla must have been so unlucky. Did your vet confirm that it was snake bite? Did you see the snake? We're not 100% sure that it was a snake, although the next door neighbours do have chooks.

WendyH - Yes I was and still am absolutely devastated as she wasn't sick at all and was only 19 months old. I remember thinking that it wasn't real and that she was going to get up so I kept screaming her name at her expecting her to get up :birthday:

Cazablanca - No the first dog (lab X called Lucy) died of perhaps heat exhaustion as we got her from the pound and my ex used to run every day with her. She was also not desexed and was bleeding from her vulva (not on heat though). We were never too sure of her age so she may have been older than we initially thought. The second pup was a golden retriever (Marley) who we got one month after Lucy died. She was 6 weeks old when we got her and she passed away when she was 3 months old due to a neurological problem. She went blind and was circling. We've never had any deifinte answers about either of these dogs either though.

Toofarnorth - Pancho is so depressed. We have been trying to take him for walks and swimming as he loves to do this, but it's hard without Sahla and makes me cry not having her there. It's nice to have him around though, just sad not to see his little friend next to him. I'm dreading going back to work and leaving him here on his own. I'm going to the pet shop soon to get him some food toys to keep him busy. Poor fella :birthday:

Rex - :birthday: I know you get it. I really just can't believe that this has happened so soon! The vet needed some urine from Sahla, but she didn't have any to test. I need to call her again tomorrow to ask more questions if I can talk when I hear her voice on the end of the phone. She has dealt with all three of my dogs that have passed in the last two years.

Like GG85 said all of you go nd give your babies a hug as we never know when they will be taken away from us. I never expected Sahla to go away so soon. I'd planned to spend the next 10+ years with her.

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Thanks LabTested. I'm just so sad. We've had a very emotional and expensive weekend, with Sahla passing away and then I crashed my OH's car into my brand new car last night! FML at the moment!! :happydance2: ;)

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