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How Has Dol Changed Your Ownership Of Dogs?


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I haven't really changed anything I already did a heap of the 'DOL' things. It has just made me fret about things a heap more!

:) That is soooooooo true.

I'm not sure that it has changed the way I am or what i would/do do. BUT I have progressed from a total noob with one pet shop puppy that had just learned her name at 4 months :shrug: to having 3 well trained competition dogs. (Well, 2.5.)

Funny story though. When I first found DOL I read the purpose/rules thingy and when it said pure bred dog community, being new to the world of internet forums I decided I wouldn't be welcome because I didn't have a pedigreed dog. As a result I went away until CK came to live with us and I felt I 'belonged'. (I was looking for a ped BC at the time, but didn't have one.)

Maybe there is something in that for those who want to promote pedigreed dogs. (I'm one of them.) Even if we are well meaning it is possible to scare off people who are very interested.

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Gosh, where to start?

Seriously, I've been here a while now. So I guess I need to really think about what I didn't know before DOL vs today.


Rescue. I always knew that there were pounds and shelters with 'unwanted' animals available to take home. What I did not know was how many of these dogs were still euth'd if not homed, and in some cases, the lack of time the animal had from impound to PTS. I learnt about volunteer rescue groups - breed-specific which focuses mostly on one breed and its crosses (eg Staffy Rescue). I learnt about the all-breed rescues too, that primarily work with one or more local impound facility. I learnt that some "shelters" are no more than super-pounds (and I won't elaborate further because I get too angry). I learnt that to be a true rescue, the dogs must be homed desexed, microchipped, vaccinated etc. I have always supported the desexing of non-show dogs and I always supported vaccination until...

Health. I learnt that routine annual vax may be harmful to some dogs. My dogs were last jabbed in Oct 09 and I don't plan to vax them again. I learnt a lot about genetic/hereditary illnesses and conditions such as certain eye conditions, pannus in greyhounds being one example. I learnt about feeding, dietary concerns and what people have found works and why. I learnt about BARF etc elsewhere but refined my knowledge here on DOL and I also learnt about Tom Lonsdale here. I've asked specific questions about my dogs' health issues including epilepsy, cruciate ligament tears and surgery, cancer, and preventive health too.

Breeds. I never had a pedigree dog before Lilly came into my life. My first experience with a purebred has been fantastic. I recommend greyhounds to so many different types of dog owner. They're just lovely. I've only otherwise had mutts/mixes and every single one of my dogs has been either a stray or a surrender (rescue), except for Lilly who was retiring to a pet life with me (also a rescue). I've learnt about breeds that I may want to own one day, including the whippet, Italian greyhound, Chinese Crested (hairless), Chihuahua, JRT just to name a few.

What I've done as a result of DOL - joined a rescue group and became a foster carer (have no involvement in a rescue ATM). Helped to educate lots of people about reputable sources of pups and animal welfare issues such as puppy mills and how to choose the right place to get your dog/pup from. Learnt a heck of a lot about nutrition and health in dogs both in general and more specific. Learnt a heck of a lot from particular members such as Anne (whose experience with epilepsy has been shared to my benefit more than once - thanks Anne). I've met some absolutely wonderful, fantastic, supportive, loyal, funny and wild women who are as crazy about dogs as I am! I have some enduring friendships as a result of this fantastic community and I can never thank Troy enough for this alone.

I really would be lost without DOL.

I'm sure there's more but this is what came to mind when I saw the thread. :thumbsup:

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