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Im Going To Get Flamed For This.. I Do Feel Really Bad Though..

Guest bigdogg

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Guest bigdogg

Was bringing the sheep up into the house yard this arvo, and just outside of the fence there was two dingos. They chased my chooks and turkeys and killed one of each.

I didnt hesitate and raced inside and grabbed the gun and shot them both..

On closer inspection, i noticed they had collars on. I removed the collars and decided to go around to all the neighbours and find out whos dogs..

Not even 5 minutes later, a car pulled up at our driveway. I started walking towards there and a young girl started walking towards me.. She starts out saying have you seen... and then she saw the collars in my hand. She cried straight away - as expected..

I said sorry over and over, i did think they were dingos and they had killed my stock. She asked if they were buried and i said id look after it.. She left.

Not condoning my actions, the dogs did appear to be dingos. Unfortunately if they had have had their heads up and not eating my fowls i would have noticed the collars and caught the dogs and went and found the neighbours. We also have a mesh fence at least 200m around our house yard. The neighbours are at least 900m away.

Anyway, i feel real bad.. :thumbsup:

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Sorry to hear Biggdog as you must feel terrible...but unfortunately they were where they were not meant to be and damaging your birds... Very sad. Take care, there is nothing you can do now :thumbsup:

Really you could only get flamed if dingos are protected, are they? And looking at them do you think they were dingos/ part dingos?

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Oh :thumbsup: Sorry for you, bigdog... sorry for the owner ,and sorry for the dogs/poultry who died. You were within your rights.. the dogs were killing your poultry....

It's nasty to shoot dogs anyhow... and worse when an owner turns up.

Happened to us a couple of years ago.... :) poor man was in tears ..and took his boy back home to bury.... but didn't blame us entirely ..he was very good about it .

I am sorry.

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No flaming here, I would be devastated if one of my dogs was shot but if they were on someone else's land harassing and killing their stock then the property owner is well within their rights. A hard lesson for the girl, but perhaps they will now take more care with any future dogs.

x 2

You've not got a lot of choice with roaming dogs or dingos on farm land.

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Hugz and No Flaming here.

Sad, but would have done the same..

Only rule when you fire a shot from a Gun or Rifle is Identify your target.

And as far as I am concerned you did just that.

Was not a Human /Sheep or other.

You seen what you thought was a Dingo eating your stock.

Sad but Excused.. And Sorry.


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Neighbour had to shoot his next door neighbour's dogs who had attacked ewes with lambs, one ran back to their place. Ranger came and collected her (VERY pregnant bitch). Dogs' owner was seriously pissed off. BUT he wouldn't pay the fine so she ended up PTS with her puppies.

He is a moron and used to go away and leave dogs with a bag of food on the verandah.

I wouldnt blame anyone for shooting dogs who were attacking poultry or stock.

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sad for both parties, i know you were protecting your stock and one chicken and one turkey can be one day 3 of each etc, but shooting them straight away wouldn't have been my first idea not flamming. you did what your thought was right. what type of dogs where they and if they were another colour would you have shot them ? may sound wierd and too late now but do you think you would have decided different.

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Guest bigdogg

The young girl has pulled on my heart strings a bit.. really feel for her..

I think her sister came over before christmas looking for another dog.. It was hit on the highway outside of our place.

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You have nothing to feel guilty about.

You did what you had to do.... collars or not!

I am a breeder and when we moved into a small farming community with our dogs, it was clear some of the locals were concerned.

I told them before they had to tell me that if ever my dogs were worrying their stock to shoot them.

That's the law of the land.

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Guest bigdogg
sad for both parties, i know you were protecting your stock and one chicken and one turkey can be one day 3 of each etc, but shooting them straight away wouldn't have been my first idea not flamming. you did what your thought was right. what type of dogs where they and if they were another colour would you have shot them ? may sound wierd and too late now but do you think you would have decided different.

If i had have noticed the collars, I would not have shot them.. Would have caught them and found their owners and give a 1st and a last warning about dogs on my place and asked for reimbursement for my poultry losses.

One bitch was in poor condition, and the other a lean dog.. Not tall dogs.. To me they looked like your normal run of the mill feral dog / dingo. Same colour.. No white tips though.. Had they been a different colour or a noticeable breed, again they wouldnt have been shot..

I caught a wolfy x and a shepherd a couple of months ago. Returned them to their owner twice. Have caught 2 bitch pups and 4 male pups at seperate times.. Closest house to where they were caught would be over a km.. Thankfully none of them had been chasing cattle.

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I think jerojath got it in one. It's the law of the land.. How much stock are you expected to lose trying to catch them? Or risk yourself being seriously injured if u get in the way of a wild dog and it's meal? Don't look back now what's happened has happened and maybe now after 3 tragic deaths they will be a little more careful with their pets. I'd expect nothing less from my father in law and uncles who are all on property. The turkey to them would be like someone taking $50 from them.

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