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Doggie Dementia/ccd?


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A bit off topic Westiemum but what did your vet prescribe for your Mac's urinary incontinence problem? (before you put him on pads)

My Mac drips bits of wee out, sometimes during the day and also his bed has a small amount of wee on it...enough that I have to wash the blanket that goes on his little mattress, I also have to wash him underneath every day or two, he leaks on his skirt and smells to high heaven.

I took him to the vet today, the urine sample was ok, she gave me some Propalin syrup for him, she told me that there didn't seem to be any specific treatment for dog urinary incontinence (only bitches) but she has had fairly good results with Propalin in dogs.

Hopefully it'll help as he looks terrible with his yellowy/orange skirt and leg hairs and also his stinkin' 'man perfume"

B he prescribed Stilboestrol for Mac. And it seems to be working well. I used belly bands until he was going through them like a newborn then i needed to start him on the medication..

He too was intermittently really wet but he never smelled. That would suggest infection to me. Are you sure he doesn't have a UTI? confused.gif

the last time I took him to the vet she put him on AB's and it made no difference. I have had him on the Propalin since Monday evening and he was dry underneath yesterday afternoon and again this morning, I would have thought it'd take longer than 2-->3 doses to see if it is working. The vet also put him on a course of AB's as he has a slight infection between two toes on each of his front paws, if it is/was a UTI I don't think the AB's would have worked so quickly.

It has me stumped!

My Mac's smell could be from the vege slops that I add to his turkey-neck-mince, it has fish oil added into it...either way it is was pretty urine-smelly, his bed smelt of babies wet nappy left on way too long

B one of the things I learnt the hard way with Mac's ear is know the bug you are dealing with - don't let the vet just guess and dish out the ABs (They do it with the best of intentions to try and save you money on lab tests but I don't think its cost effective). To be absolutely sure I'd be asking for a proper lab test - its cheaper in the long run and not as hard on the boy. If it comes back negative you know its a smell from outside and can manage. If its a UTI the lab should be able to recommend the right AB for the bug. With Macs ear it got to the end of the road with no ABs available for his bug according to the lab - so that made the ear ablation surgery decision easy. :)

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Update on Mac: He is definitely getting slower and more confused - for the first time last Wednesday night that I've seen he got himself into a corner and couldn't work out how to get himself out. I had to pick him up and turn him around and then he trotted out. frown.gif

I've also noticed that he seems to be coming to a dead halt in the middle of the bedroom or lounge and then just stops and stares into space. Its as if he's completely forgotten where he's going and it takes a distraction to get him going again. frown.gif

This really seems to be a worsening of his symptoms and is sad, given how stable he appears to have been for such a long time.

I'll get him to the vet ASAP to see if its worth changing his medication (i'm wondering if the Vivitonin has stopped working?).

In the meantime if anyone has any other suggestions then I'm all ears.

TIA. smile.gif

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That's what happened to Grumpy. :( He would get himself stuck and not be able to work out how to turn around. The Vivitonin stopped working, I think.

And that reminds me that I promised you the lights. Will organise myself.

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I don't think Westiemum had any luck getting Aktivait into the country?

Thanks Boronia but yep Sheridan thats absolutely right - AQIS wouldn't allow it into the country.frown.gif. My fault - I should have checked instead of just assuming.

Mac is better today - brighter and more 'with it' Not being able to work out how to get himself out of corners aside, maybe the prolonged heat is pickling his brain - bit like his 'mother'! laugh.gif

There are a couple of other drugs - not many - that I might try for him. I'll ask the vet. We're a long way from giving up yet.smile.gif

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Sorry Mac seems to have hit a road block. The Vivitonin stopped working for Maisie too. :(

I have now got Maisie on Gingko and Omega 3 supplements. Still trying to find a Choline supplement. Not sure if its helping yet but she certainly isnt any worse since stopping the Vivitonin and starting the new regime.

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Thanks Kirty and Sheridan - that's really helpful. Mac seems to still be coping on his own - but I'll keep a close eye on him. Not sure at this point what I'll do drug wise - might finish the Vivitonin I've got and talk to the vet at that point. He's definitely better this weekend - and he's so smoochy. Is it possible to love a dog more?

I don't think so. smile.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mac continues to do well. smile.gif I haven't seen the getting caught in corners happen again which is good. Interestingly, while I was away. my great friend doggy-sat for me and did a marvellous job - and she's a really good observer - and she said she didn't think he was seeing very well. Perse said he walked into her at the beach last week and I think I noticed tonight that he was smelling rather than seeing a chip I gave him... so I'm wondering if the getting caught in the corner was actually that he couldn't see to get out... hmn...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Further update - Mac's turned the corner!! thumbsup1.gifHe's still on his Herb Robert, raw diet and Vivitonian. Don't anyone laugh but after kicking all the westies off my bed, I've let Mac back on. His 3 am wanderings were driving me mad and badly interrupting my sleep. Id have to go and find him at 3 am and put him back to bed so we could all sleep. Now we have a cuddle at bedtime with his head on the other pillow and then he departs for the end of the bed where he sleeps through like the dead. I often have to wake him to give him his pill in the morning. Its also dawned on me that he feels more secure on the bed given his confusion and deteriorating sight . I've sensed he's more relaxed and less anxious.

So we finally have a routine that works for us all. And the new little foster has slotted into the routine as if he's always been here!thumbsup1.gif

So all well here at the moment.smile.gif

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..all very good news !!! :thumbsup:

Yep Pers it is. You know that feeling of relief when the penny drops and things settle? Well its like that here at bedtime. Sarah and Andy are happily settled in their own beds and Mac now sleeps through. I was starting to feel desperate I was so sleep deprived - the 3 am wanderings were happening every night and then often I couldn't get back to sleep. In thinking about it, its almost as if the bed provides boundaries for Mac at night so he stays there, if that makes sense - bit like boundaries for a human dementia patient. (I often lift him off the bed in the morning and he trots off quite happily). And the Stilboestrel still seems to be doing its job.

So all good.smile.gif

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