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Vet Receptionists


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People can gain just as much knowledge from practical experience as they can from a classroom. I personallly think more in most instances.

To automatically assume that someone with a piece of paper is right and someone with practical experience is wrong will often get you led astray

I have to agree in some circumstances but then those who have been in the classroom are only lacking experience, they have the academic info, have worked hard to pass their degree or whatever and then go to job where they can gain the practical experience.

Think of teaching as an example. None of my teachers had ever been near a classroom to gain practical teaching experience, they all simply had degrees in their chosen field. The kids who went to the local secondary school had teachers from training college and those teachers without doubt were much better equipped to take a class...to start with... These days graduates must do teaching prac. Take a newly qualified doctor, they always found the nurse who could give then some practical help. The situation now in WA for vet nurses is that they all have to have that piece of paper, they still need practical experience which they learn on the job.

If I needed a bit of paper then I would get it, these days people expect it and I do mean from a reputable institution not from a shonky online store or similar :shrug:

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