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Puppy Frieght Question


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I just booked my puppies flight from Adelaide to Perth and have a question regarding what the bloke told me over the phone.

He said tell the breeder not to feed him that morning and no water for 3 hours before the flight, I can understand not feeding him but I don't like the idea of him not having any water all morning (the flight is at 12:05) and then not having anything until he gets to Perth 2.5 hours later?!

Is there any particular reason for the no water? I really don't like the sound of it. :thumbsup: I'm sure it will be quite warm on the plane aswell..

Maybe I'm worrying for nothing but I have never done this before.

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More probabaly to avoid the pup being uncomforable sitting in a puddle of pee or being sick. You could probabaly give it a small amount of water some also I think place a frozen bottle of water with the dog so that it can lick the moisture off the outside of the bottle. Given that they say flying is quiet dehydrating and you don't know how long the dog may be waiting on the hot tarmac to be loaded I wouldn't want to hold off on all water. You could always put an old towel in the bottom of the crate to soak up any accidents.

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Is that the only time the pup can fly out??

I fly often but wouldn't chose a midday flight in summer to depart.

The generally suggest limiting the water because if the crate is soiled before leaving they won't load the pup.

I do fly with water containers or guinea pig waters in my crates & never had an issue.I freeze the water bowls

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Obviously to avoid vomiting and choking in case of trauma.

Your breeder should be able to assess whether the pup is a traveller or not.

I sent a pup to Hawaii out of our last litter and he became nauseous just travelling to the Vet for his pre-ops.

Heraldus needed Cerenia for travel nausea. The breeders Vet could assist with travel sickness if necessary.

Nevertheless, we handed him over to Jetpets and he arrived in excellent condition.

I had puppies shipped to me with frozen bottles because the freight lines don't like to deal with mess.

However, my last pup was held over at Mascot for six hours (two flights) because passenger luggage gets priority, but he was watered off-plane.

There are differing opinions.


Why are you organising the freight? What is the breeder doing?

I always organise freight and include it in the cost of the pup (domestic shipping only)

Edited by pewithers
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Giving our pups a drink is the final thing that I do before putting them on the plane. They are better off remaining hydrated and doing a wee on their bedding than the other way around.

Where a stop over check has been booked, due to flights not connecting quickly, my pups are offered water at that time too.

I've lost count of the number of pups I've flown over the years, including the central NSW to Perth. None of the pups have ever arrived stressed in any way, the last one did a poo but who could blame a young puppy for that.

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I personally would never send a pup at that time in summer. :thumbsup:

I would get up for the 4am flight and I also give the pup a drink before leaving me at the airport.

Make sure the breeder puts in a frozen water bottle with the pup to keep it cool and it can also lick the condinsation (sp) off the bottle.


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I would have much prefered he be on the early morning plane however there is no convincing his breeder to wake that early.

pewithers - The breeder asked me to organise the freight, I didn't think anything of it, didn't realise some breeders do it themselves.

I'm going to request he gives our boy a little drink before his trip as readysetgo mentioned.

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I would have much prefered he be on the early morning plane however there is no convincing his breeder to wake that early.

That is a shame i gather they won't do the last night flight either ??

Are you doing it through Qantas or Virgin??

Are you hiring or buying a crate??

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I have flown lots of pups with DogTainers in Melbourne and they always crate them with a water bowl before shipping them out.

I wait with the pups until they leave for the terminal so I see them watered every time.

Only one pup has ever peed his crate and that was after a long delay for a flight to Perth.

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I have flown a couple of pups & kittens interstate. A few days before I buy one of those rabbit water bottles that attach to the crate & they lick the spout to get water. They soon learn to use it.

For a short flight I wouldn't worry but 2 went on longer trips & I was not happy leaving tiny animals without a drink for so long.

Flight is 2.5 hours but you have to get pup to the airport 1.5 hours before hand, then there is unloading time at the other end.

If pup is not toy breed & its going to be cool in Adelaide for the next few days I guess it will be fine without a drink in the crate

for 4 to 5 hours but do give a drink before putting in the crate.

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