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Hi :) Help With Bloodline Please


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If this dog is in QLD, council has the power to collect it and destroy it if they find out about it.

You can't register a pitbull or pitbull cross, and 'staffie cross' can't have red noses. What would you register this dog as?

I think the OP might need to put some consideration into how she is going to keep the dog alive and safe, instead of worrying about its 'bloodlines' and other things that don't really matter.

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if you get caught with one the fine is a minimum of $1000. They also cannot be registered anywhere in Australia

I was under the impression you could have one in NT or ACT? Or is this not the case?

I was just going by what my council has said. So sorry if it came across wrong. I have now learnt that you can have them in some parts of Aus but you still cannot have them in QLD

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Lecture is one way to look at it. If the OP doesn't keep that dog underground, it's life is at risk.

If the general public are still uneducated to think that they can legally keep a pitbull in QLD, or that you can tell a dog's 'bloodlines' by its appearance, many more lectures are necessary.


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Sheridan, yes I see your point. But lets face it it is a person asking for a guess on a pedigree on a dog that obviously doesnt have one....to relate to someone else who has a similar interest in like breeds. One hopes the interest in a pedigee 'type' is because they are interested in perpetuating this 'type". Now that should be made illegal, to my knowledge it hasnt as yet...ask the shelters that overflow with 'type' dogs.

Agreed though the dog looks very healthy and happy. No pedigree, no matter should the owner be responsible and desex.

Edit add: If the dog is to be treated as a normal pet in the councils view think carefully about it parentage.

Edited by redangel
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Sheridan, yes I see your point. But lets face it it is a person asking for a guess on a pedigree on a dog that obviously doesnt have one....to relate to someone else who has a similar interest in like breeds. One hopes the interest in a pedigee 'type' is because they are interested in perpetuating this 'type". Now that should be made illegal, to my knowledge it hasnt as yet...ask the shelters that overflow with 'type' dogs.

Agreed though the dog looks very healthy and happy. No pedigree, no matter should the owner be responsible and desex.

Owning an APBT in Qld is illegal. Breeding them in Qld is illegal. OP and her OH have two young bull breed mix males - no way would I be recommending she keep this dog entire for a raft of reasons including pack management. As for breeding them - no way in the OP's state of residence.

My guess is that she's curious about what's behind her dog. He looks crossbred to me but the authority on what his breeding is would be the person who bred him.

I'd not be recommending a person with a dog like this be posting pics on him on a public forum and advertising the fact he's in Qld. Its potentially endangering the dog. Yep, that's probably a "lecture" but a dog's life is at stake.

I'd love to lecture people who breed such dogs and sell them to unsuspecting buyers in BSL states - its heartbreak waiting to happen. :rofl::

If you want a dog of this type and you live in Qld, an ANKC registered Amstaff is the only safe way to go.

Edited by poodlefan
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My understanding was that you couldn't import them into Australia and that they couldn't be bred, but excepting individual state and territory laws, they are not technically illegal to own. They just make it all but impossible.

I think pitbulls are just gorgeous and I'm glad to see this one has a kind, loving home and is being well trained. :rofl:

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My understanding was that you couldn't import them into Australia and that they couldn't be bred, but excepting individual state and territory laws, they are not technically illegal to own. They just make it all but impossible.

I think pitbulls are just gorgeous and I'm glad to see this one has a kind, loving home and is being well trained. :rofl:

You can breed them in the ACT. There are no APBT specific laws here either.

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My understanding was that you couldn't import them into Australia and that they couldn't be bred, but excepting individual state and territory laws, they are not technically illegal to own. They just make it all but impossible.

I think pitbulls are just gorgeous and I'm glad to see this one has a kind, loving home and is being well trained. :rofl:

You can breed them in the ACT. There are no APBT specific laws here either.

I always new Canberrans had good sense!

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My understanding was that you couldn't import them into Australia and that they couldn't be bred, but excepting individual state and territory laws, they are not technically illegal to own. They just make it all but impossible.

I think pitbulls are just gorgeous and I'm glad to see this one has a kind, loving home and is being well trained. :rofl:

It has been illegal to breed or buy one for many years in QLD. It is this dog's breeder that is putting unsuspecting and uneducated public at risk of losing their loved pet dogs in this state. That really is appalling conduct and needs more than a lecture.

This dog clearly is very gorgeous, and destroying it would be a terrible waste for all concerned.

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After reading both posts owners seem to be a tad irresponsible. I don't think either of them are fully aware of the possible problems both of their dogs could face in the future if they are not very very careful. Irresponsible owners are part of the reason these dogs are in so much danger. I hope they both wise up and do the right thing with these dogs. FYI Millions of "pit type" dogs are euthanized every year just for the way they look so PLEASE be so careful with these two beauties otherwise you could lose them.

I wouldn't be worrying about pedigree because it is very unlikely you can get a pedigree pit bull anywhere in Australia due to importation laws.

Looks like a Dogue De Bordeaux X Bull type to me as someone said before. Also seems quite large for 22 weeks.

Edited by Keira&Phoenix
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It has been illegal to breed or buy one for many years in QLD. It is this dog's breeder that is putting unsuspecting and uneducated public at risk of losing their loved pet dogs in this state. That really is appalling conduct and needs more than a lecture.

I agree. If a person really loves and wishes to preserve a restricted breed then move to somewhere that it's legal to breed and sell to homes where it's legal to own. How any breeder can home a puppy into a state where it's looks alone could be it's death sentence is beyond me.

To be honest though I don't think that the majority of the general public have any idea about BSL - Not like the information is widely available unless you are actively looking for it. The most mention I have come across where I live is a small section in a booklet I picked up from my local council (you and your dog - The Dog and Cat Management Board of SA) which states the following:

Restricted Breeds of Dogs

It is an offence to give away, sell or advertise the follwing breeds of dogs:

*American Pit Bull Terriers

*Fila Braziliero

*Japanese Tosa

*Dogo Argentina

*Presa Canario

By law these dogs must be desexed, and must wear a collar (as specified by the Dog and Cat Management Board), lead and muzzle when out in public.

No mention of illegal to breed or illegal to own, (though there is mention of desexing which if followed obviously makes breeding impossible), no mention that the council can sieze and destroy these dogs if they so choose to and no mention of the fact that crosses of these breeds can also be affected, nothing to explain that unless they have papers to prove otherwise that their dog can be declared by council as one of these breeds...

And keep in mind that this booklet is not actively given to dog owners, just placed on the rack for anyone that cares to take one home and read it.

On top of that most people seem to think that if their dog is registered/microchipped as a "staffy" or "staffy cross" that they are fine.

Actually I heard a brilliant one yesterday; "Red nosed pits are smaller than black nosed pits because they are a different breed. So if dogs mother was a red nose and dad was a black nose it is a staffy cross and the council can't do anything". And how does the person know this? Because they "know people that own both breeds and know breeders."

errrrrrrrr right....

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Sheridan, yes I see your point. But lets face it it is a person asking for a guess on a pedigree on a dog that obviously doesnt have one....to relate to someone else who has a similar interest in like breeds. One hopes the interest in a pedigee 'type' is because they are interested in perpetuating this 'type". Now that should be made illegal, to my knowledge it hasnt as yet...ask the shelters that overflow with 'type' dogs.

Agreed though the dog looks very healthy and happy. No pedigree, no matter should the owner be responsible and desex.

Owning an APBT in Qld is illegal. Breeding them in Qld is illegal. OP and her OH have two young bull breed mix males - no way would I be recommending she keep this dog entire for a raft of reasons including pack management. As for breeding them - no way in the OP's state of residence.

My guess is that she's curious about what's behind her dog. He looks crossbred to me but the authority on what his breeding is would be the person who bred him.

I'd not be recommending a person with a dog like this be posting pics on him on a public forum and advertising the fact he's in Qld. Its potentially endangering the dog. Yep, that's probably a "lecture" but a dog's life is at stake.

I'd love to lecture people who breed such dogs and sell them to unsuspecting buyers in BSL states - its heartbreak waiting to happen. :thumbsup::

If you want a dog of this type and you live in Qld, an ANKC registered Amstaff is the only safe way to go.

Good lecture ;) :)

I've lived in QLD for 16 years and have never come across anyone who does not know about the pitbull laws.

My cousin in law had a gorgeous reg. pedigree amstaff in Cairns which died of cancer before christmas, he did agility and tracking, lovely boy :D

Pitbulls (or suspected) :laugh: :D are destroyed here, no questions asked. someone recently spent many thousands of dollars and had their dog kept just over the border in NSW in kennels for about 6 years! to prove it was not a pitbull!! Now the dog is back with his family :D but OMG! I think I'd make sure I was where they are legal, far too risky all round :)

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