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Trembling, Not Eating


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Wondering if anybody has an ideas..... my 6 yr old girl refused her breakfast this morning, is just sitting (when usually bouncy & merry) and trembling. I can't work out what seems to be wrong. She's up to date with vaccs, heartworm, advantix etc - just out of sorts which is so unlike her. She took her breakfast (chicken wing) - put it down and turned her head away from it :crossfingers: almost as if she was angry with the chicken.

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It sounds as if she is in pain..or suffering extreme anxiety.. and,to be sure, you need to phone a vet .She could have any number of injuries/problems... some of them serious - so a call to a vet now will hopefully stop it getting worse.

Hope you can get it sorted soon.

Edited by persephone
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I was wondering if she was fretting for my husband, who she adores and has been away for a week or so, but every so often she groans. I've got a vet appoint in 30 mins. I let my other girl in to see how she reacted, hid herself away from her - not interested.

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Just back from the vet. Undiagnosed. No pyometra, no UTI, no temp, nothing obvious..... All I can do is keep an eye on her and see how the day progresses. There seems to be stomach pain as I have been lifting her in and out of the car, where normally she has jumped in before I can help her. Although the vet did all the prodding with no reaction from her.

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I had a dog with pancreatitis some years ago, extreme stomach pain - he was very "twisted" when he had the first attack. Gums look similar colour to her sister. I initially thought her back, but she doesn't react at all if I depress along her spine.

Still very sooky, no change really, although no longer as trembly. OH should be back soon; hopefully she's just missing him.

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Dougal how is she? How are her poos? Any sign of blood? Also Persephone asked about her gum colour/refill time? Are her gums tacky to feel? Has the trembling decreased since she has had something to drink? The first time my westie girl had HGE the young vet missed it - and its serious. I don't want to panic you as its tremendously difficult to know over a forum - but if any of these are happening I suggest you get back to the vet, and maybe get a second opinion quick smart.

Edited by westiemum
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I rang my normal vet this afternoon. He suspects an inflamed disc or a tick. Even though she's had Advantix he has asked me to search for a tick (my other dog has just recovered from a tick). Tried a number of things he suggested but can't find anything at the moment. The inclination towards a tick is because she hasn't barked.....and I can't get her to (but then neither is her sister....maybe too hot)

She has taken a little water. Have been through her with a fine tooth comb for a tick - nothing yet. Got her lead out, she chirped up a bit with that, but still didn't bark (which she normally does). Walked her around, no loss of movement in the rear. Movement looks fine.

Thinking with the disc is because she would normally jump into my car - but didn't this morning. When my OH picked her up she squealed. Normally she runs and jumps into his lap when he gets home. Sat at his feet and waited for me to lift her.

I'm starting think something with her neck. She normally sleeps with her head on her feet, today she hasn't. She has dozed off with her head resting on my leg. Gums look OK ie similar to her sister.

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Don't forget to check the webbing between her toes, her anus and under her tail and have the vet check her ear canals with an auroscope for ticks... ie check every orifice!

I rang my normal vet this afternoon. He suspects an inflamed disc or a tick. Even though she's had Advantix he has asked me to search for a tick (my other dog has just recovered from a tick). Tried a number of things he suggested but can't find anything at the moment. The inclination towards a tick is because she hasn't barked.....and I can't get her to (but then neither is her sister....maybe too hot)

She has taken a little water. Have been through her with a fine tooth comb for a tick - nothing yet. Got her lead out, she chirped up a bit with that, but still didn't bark (which she normally does). Walked her around, no loss of movement in the rear. Movement looks fine.

Thinking with the disc is because she would normally jump into my car - but didn't this morning. When my OH picked her up she squealed. Normally she runs and jumps into his lap when he gets home. Sat at his feet and waited for me to lift her.

I'm starting think something with her neck. She normally sleeps with her head on her feet, today she hasn't. She has dozed off with her head resting on my leg. Gums look OK ie similar to her sister.

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Hi clyde - no different dog, I'm just having a really good week. :thumbsup: On the bright side, my other girl has recovered really well.

Westiemum - all good re ticks - she got every bit of skin checked (inside mouth etc). the strange thing was that she was presenting very differently to tick paralysis, but because my other girl had had one, it was the first area for concern

Went to the normal vet today. She has injured her neck and back. On meds for 10-12 days, then review. Apparently the breed are susceptible to inflamed discs, back trouble.

Think I've had my quota of vet visits for 2011!

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I know this will sound unsual, but when did you apply Advantix? I had 3 poodles suffer different reactions when I used Advantix on them, one ended up in Vet Hospital because he acted as if he had a Paralysis Tick, the other shook and shivered in the corner even after washing her 6 or 7 times and another just had a mild irritation on the back of her neck when touched. Good luck with her.

I rang my normal vet this afternoon. He suspects an inflamed disc or a tick. Even though she's had Advantix he has asked me to search for a tick (my other dog has just recovered from a tick). Tried a number of things he suggested but can't find anything at the moment. The inclination towards a tick is because she hasn't barked.....and I can't get her to (but then neither is her sister....maybe too hot)

She has taken a little water. Have been through her with a fine tooth comb for a tick - nothing yet. Got her lead out, she chirped up a bit with that, but still didn't bark (which she normally does). Walked her around, no loss of movement in the rear. Movement looks fine.

Thinking with the disc is because she would normally jump into my car - but didn't this morning. When my OH picked her up she squealed. Normally she runs and jumps into his lap when he gets home. Sat at his feet and waited for me to lift her.

I'm starting think something with her neck. She normally sleeps with her head on her feet, today she hasn't. She has dozed off with her head resting on my leg. Gums look OK ie similar to her sister.

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Don't you hate it when they become all brave at the vet and then you go home non the wiser to when you arrived. Fingers cross she improves and just has some tummy pains that go away.

My previous kerry was like that. It's generally adrenaline, I think.

Mini did this and the vet took bloods, temp, etc, and put it down to an infection. She had a course of anti-biotics and was okay in a few days but then it happened again. Vet put her on Rimadyl but she was okay the next day. No idea what it was.

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The vet was not aware of poodles having a greater chance of a reaction, but Bayer acknowledged that Poodles are more likely to react when I contacted them. It is just not common knowledge, even with the vendors selling the product.

Hope your girl is feeling much better today.

Firefly - about 8 days ago. Both my girls have been on it for 5-6 years without any adverse reaction. Did the vet suggest that similar responses have occurred as with your poodles?
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