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Dog Ate Chocolate


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Hey guys...our most recent addition, Jag the Bichon, has eaten around 200mg of dark darrell lea ginger chocolate. My friend and I came home from a haircut to find he had gone through her luggage and eaten it... There was more chocolate, but that was all he ate. We took him right down to the vet my sister works at (2mins away) and since it was less than 2 hours since he ate it, they've probably induced vomiting.

Has anyone had an experience like this? I'm a vet nurse myself but haven't worked in the industry long enough to see a chocolate case yet. I'm very worried as our other Bichon died in Feb last year (natural causes/old age), and he is my mum's dog. I don't think she can handle another one. :thumbsup:

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Fingers crossed that Jag is OK - haven't had a chocolate poisoning myself although my Whippet pup did manage to steal some white chocolate fairly recently - at the time I did find this link that a DOLer posted some time ago extremely helpful :laugh:


Hope all is well! Dark chocolate is one of the worst :thumbsup:

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Thanks guys...he is around 8 kilos and 160g of dark is apparently potentially deadly but we will have to see, he is in the best care as you said. And yeah, it was 200g not mg...so frazzled right now argh! Just glad my friend noticed or we may have found a dead dog. :thumbsup:

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My boy managed to get a hold of some chocolate this morning. I'm not sure how much he actually got, but it was at the very most a quarter of one of those Cadbury chocolate blocks. We knew he hadn't eaten remotely enough to be fatal, but as he did a sloppy poo inside the house right afterward, we knew it was enough to upset his tummy that a trip straight to the vet was in order. Now, I can't remember exactly the specifics of everything as I'm at work, and OH was the one who has taken the day off to look after him, but from memory the vet said that for Kyojin's weight (30kg) he would have to eat about 1.2kg of chocolate for it to be toxic. But to be on the safe side, he gave Kyojin a maxilon injection and something to line his stomach to protect it from the acidity of this stuff we have to give him 10ml of 3 times a day (not sure for how long). I think he also induced vomiting.

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