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Vet Recommendation In North East Melbourne


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Hi All,

I have a 9 year old pug that visits the vet at least 6 times a year for various skin and eye problems. In the last year he has developed a skin condition that appears to be getting worse despite a few different allergy treatments and diet variations. We are yet to find a vet we trust and having recently moved to Ivanhoe - we would be grateful for any recommendations for vets in the area.

Many thanks

Tracey & Oscar

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Welcome to DOL, Tracey...sorry I didn't read all the new posts first before I posted a request for you LOL. I feel stupid now! I will find it and edit it to reference this thread.

Come and visit us in the pug thread as well! Hug Oscar for me!


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Thanks Angela!


Welcome to DOL, Tracey...sorry I didn't read all the new posts first before I posted a request for you LOL. I feel stupid now! I will find it and edit it to reference this thread.

Come and visit us in the pug thread as well! Hug Oscar for me!


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I'd be inclined to visit Dr Bruce Syme, although he is in Castlemaine which would represent a 1.5 hour drive from Ivanhoe. He's not a specialist but he does deal with many skin issues. What I like most is that he is a Vet who will use drugs if he feels drugs are the best thing for the dog and the situation, but he is a Vet who doesn't like to use drugs if it is not necessary and will err towards treating as naturally as possible if he thinks that is viable.

I've been to see Bruce a few times now, between my previous girl and my current boy. It is a 3 hour each way trip for me but not once did I ever feel that the visit was not worth it. In fact, if it wasn't for him, my current boy (bad skin issues) will probably have had cortisone administered more than once, twice or thrice by now, instead of none.

One of the things I did though, even before I went to see Bruce was have a thyroid test done. And I wouldn't have it tested and analysed over here - I'd send it to the USA. Their testing facilities are better than ours which means that if you had it done here and it proved negative, I still wouldn't trust it. Thyroid issues can very much be connected with skin (and many other) issues.

ETA: Castlemaine is affected by the current floods so right at this point of time it would be doubtful that you would get through and even recommended that you stay clear. I don't even know how badly Castlemaine is affected and whether it is so bad that businesses have ceased to run for the time being.

I don't know of anyone else that I could steer you towards in your area but perhaps other DOLers will have some ideas.

Edited by Erny
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Natropath in Narre Warren North - Carol Freeman, 9796 8330.

Skin allergies are almost always systemically based - traditional veterinary treatments mask the problem but don't fix it. Natropathy works on the base issues and Carol will sort your dog out - one that has been so chronic will probably take some time to work through but we always see a change in our dogs within 48 hours after her treatments start.

Good luck.

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