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Pack Dog Promblems Help Please


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Hi , everyone .

Was'nt sure where to put this. I bought my self a show bitch , she is 8mths old , she is very soft in nature and gentle .

i have tow boys 1 thats nearly 9 years old desxed , and a 4 year old thats desxed only in august this year the boys are tervuern belgian shepherd and the girl is a gronedale belgian shepherd .

ok so now for the promblems i got her 4 days ago and when i got her we walked all dogs around the block then i intoduced them in yard on the leads . then from there they seem fine til 40 minutes later jasper started pinning her down and she squeals but he didnt hurt her . he does it when someone is at gate and when summa my other belgian barks he will go for her and make her drop he does this at her side of her neck . she was wary of him but does go up to him now . i was thinking of getting a proffessional trainer out as i dont want her to fear tervuerns when i show her . ?????

he is also a very dominate dog at feed time and she wont eat atm but i have tried getting her to eat inside i think this is a settle down period ? as i rang the breeder and asked her what she feed her got everything and she wouldnt eat it but she is drinking .

he is very dominate at feed time i put owu three beef brisket bones 1 to summa then 1 to him then one to my new dog and he took his the went up and growled at her she rolled over and he took it .

any ideas on what to do he is very obdient , he sit stays drops , and does listen to me but the cheeky bugger is doing this when im inside the house he waits til im inside .

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i was thinking of getting a proffessional trainer out as i dont want her to fear tervuerns when i show her . ?????

Sounds like a very good idea, and apart from that this could escalate into something more serious very quickly. I would separate them until (if) a professional deems them safe to run together.

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thanks i do have a frount yard but he digs to get to her , he doesnt do this at night only at feed times and when someone is at frount gate .

im wondering could this be a settling in period ????

and what is the settling in period ???

i have booked in trainer he is coming out in 2 weeks .

she is inside atm as its so hot and has come from victoria and i live in nsw centralcoast so i think that could be why she is ooff her food change of climate and the heat here is hot

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i have booked in trainer he is coming out in 2 weeks .

she is inside atm as its so hot and has come from victoria and i live in nsw centralcoast so i think that could be why she is ooff her food change of climate and the heat here is hot

Good to hear about the trainer. One strategy for separation, particularly when dogs are kept indoors, is called "crate and rotate". That is where one dog runs free while the other is crated. Then every hour or two you swap them over. You can do the same thing with one dog indoors while the other is outdoors, when the weather is a bit cooler.

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Separate them when you're not present until you can get the trainer out.

I wouldn't let the male bully the female. If she's new to your property, you're going to build your relationship with her by showing that you'll protect her. Letting another dog bully her is doing the opposite - it's showing her that you won't protect her.

I'd especially feed them separately. Sounds like she might be too intimidated to eat, poor girl.

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