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Fly Spray Advice


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Does anyone have any recommendations for dog-friendly fly repellent that we can spray in the yard?  We do a clean up at least twice a day, but in the heat, even with regular clean-ups, "Poo Corner" gets swarmed with flies, which is pretty disgusting.  We want to spray something there that isn't toxic to dogs but also doesn't discourage the dogs from using Poo Corner.  Thanks heaps in advance!


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Does anyone have any recommendations for dog-friendly fly repellent that we can spray in the yard?  We do a clean up at least twice a day, but in the heat, even with regular clean-ups, "Poo Corner" gets swarmed with flies, which is pretty disgusting.  We want to spray something there that isn't toxic to dogs but also doesn't discourage the dogs from using Poo Corner.  Thanks heaps in advance!


A fly trap is probably your best bet. Ask at a rural supply place.

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I also do regular cleanups. The thing I have noticed is that even with all the poop picked up; on hot days I would have flies congregating under the carport roof. I think because its a nice cool area.

My main strategy is to send the kids out with one of those electrified tennis racquet fly swats.

They have some fun and the population of flies is very effectively diminished!

In fact atm we're struggling to find one or two. Its also good for mossies.

You could also try setting up some eco flytraps from bunnings near that area. They're quite effective but disgusting to clean!

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Thanks so much for the suggestions all! No children with fly swatters here, just OH, myself and two Poo Machines :)

oakway - we do at least 2 clean-ups a day, sometimes more and the poo is put into biodegradable bags which are then binned. The issue isn't with the poo itself, but that the flies are still congregating to The Area Where The Poo Used To Be. I've tried rinsing the area with hot water but that's very temporary and I don't want to pour detergent/tea tree oil or anything dog-unfriendly there in case it makes them sick or makes them not want to go there. Sounds like a fly trap may be the way to go.

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You could also try setting up some eco flytraps from bunnings near that area. They're quite effective but disgusting to clean!

Make your own fly traps from 2 ltr Coke bottles, when full just bin it and make another. No messy clean ups.

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I have white vinegar and water in a watering can which i sprinkle on the patio everyday, i also have 2 of the bottle type fly traps hanging up.

But mine don't poo on the patio anyway, they go on the lawn round the corner.

What i have noticed though is since last week when the whole house and yard was sprayed by pest control the flies are far less, hope it lasts!

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I have white vinegar and water in a watering can which i sprinkle on the patio everyday, i also have 2 of the bottle type fly traps hanging up.

But mine don't poo on the patio anyway, they go on the lawn round the corner.

What i have noticed though is since last week when the whole house and yard was sprayed by pest control the flies are far less, hope it lasts!

do share - sprayed with WHAT exactly???

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Nothings helping us at work at the moment. Poo is cleaned up and we have 3 different types of traps. The flies are those awful biting sucking one and are mostly interested in the dogs. I just took Orbit swimming and counted 17 on him at one go once he got out

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What about an automatic sprayer similar to what we use indoors. I also had them attached in the kennels. Worked great for flys and mossies.

I don't need them now as I only have a couple of dogs but I still use them indoors 24/7

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I just thought why not do what I do.

I use Nappy sacks to collect the poo in and knot it off in the bag and then I put it into a cheap plastic nappy bucket with a lid and lined with a supermarket bag.

When it is getting smelly I just lift the supermarket bag and knot it and put it in the wheelie bin. I have the bin lined and at the top on the lid I have attached a thing called Bin Kill purchased at the supermarket in the same area as the fly sprays. This kills any nasties and cuts way down on any smell.

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We don't have problems with flys around our wheelie bin because the lid is pretty secure and the bags of poo are tied securely. The problem arises with the spot on the ground after we've collected the poo - the residue is attracting flies in the heat. This morning it sounded like a swam of angry bees, I was so grossed out.

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I've got exactly the same issue Stormie, wonder where you are?

I got home on Friday night and stopped counting at 30 flies in the house - ugh. They come in on my dogs when they come in through the dog door. I'm beside myself. One of my dogs is having his ears chewed off.

I bought something called "Neem Oil" and put some in a bottle diluted with water, sprayed it all round the dog door area yesterday morning and there were only about 10 flies in here last night. Have done the same again this morning and also washing down the steps area with eucalyptus disinfectant/water mix. Sprinkled on lawn as well.

It's unbearable ... every night I've been coming home to half an hour of fly killing before I do anything. They poop everywhere and when I did some gardening on the weekend, I was getting bitten constantly.

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