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Some Ideas Needed Please

Guest Willow

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Guest Willow

Jarrah sleeps on the sofa at night or when we go out, which isn't a major deal in itself....I couldn't give a rats' to be honest, because he doesn't get up there when I'm sitting there. The only reason I don't like it is because of the "dog smell" he leaves behind....he's a clean dog and is bathed regularly, but you know how old dogs sometimes have that sort of greasy smell?

Anyway, I've been putting the dining chairs up there to prevent this from happening, but it's annoying, and it means if we come home I have to move them all before i can let my daughter loose in the house because it's dangerous in case one of them falls on her.

I have tried just putting a big sheet over sofa, but he twirls it into a nest & it ends up covering nothing. I thought about using big sheets of card, but the cats would just shred them.

The covers are washable, but I haven't got time to be washing them every couple of days. I also don't want to use somehting like Febreeze because I don't like spraying chemicals around willy nilly.

Any ideas, beacause I'm fresh out??? :heart:

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Can you get something like a Backseat Buddy and use the straps that's on it to attach it to the backseat of the car to hold it in place on your sofa?

The Reject Shop have cheap ones, and I got one from Autobarn....not the Backseat Buddy brand, but the same type of thing.

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I used to put piles of tin cans on top of the chairs I didn't want my dog on. I put a yogurt lid under the bottom can to stop rust stains, but a rag would probably do. The idea is if dog gets up the cans fall down and rattle and dog gets off.

Worked for my dog. However I never put the cans on the sofa cos I don't mind her up there and don't notice the smell.

Note - sofa has on top of the covers, a blanket, two flanny sheets, a cotton double sheet, and some towels and rugs. Ie it's a long way down to the actual sofa.

Edited by Mrs Rusty Bucket
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what about spraying him with a doggy deodoriser, this will leave him and what he lays on smelling pretty, i use this with mollie,

have no idea what it is called, i got it from the groomer we use she just put some in a spray bottle for me, so maybe if you use a groomer or know of one you may be able to pick some up

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Guest Willow
I used to put piles of tin cans on top of the chairs I didn't want my dog on. I put a yogurt lid under the bottom can to stop rust stains, but a rag would probably do. The idea is if dog gets up the cans fall down and rattle and dog gets off.

Worked for my dog. However I never put the cans on the sofa cos I don't mind her up there and don't notice the smell.

Note - sofa has on top of the covers, a blanket, two flanny sheets, a cotton double sheet, and some towels and rugs. Ie it's a long way down to the actual sofa.

hehe...he's a staffy....he wouln't notice the cans....would just curl up on whatever was there :laugh:

what about spraying him with a doggy deodoriser, this will leave him and what he lays on smelling pretty, i use this with mollie,

have no idea what it is called, i got it from the groomer we use she just put some in a spray bottle for me, so maybe if you use a groomer or know of one you may be able to pick some up

I want to avoid chemical deodorisers really.

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My dogs sleep up on the couch .......I got some really big Indira bedspreads from Ikea that tuck in under the cushions and over the back ones ( if that makes sense :laugh: ) ......more because they are very hairy beasts than the smell :( ........it is really easy to just whip them off and chuck in the wash when needed .......also help to keep the sofa clean from toddler dirt and drool too :love:

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hehe...he's a staffy....he wouln't notice the cans....would just curl up on whatever was there

the idea is the tin cans would be noisy and the noise would repel.

My brother's staffy is terrified of loud noises - so it works on her.

Have you tried rattling a few tin cans at your dog to see how he reacts? If he backs off - they will stop him getting on the couch.

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Guest Willow
hehe...he's a staffy....he wouln't notice the cans....would just curl up on whatever was there

the idea is the tin cans would be noisy and the noise would repel.

My brother's staffy is terrified of loud noises - so it works on her.

Have you tried rattling a few tin cans at your dog to see how he reacts? If he backs off - they will stop him getting on the couch.

I don't want to frighten him (or my other dog who would also be affected, for whatever he happened to be doing at the time).....I have another dog who is very reactive to noise, whose nerves would be a jangling mess after a couple fo goes at this (you weren't to know that though!)

Shut him out of the room with the sofa or put him in a crate when you are out or at nighttime

no room for crates, although this is a sensible solution. I probably didn't elaborate, but this room has the aircon too.

The washing basket idea is a good one.....as long as I resist the urge to fill them with laundry that never gets put away :laugh: They could live under the sofa when not in use.

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Hamlet 'owns' our couch..no one else uses it much. I have a large old curtain on it as a cover... one of the sun proofed/waterproof ones . then, over that goes his sheet/pillow. The lower waterproof layer means couch stays ok :heart: He hates lying on the couch without his covers ! :laugh:

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On the one fabric sofa I tuck a single bed waterproof mattress protector around the seat cushions and throw a bedspread over the top. Keeps the smell out of the cushions.

that would work too....a fitted sheet would mean he wouldn't be able to twirl it into oblivion.

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Hi Willow

I understand about the possible over reaction to falling cans.

However the dog would not associate the cans or noise with you - just the now evil sofa... Ah well.

Motion triggered air freshener?

Who knows what my poor noise-phobic dog would associate it with...he's drinking from the water bowl and Jarrah jumps on the couch and all the cans fall off....to him now water bowl = scary...do you see what I was meaning.

An aversive noise doesn't just affect the dog jumping on the couch, it affects the other one too, who in effect is being punished for whatever he is doing when the other dog triggers the noise.

ETA: this isn't about punishin or frightening anyone....I don't care if he sleeps on there I just want to prevent him from making it smell....if there is no way to do this I'll use a physical barrier, but I'm not about to turn the sofa "evil" on them.....

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