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Advice Needed - Sneezing


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hey every one,

just wanted to find out, my mollie started sneezing really bad on boxing day, so bad she was bleeding from her nose, gave her an iceblock and washed her face, she did have some dirt on her nose, and whilst she was on my lap she stopped sneezing, once i put her down she stared again, the bleeding stopped but she kept sneezing, over the next few days the sneezing was much less but still there and no more bleeding,

took her to the vet and he gave her antihistamines, vet said if the sneezing did not stop to bring her back and he will put her under and check up her nose for a grass seed or something that she could have sniffed up,

the tablets have helped enourmously, but she still has a sneeze in the morning and in the evening, just b4 or after her tablets, nothing anywhere like she was off the tablets, just one or two sneezes, went to the vet today to get more antihistamines and was told because she was still sneezing she has to come in and go under to investigate why she is sneezing,

he checked her nose when we went in the first time, he asked if there was a discharge and what sort it was - it was clear

she is not off her food - wishfull thinking as she is a pig

she is her normal hyper self, not lethargic or anything, still playing, running ect,

only thing that has changed is that she is actully going for walks now and enjoying it - a christmas miracle lol

what i want to know is with hayfever in dogs do they still sneeze a little whilst on the antihistamines or should it stop completely, cause i suffer hayfever myself and still get the sneezes whilst on my antihistamines, i just don't want to subject her to an operation unecessarly,

if anyone has experienced hayfever in dogs and used antihistamines could give me advice it would be great

thanks everyone :laugh:

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My Pug boy had a grass seed up his nose. A full blown seed. He actually sneezed and also

hyper salivated quite a bit. When the vet examined him he sneezed and we actually saw a tiny bit ot the seed in the nostril. They knocked him out and removed it. Good as gold although I'm still surprised a seed so big could get up his nostril.

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My Pug boy had a grass seed up his nose. A full blown seed. He actually sneezed and also

hyper salivated quite a bit. When the vet examined him he sneezed and we actually saw a tiny bit ot the seed in the nostril. They knocked him out and removed it. Good as gold although I'm still surprised a seed so big could get up his nostril.

poor little mite, glad he is better

mollie isn't salivating, she just had a runny nose, now on the antihistamines the runny nose has stopped

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