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How To Remove Staining On White Dogs


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Many show people with white dogs use Boracic Acid Powder

Some mix it into a toothpaste like paste and pack into the coat, once dry they brush it out.

Others wet the coat then pack in the boracic, and brush out when dry.

Higher and finer the grade the better results.

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Many show people with white dogs use Boracic Acid Powder

Some mix it into a toothpaste like paste and pack into the coat, once dry they brush it out.

Others wet the coat then pack in the boracic, and brush out when dry.

Higher and finer the grade the better results.

Is this the same thing? I couldn't tell because it said Boric and not Boracic, but it's what came up when I typed in Boracic, so I thought it might be the same thing??
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Many show people with white dogs use Boracic Acid Powder

Some mix it into a toothpaste like paste and pack into the coat, once dry they brush it out.

Others wet the coat then pack in the boracic, and brush out when dry.

Higher and finer the grade the better results.

Is this the same thing? I couldn't tell because it said Boric and not Boracic, but it's what came up when I typed in Boracic, so I thought it might be the same thing??



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Ooohhh, super helpful, thanks muchly! Hugo has red staining on the fur between his legs and antibiotics cleared it up for a while but we can't keep him on a diet of antibiotics so we were looking for other things we can do to get rid of the stainage.

If it is just the legs then it might be easier to stop him licking his legs- there are products that you spray on that taste yucky. In time he will realise that leg licking when bored has negative consequences. Be warned that the main problem with the sprays is that if you stroke the fur and forget to wash your hands you will tranfer the foul taste to your hands...

Hopefully you wont need to use the sprays for long. They wont do anything for the existing stains but they will hopefully prevent the staining in the first place.

Oop didn't see your post. I don't particularly notice that he licks too much.. Could be wrong, maybe he's licking when I'm not watching. :laugh: I'm not sure what to spray on him to stop the licking, my mother is afraid that everything has chemicals in them and it might hurt him. Would lemon juice be a good idea? We have a lemon and a grapefruit tree in the backyard and I heard dogs don't like citrus (or was that chickens? :rofl: ).
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Many show people with white dogs use Boracic Acid Powder

Some mix it into a toothpaste like paste and pack into the coat, once dry they brush it out.

Others wet the coat then pack in the boracic, and brush out when dry.

Higher and finer the grade the better results.

Is this the same thing? I couldn't tell because it said Boric and not Boracic, but it's what came up when I typed in Boracic, so I thought it might be the same thing??

It is the same thing but it may not be fine enough for your purpose. You are also better off purchasing from Australia as customs is highly likely to seize any fine white powder in parcels ;)

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Many show people with white dogs use Boracic Acid Powder

Some mix it into a toothpaste like paste and pack into the coat, once dry they brush it out.

Others wet the coat then pack in the boracic, and brush out when dry.

Higher and finer the grade the better results.

Is this the same thing? I couldn't tell because it said Boric and not Boracic, but it's what came up when I typed in Boracic, so I thought it might be the same thing??

It is the same thing but it may not be fine enough for your purpose. You are also better off purchasing from Australia as customs is highly likely to seize any fine white powder in parcels ;)

That's an excellent point :laugh: I found an Aussie listing on eBay just as you said that haha.
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Ooohhh, super helpful, thanks muchly! Hugo has red staining on the fur between his legs and antibiotics cleared it up for a while but we can't keep him on a diet of antibiotics so we were looking for other things we can do to get rid of the stainage.

If it is just the legs then it might be easier to stop him licking his legs- there are products that you spray on that taste yucky. In time he will realise that leg licking when bored has negative consequences. Be warned that the main problem with the sprays is that if you stroke the fur and forget to wash your hands you will tranfer the foul taste to your hands...

Hopefully you wont need to use the sprays for long. They wont do anything for the existing stains but they will hopefully prevent the staining in the first place.

Oop didn't see your post. I don't particularly notice that he licks too much.. Could be wrong, maybe he's licking when I'm not watching. :laugh: I'm not sure what to spray on him to stop the licking, my mother is afraid that everything has chemicals in them and it might hurt him. Would lemon juice be a good idea? We have a lemon and a grapefruit tree in the backyard and I heard dogs don't like citrus (or was that chickens? :rofl: ).

Lemon juice will help to lighten the fur and may discourage licking. I don't think that it is acidic enough to hurt the fur/skin if used on its own but I cannot be sure.

There are lots of natural yucky sprays out there if the lemons don't work.

eg http://www.petsplus.com.au/pet-shop.asp?id=1868

It is probably a good idea to address any potential licking before using boric acid, otherwise your dog might ingest it. I have read that it is generally as toxic as table salt in low doses.

Many dogs lick because of boredom so it likely that he wont do it when people are around. People=entertainment.

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Found one! :thumbsup: Just put an order in, hopefully I can get his belly and crotch white again soon, gah! With the turning it into toothpaste consistency, do you "go by ear" or is there a certain ratio between water and powder I need?

edit: while I'm waiting for the powder to arrive I'll try the lemon juice thing to stop him from licking. I was briefly, in a moment of insanity, considering putting "Tru Blu" on his crotch area (an antiseptic that discourages licking because it apparently tastes gross) but then Hugo would have a blue crotch.. :rofl:

Edited by Dju
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Many show people with white dogs use Boracic Acid Powder

Some mix it into a toothpaste like paste and pack into the coat, once dry they brush it out.

Others wet the coat then pack in the boracic, and brush out when dry.

Higher and finer the grade the better results.

:laugh::laugh: Thanks Sway, I have been looking for a supplier, I will have a good look at your website later in the day ;)

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Found one! :thumbsup: Just put an order in, hopefully I can get his belly and crotch white again soon, gah! With the turning it into toothpaste consistency, do you "go by ear" or is there a certain ratio between water and powder I need?

edit: while I'm waiting for the powder to arrive I'll try the lemon juice thing to stop him from licking. I was briefly, in a moment of insanity, considering putting "Tru Blu" on his crotch area (an antiseptic that discourages licking because it apparently tastes gross) but then Hugo would have a blue crotch.. :rofl:

Had a look at that Ebay page - do not take his advice and put it in the washing machine to get rid of urine smells - It will destroy the rubber hoses.

Edited by emilee
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Many show people with white dogs use Boracic Acid Powder

Some mix it into a toothpaste like paste and pack into the coat, once dry they brush it out.

Others wet the coat then pack in the boracic, and brush out when dry.

Higher and finer the grade the better results.

:laugh::laugh: Thanks Sway, I have been looking for a supplier, I will have a good look at your website later in the day ;)

Don't get lost in there, I keep adding to it :laugh:

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Found one! :thumbsup: Just put an order in, hopefully I can get his belly and crotch white again soon, gah! With the turning it into toothpaste consistency, do you "go by ear" or is there a certain ratio between water and powder I need?

edit: while I'm waiting for the powder to arrive I'll try the lemon juice thing to stop him from licking. I was briefly, in a moment of insanity, considering putting "Tru Blu" on his crotch area (an antiseptic that discourages licking because it apparently tastes gross) but then Hugo would have a blue crotch.. :rofl:

Had a look at that Ebay page - do not take his advice and put it in the washing machine to get rid of urine smells - It will destroy the rubber hoses.

Didn't read the page other than the discount for combined orders at the bottom. :angeldevil: I only need it for Hugo's fur, haha. If that works, then hoorah!
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Had a look at that Ebay page - do not take his advice and put it in the washing machine to get rid of urine smells - It will destroy the rubber hoses.

Erm... Why would a washing machine smell of urine???

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Had a look at that Ebay page - do not take his advice and put it in the washing machine to get rid of urine smells - It will destroy the rubber hoses.

Erm... Why would a washing machine smell of urine???

taken from Ebay sellers page

Urine smells and stains

- Half a cup of BA in with your wash to rid clothing/bedding of urine smells and stains

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Had a look at that Ebay page - do not take his advice and put it in the washing machine to get rid of urine smells - It will destroy the rubber hoses.

Erm... Why would a washing machine smell of urine???

taken from Ebay sellers page

Urine smells and stains

- Half a cup of BA in with your wash to rid clothing/bedding of urine smells and stains

Thanks :)

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