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Different Energy Levels In Dogs


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I need ideas! Bitty is a very bouncy almost two yr old golden. She gets along wonderfully with Bubby who is a 5.5 yr old golden. The thing is I have noticed that Bitty loves playing and Bubby not so much these days.

Bubby is/has always been a napper. Very mellow, practically comatose kind of dog. Or he likes to rat in the bushes.

Bitty loves tug, zoomies, lots of running around etc

Everytime Bubby does a stretch, (he does a stretch that looks like a play bow), Bitty gets soooo excited and she zooms over to play bow him! He will play with her for like 2 mins and then he’ll stop.

I do my best to train her and we play every day but I really think she needs more play time than what I can give her. She is always up and at me with a toy in her mouth or play bowing me and it breaks my heart when I say no to her.

Should I just stop worrying, man up and say no to her or does anyone have any ideas on how we can satisfy her want of playing a bit more? I do clicker training with her probably about 5 nights a week and she is a very well behaved dog.

I think I feel bad more than anything because she is always asking for a game and I feel nasty saying no and making her be the kind of dog that sits around (if that makes sense).

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Sometimes Bub, children need to learn to play on their own. :) When I refuse Paddy, he goes off to find Dougal - who lies on the floor while Paddy jumps all over him and 'plays' with him, eventually he gets bored and goes and lies down :o

What about doggy daycare a couple of days a week? That would wear her out no end! :rofl:

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Well it makes me feel a bit better now that you have told me the same thing happens with Paddy.

I think I just feel bad! I try to play with her heaps but there is only so many times I can run around the backyard like a maniac!

I suppose it’s more a “me” issue than a “her” issue!

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Try this.

Do exactly what Bubby does with her.

Don't pay any attention to her unless you have given her the signal for playtime. And then limit the play to a few minutes only.

Don't let Bitty push you, because the more she works you, the higher the limit on the number of times you will be able tro run around the backyard like a maniac. You don't need a dog as a fitness coach do you?

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Try this.

Do exactly what Bubby does with her.

Don't pay any attention to her unless you have given her the signal for playtime. And then limit the play to a few minutes only.

Don't let Bitty push you, because the more she works you, the higher the limit on the number of times you will be able tro run around the backyard like a maniac. You don't need a dog as a fitness coach do you?

That's what we've done.. and now mr hyper will sleep on the couch most of the day, unless we deem it time to play!! He's a good boy now.

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Oh I know all about saying no and playing on my terms etc

I just feel bad! I wish she wouldn’t ask me to play at all!!!!!

I say no and she goes off and sleeps but then I feel like I am suppressing her urge to play which makes me feel nasty! Does that make sense?

I like to raise them based on what their natural personalities are like and I feel like am squashing her natural personality!

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I have the same with my two golden retreivers

Onslow who is now six is so laid back and has always been

Tilly is still bouncy and on the go although at nearly 5 she has slowed down a little bit

I got a third dog, Flashy, but only because he was a foster dog that fitted in so well and Tilly loved him and played with him and i had the means to have a third dog (and now a fourth :o )

With Bitty encourage her to play on her own. I had a fantastic foster dog early last year that would just happily spend his day grabbing a toy then doing zoomies in the backyard by himself, I guess he had no one ever to play with so he learnt to entertain himself. I guess the way to do that is to do some playtime with Bitty but at other times ignore her.

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Oh I know all about saying no and playing on my terms etc

I just feel bad! I wish she wouldn't ask me to play at all!!!!!

I say no and she goes off and sleeps but then I feel like I am suppressing her urge to play which makes me feel nasty! Does that make sense?

I like to raise them based on what their natural personalities are like and I feel like am squashing her natural personality!

Why do you feel bad? She's a dog... she's perfectly capable of entertaining herself. You aren't squashing her personality, you are training her, so she behaves how YOU want, not YOU behaving how SHE wants you to which is how it currently is :) She has you wrapped around her paw and knows it.

Stop feeling so guilty :o

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good post Bundy's Mum

This is where problems occur in a pack when the dog things that he/she has the upperhand and you give in to them all the time. Trust me, I know this all too well firsthand with my Onslow who tested me and I gave in. Now he knows I'm boss and we all live fairly harmoniously.

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Oh, I feel the same with Emmy :o

If Emmy had it her way, she will be playing with me every day and all day. But, it's important to let her figure out how to entertain herself (even if it means just sleeping). Emmy gets plenty of attention from me (and everyone), so there is no need for her to feel sad.

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I think I believe in a sense of fairness.

To me, refusing to play with her constantly is like forcing Bubby to compete in agility week after week even though he is a sleepy, mellow fellow. Plus I don’t believe in dogs dictating things. I would like to think that my dogs can tell me things or communicate with me!

I am such a sucker! When I say no to her, she will throw around a toy by herself and roll around with it, looking so cute and sweet! Then I come over and start a game with her cuz I feel sorry for her having to play by herself. And she’s SOOO happy when I do play with her!

CW, thanks for your post on Emmy! Makes me feel better!

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:o Bub - Kenz was exactly the same. I gave into her as well because of the huge age gap between my two. Kenz was bought as a baby when Ness was already 8. Ness doesn't play with Kenz ever so I feel guilty on both counts. One because I feel if I dont occupy Kenz she hassles Ness and two Kenz needs more then Ness does so I feel I have to provide it.

Has settled a bit now but I still feel guilty occasionally about it.

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Bub I feel your pain! Karma my 5yr old golden wants to play with me constantly. Ive told her repeatedly she is old enough to be mellow but she wont change her ways lol. I make sure I give her a good hour of playtime with me each day after work, plus I try to take the 3 big dogs out for a run most evenings. It can be frustrating at times when I jsut want her to chill out, but she is what she is. I make sure she always has toys so she can entertain herself when Im busy doing other things.

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Bub I feel your pain! Karma my 5yr old golden wants to play with me constantly. Ive told her repeatedly she is old enough to be mellow but she wont change her ways lol. I make sure I give her a good hour of playtime with me each day after work, plus I try to take the 3 big dogs out for a run most evenings. It can be frustrating at times when I jsut want her to chill out, but she is what she is. I make sure she always has toys so she can entertain herself when Im busy doing other things.

Its the worse when they are "chilling" but will beg for a game first chance!

Thats what gets me!

Bitty will sit around like an angel because she has been trained to. But first sign of activity, she will shoot up, toy in mouth and beg for a game. It breaks my heart to send her back to sit down again.

hey thanks for telling me about Kenz Ness! It really makes me feel better that people go through the same thing as well!

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I think I see what you're getting at, Bub. We want to meet our dogs' needs, but where do we draw the line between a "need" and a "want". And how do we decide how much of a "want" to give our dog? Erik generally amuses himself during the day if I'm busy, but comes a time most afternoons when Kivi doesn't feel like playing with him and he really feels like playing. He comes in every few minutes to try to convince me with his cutest, most engaging faces and behaviour to go do stuff with him. I usually end up taking a break from work to play with him for a bit. He'll pull the same thing later on in the evening if he hasn't had enough exercise. If he only does it when he hasn't had as much exercise as usual, I tend to think he does actually need to be played with, even if he can survive without it.

I guess that some dogs are pretty insatiable as far as play goes. My mother has a dog that gets excited if you look at her sideways just in case you're thinking of going outside where she can grab her rope toy and beg for a fetch game. She will play until she drops, then half an hour later she'll be ready for another round. If she got as much as she wanted she would seriously not be able to eat enough to fuel it! She's pretty skinny as it is, and eats a fair bit. I think it's best not to give her all the play she wants. The more play I give Erik, the more he wants, so in the interests of my sanity seeing as I'm at home all the time trying to work, we play at fairly routine times and there's a ritual before we do so he gets it into his head that the only thing he can do to instigate play is wait for the cue. Or come and give me cute and engaging looks in the hopes of getting me to give the cue. :D See how careful I have to be! :thumbsup:

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Thanks Corvus! I might try and increase her play times but set a routine like what you do. So I will commit to ZZZ amount of playtimes a day and if that is fulfilled I have done my part and do not owe her cute little face any debts! That will make me feel better I think.

We have a saying in our home, no sudden movements or Bitty will think its playtime! I wish she had a clone of herself so they could wrestle all day! She’s just such a jolly little thing! And so inventive as well! We play tug, we play chasies and then she will run into the bushes, rip out a sugar cane and invent another game with that. I hate play bows! They break my heart! You can’t say no to a play bow and feel good about it!

Both my dogs will ask for food, especially if cookies/cakes are cooling on racks or something is baking in the oven. It easy to say no to this but because play is so harmless, its very hard to put my foot down.

Edited by Bub
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