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Spiders And Dogs?


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Hello all...

Quick question,.... Something I have always wondered! Are spiders such as red backs and funnel webs poisonous to dogs??

As many of u will know we have Pomeranians and have just moved into a new house 5 months ago! I am guessing this summers strange weather patterns with lots more rain has brought out the spiders and in 2 days I have stumbled across 3 dirty big funnel webs, 1 female and 2 males - yikes!

So in short I am worried about my Pets, my Poms and cat.... Can they kill dogs and cats or make them very ill??

Would a pest man be able to spray for these creepy crawlies!?

Thanks in advance :)

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What a coincidence that you ask this now.

My sister, in Qld, shows a couple of breeds and this week her older BC bitch too very ill over the long weekend. At first they thought it was some form of aggressive cancer as she had these big open wounds developing along her tummy. One nipple was rotten, and she licked herself that much that its all covered in open absesses (sp?) and stinks to high heaven. Her entire mammary system is all ulcerated and they thought they were going to lose her.

Finally got to see regular vet yesterday and outcome - spider bite - probably white tail but maybe red back but the symptoms fit those when a white tail bites a human.

I come from Sydney originally and because of Funnel Webs have a fear of spiders so we have our house sprayed / treated twice a year.

Get the place sprayed but you will have missed the breeding season so will have to have it done again around September.

Edited by mercedes
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As far as I know funnel web venom is not lethal to any mammals except primates (including humans) and guinea pigs. Not lethal to dogs and cats.

Redback venom I think does affect pets, I had a ferret die from a suspected redback bite once.

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Know red back spiders can make them very sick & be fatal.

About 10 years ago in my other house I let the poodles out for last piddles about 1am. Completely paved yard with a pergola & a few pot plants. One did not come in, strange, so I went & got her.

She seemed to be limping but couldn't see anything on her leg & nothing she could jump from. About 5 minutes later she vomited then had a fit.

Rushed to emergency vet & she was treated for suspected spider bite. Ok a while later.

Next morning I had a good look around & under a gas pipe that ran up a wall on the back veranda there was huge red back.

Also know someone who found their cat dead in the outside run. Autopsy revealed a red back in the oesophagus (sp?)

Cat had swallowed it & spider bit.

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