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The Doggy Bone Cookbook By Michelle Bledsoe


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My in-laws gave me The Small Dogs Doggy Bone Cookbook By Michelle Bledsoe. It's very cute and comes with a mini-sized cookie cutter shaped like a doggy bone.

Has anyone tried any of the recipes and are any of them any good? Most of the items use flour - any ideas as to whether white flour or whole wheat flour is better for the dogs? Thanks in advance.

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you can use corn flour if you dont want to use wheat, or wholemeal is better. I used to use cornflour (and by that I mean stone ground corn NOT the one that is a thickening agent for sauces) and simply let it sit for 15minutes so its not gritty

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Don't feel goofy. I cook for the dogs, and my husband cooks for the rest of us! :love:

One thing about flour. If your dogs are prone to itchy skins, don't use wheat flour (either white or wholemeal). Its a common allergen. Substitute the ground corn flour (the good stuff mentioned in other post) and you may need to add a teensy bit more liquid.

If itchies are not a problem, go for the wholemeal - its not as refined as white flour. Much better for their digestive systems, and a better "output" if you get my meaning.

No critical audience is a good thing! Guarenteed acceptance. Enjoy your baking.

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