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Foxy Pups 7weeks Old With Demodex Mange


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I own a demodex mange dog.

my undesrtanding of this demodex mange is as follows:

demodex in puppies is caused by a disorder of the immune system.

Older dogs who develop demodex mange do so because they have a weakened immune system.

All puppies contract mites from their mother in the first two weeks. At around 2 weeks their immune systems are strong enough, and they will reject any more mites from their mother (or any other dog). The mite population they carry is kept stable by their immune system and there are not enough mites to cause problems.

Puppies who have the immune disorder are not able to prevent getting more and more mites from their mother and other dogs and they cannot keep their population of mites under control.

This is why adult dogs with mange should not be bred from; because they can pass on their dodgy immune system to their puppies.

A positive scraping means the dog has mange. But conversely a scraping that shows up nothing does not rule out mange.

Revolution and Ivermectin can treat mange.

Advocate is about to (or maybe already has) stopped claiming that it can treat mange because in certain tests it was found that it was found that it was not making any difference.

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