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When Buying From A Registered Breeder Poll 1


When looking for a Registered puppy  

220 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you care about the breeders website when choosing a breeder?

    • YES - I like a good flashy website
    • No - I don't care
    • N/A
  2. 2. Would you buy from a Regsitered breeder who was not a member of there BREED club?

    • Yes
    • No
    • N/A
  3. 3. How long would you wait for a Registered puppy from your chosen breeder?

    • 1-3 months
    • 3 -6 months
    • 6 - 12 months
    • 1 - 2 years
    • 2 - 3 years
    • 4 - 5 years
    • N/A

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I don't care if a website is "flashy", but when choosing a breeder I do need details of their dogs' achievements, pedigrees & health tests, and a good website is one way of me getting that information easily.

I also quite like seeing what my dog's siblings and parents are up to on my breeder's website. Although that wouldn't sway my decision to buy from a breeder, I do appreciate it.

I expect that a novice dog owner would be more attracted to a flashy ("professional") website, than someone that already knew exactly what they wanted in a dog & breeder.

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I'm replying as to what I would do in the future.

I own 2 purebred dogs. Would I buy from the same breeders again? Probably not.

I've learnt a lot since buying my dogs (and will continue to learn). When the time comes to think about adding another dog, I know that I'll be a lot more cautious when looking for a breeder.

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I must admit, I don't really bother with breeders that don't have websites. I want to see pictures of their dogs and read about them before I make contact with them. I don't want to waste my time or theirs, when I can find out what I need to know by looking at their website first. (It doesn't have to be flashy though).

Whether they are a member of their breed club or not never crossed my mind. It really doesn't matter to me I guess.

I chose 6-12 months for the last question. I waited 10 months for Kyojin and that felt like such a long time, as we didn't have any other dogs at the time. That was not 10 months of waiting for the one breeder though, that was 10 months of waiting from any breeder in Aus.

ETA: That I will use the same breeder in the future. One, because they are absolutely fantastic. And two, because I am still waiting for the rest to get back to me :heart:

Edited by Minxy (Kyojin)
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I like a flashy website but that's not the be all and end all :heart: I like the information they contain, up to me to research on whether it's the truth.

I don't have a breed club, closest is the whippet and greyhound club of SA.

Will wait for as long as it takes normally but put down 1 - 2 years.

eta fix grammer

Edited by Rebanne
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I expect that a novice dog owner would be more attracted to a flashy ("professional") website, than someone that already knew exactly what they wanted in a dog & breeder.

I second this.

It's hard for me to vote as I look at things differently now that I have James. When looking for James (who the first and only dog I've ever owned) a website was important. Obviously not too important as we ended up with a breeder who didn't have one. But, nonetheless, a professional-looking, informative website does have a lot of impact.

I couldn't say, in regards to the breed club. It makes no difference to me one way or another. Possibly because I don't understand the implications of breed club membership.

And thirdly, with the first dog, I was looking to wait 1-3 months. In future dogs, depending on the breed, I would be willing to wait up to a year.

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A good website doesn't mean 'flashy".

I recently bought a mature dog from a breeder, and studying the website gave me an indication of the type of dog, etc.

Some i looked at i wouldn't touch ,just on the look of the website and how they described their dogs.

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I don't care if a website is "flashy", but when choosing a breeder I do need details of their dogs' achievements, pedigrees & health tests, and a good website is one way of me getting that information easily.

I also quite like seeing what my dog's siblings and parents are up to on my breeder's website. Although that wouldn't sway my decision to buy from a breeder, I do appreciate it.

I expect that a novice dog owner would be more attracted to a flashy ("professional") website, than someone that already knew exactly what they wanted in a dog & breeder.

I agree with you.

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I prefer that they *have* a website, and one that's up to date (pet peeve of mine with breeders websites), but it doesn't have to be flashy. More info, more pics, less flash would be my preference. No trailing twinkies or music though, that would turn me right off.

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How long would you wait for a Registered puppy from your chosen breeder?

How about I WANT IT NOW!!????

I go on a cat forum and breeders often complain that people want the kitten now, and early, and even pull out at the last moment cause they get one elsewhere.

We are a society that wants INSTANT gratification, unfortunately

Edited by Annie99
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A good website doesn't mean 'flashy".

I agree, I used this word as it was how breeder's websites were being referred to in the thread that prompted me to start the polls.

Any website with music is a HUGE turn off, I hate it! :heart:

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Portia's breeder didn't have a website, and she still doesn't. Sometimes they aren't necessary.

She has her current show team on the DOL profiles though. This is how I determined that I liked her type and what she was breeding.

I would buy from a breeder who wasn't a member of the breed club. Just because someone has a membership, to me, it doesn't mean an awful lot. They may have just joined for the status and not be active in any capacity, or may not attend the club shows. For what it's worth, I'm not yet a member of either of my breed clubs (there are 2; NSW and VIC, neither of which are applicable to me) but I am considering joining one of them in the near future.

For Portia, I waited 6-12 months for her. For the right dog from the right breeder, I would wait as long as it took.

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We are a society that wants INSTANT gratification, unfortunately

Yep that's so true. And therein lies the problem, I think. Tackle that need to have one popped out of the freezer or oven right now and really, I think that's a massive hurdle when it comes to Joe Public. Not sure what breeders can do about this.

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A good website doesn't mean 'flashy".

I agree, I used this word as it was how breeder's websites were being referred to in the thread that prompted me to start the polls.

Any website with music is a HUGE turn off, I hate it! :cheer:

I think I was the one who referred to some breeder's websites as flashy - perhaps I should have said "polished" or "professional looking" instead, as that's what I meant, in the sense that I think these things are likely to attract novice dog owners (definitely was not meaning twinkly tacky music type flashy!) :heart:

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I would buy from a breeder who wasn't a member of the breed club. Just because someone has a membership, to me, it doesn't mean an awful lot. They may have just joined for the status and not be active in any capacity, or may not attend the club shows.

Having seen the breeding practices of some of the members of my breed clubs, a breeder having membership means little to me too. :heart:

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first question I answered No, some people arent too good with technology and sometimes so much misrepresting info can be posted on websites... I like to talk to the people and find out the info directly from the horses mouth.

Second Question I put N/A as there arent always breed clubs available in certain states. Also there can be so much conflict in breed clubs sometimes, its not worth being a member of

i would probably wait 1-2 years for a show prospect, I think it would be less if I was in the market for a pet though.

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I would buy from a breeder who wasn't a member of the breed club. Just because someone has a membership, to me, it doesn't mean an awful lot. They may have just joined for the status and not be active in any capacity, or may not attend the club shows.

Having seen the breeding practices of some of the members of my breed clubs, a breeder having membership means little to me too. :D

I'm willing to bet some breeders join purely to get themselves on the puppy list! :cheer:

Although if I do join one of the 2 clubs I won't be able to do an awful lot from up here, it would be useful for me to see what's happening elsewhere in the country, get the materials (magazines etc) and most importantly, club show schedules! :heart: My goal in the next year or 2 is to go south for a specialty, and I'm sure the Vic club has a very respected international breed specialist judge contracted soon.

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I put NO, I don't care about the website, having said that my old golden breeders have a great website which is very informative but not really flashy. Their studs and the girls and their achievements are on there including progeny achievements which could be any sport or show, or just a best friend :heart:

I would prefer that the breeders belong to breed club and all of my pedigree dog breeders have been members of both kennel club and breed club.

I would wait 1 to 2 years then give up, I am getting older :cheer:

I don't have a pure breed right now I have my kelpie x who came to me as a foster and also an ancient golden who is a long term foster.

I actually will be more interested in socialisation and health care than websites and breed clubs but would expect active involvement in ANKC, or similar, if an import.

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