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Sunshine Coast Meet


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My plans for this Sunday just got cancelled so I can make it now :rofl:

Quinn can be pretty shy when meeting new dogs/people but she does warm up and I think it would be a good experience for her so long as she can get out of the way when she wants to. Plus i'd really like to meet some DOLers.

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MM - to me it seemed tiny, I didn't even bother getting Molly out the car! But then again at least there wouldn't be hoards of people/dogs there....

There is another fully fenced dog park in Buderim which is much bigger but also busier too.

I really don't mind where or when...Molly and I are easy :thumbsup:

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You guys just pick whatever time suits the majority and hopefully I can make it to the next one :D starting at 12 just means not being able to stick around for a decent time no matter what time we end up with.

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Hi All,

I am from Southside of Brisbane but would be keen to come to a Sunny Coast meet also. Love to meet some more Dolers/responsible dog owners :rasberry:. Seems like a lot of people can't make it this weekend (I wouldn't be able to either). Maybe next weekend Saturday or Sunday would be better? Just a suggestions otherwise I will try to make it to any in the future :laugh:

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yep maybe make it another weekend. I am easy as to where and when. I mentioned the fenced park at Nicklin Way because it was the only one I knew around the area, and Jessies recall isn't the greatest so not sure how she would go at a non fenced park all razzed up with excitement of meeting all the doggies :rasberry:

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