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English Mastiff


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I'm sure this is a common question, and I see there is much debate on the issue. I joined the forum just to ask it.

But I want an idea of the general concensus regarding english mastiff desexing. I have read in many places that 18 months is the ideal time? My pup is currently approaching 6 months and the vet has recommended for him to be desexed but of course it is up to me. According to the vet letter I just received regarding desexing, prostate cancer is common and fatal, but how common is it really? And is it still averted if his nuts are removed later? Or is it all just overblown scare tactics?

I'm leaning towards waiting until my dog is fully grown and mature. What is your advice? There is no way for him to leave the yard and knock up random females. And he is the most friendly and loving dog I've ever seen. Comes to lie in your lap like a cat despite being too big now. He has no behavioural issues. Tell him once and he will lie down and wait out the day no matter what you're doing around him.

He is currently 40kg so he is following a normal growth pattern by the looks of it. I feed him advance puppy plus kibble for large breeds.

Here is puppy for reference at 5 months of age:


Balls off, balls on?

I say wait much longer. What say you?

Edited by Igor
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I think your best source of guidance is probably your dog's breeder.

However, for a giant breed dog I think the closer to 18 months old its done, the better.

Your vet needs to rethink their spiel.. desexed dogs still have a prostate. Desexing is a complete protection for testicular cancer but its ain't that common anyway.

You may find reading this link helpful.

What a gorgeous dog! :D

Edited by poodlefan
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  poodlefan said:
I think your best source of guidance is probably your dog's breeder.

However, for a giant breed dog I think the closer to 18 months old its done, the better.

Your vet needs to rethink their spiel.. desexed dogs still have a prostate. Desexing is a complete protection for testicular cancer but its ain't that common anyway.

You may find reading this link helpful.

What a gorgeous dog! :D


Your breeder will be able to help.

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Your boy has loads of growing left to do and he needs his hormones to keep it all in check. I would recommend leaving it as long as you can, 18 months sounds good. :)

But I do suggest you keep up training and manners as you will have one big strong guy testing his boundries in no time at all.

I have heard of testicular cancer in 9 years plus entire males. He should be fine until 18 months.

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Exactly what PF says.

Added, from what I have read prostate cancer in neutered dogs is more common than testicular cancer in entires, but as with everything, people have differing opinions here.

Either way, I would not call any of these risks common, and particular if you are planning on desexing around 18 months anyway. Most of these cancers are detected on much older dogs.

I would much rather my dog have lovely dense and correctly formed bones and joints than risking this, which in a giant breed is way more likely to occur when desexing young than are the above cancers when desexing later on.... did that make sense :)

Your boy is gorgeous BTW :D

I have never come across a vet that recommends late desexing or no desexing. They are running a business.

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I'd wait until at least 18 months as well.

At the clinic I work in, We do see some enlarged prostate in mature entire male dogs, so I really do recommend desexing.

I've had one entire male of my own with enlarged prostate that ended up being cancerous :-(


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W :D W

What a stunning Boy :)

Another one here who would wait until he is at least 18 Months Old...

Good Luck With Him.

You need to hang around here on DOL so you can keep the updated Pic's posted of him as he grown up..


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