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Camping At Shows


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No heater for me - 2 terriers work very well :love:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Try a couple of wolfhounds my luvvie :rofl: only downside is warm...yes....cramped and squished YES !!! :D


I like SOME room to stretch lmao. Wolfie breath would heat the tent up though :love:

Last week I let Casey out of her crate at night (Ziva always sleeps on the bed, spoiled princess ;)) and she snuggled down on my feet. Ziva kept my shoulder warm :o

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There is a mesh tent and a tent inner (2nd release), The original one had zip up windows, the new ones don't im told.

The new ones have No-See-Um mesh for insect protection - from the oztrail site

BUT you put up the tent, then put up your walls around the tent as this was how it was designed to be used.

!BzUo(LgBWk~$(KGrHqMOKj8Ew,Z,9dThBMVhJSbqC!~~_12.JPG TENT INNER sells for around $190-$220

I have this tent inner kit.

It has mesh windows and solid zip-up windows (and door) for full privacy.

I still put my solid wall kit up on 3 sides anyway 'cos then I can leave the tent windows open for better air circulation, it can get pretty stuffy with the doors and windows all zipped up. I love my Oztrail tent inner, it's soooo easy to put up and takes no time at all.

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Oh thankyou Miss B...

Just what I wanted and needed to hear!! I do believe (even more now with your info) that this is going to be the perfect option for me at this time.

Thanks again!

*edit - I too had planned on using the side walls as well but just wanted to ensure that I could have privacy by closing up the front door.

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Sheesh, fifi if I could get paid like some do for a 'come back' then it would be once a month lol. Just gotta get the dog I'm happy to show. Different when there were a few in the kennels and litters bred to my ideas. Haven't bred a litter for so long I feel like a novice but reckon it will give me a bit of choice for a dog/bitch to show again. Better hurry up or I'll have to get Sibes to pull my wheelchair :)

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Sheesh, fifi if I could get paid like some do for a 'come back' then it would be once a month lol. Just gotta get the dog I'm happy to show. Different when there were a few in the kennels and litters bred to my ideas. Haven't bred a litter for so long I feel like a novice but reckon it will give me a bit of choice for a dog/bitch to show again. Better hurry up or I'll have to get Sibes to pull my wheelchair :)

:D I'm in the same boat waiting for my next litter !!! good thing wolfhounds are big, so I can lean on them as I creak about the ring !!!


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Ishy - One thing no-one has mentioned are cyalume camping sticks. MUST MUST buy some and keep them handy for those dark nights with no lights. You "crack" the inner cylinder by slightly bending them, shake them to mix the two chemicals and they glow in the dark, have a hook on one end, are about $3 each. (K-Mart, $2 shop if you are lucky, and camping shops for the more expensive versions.) You can make them last twice as long (maybe 3 nights) if you put them in an icebox/freezer when it gets light. You can even read a book by their light if you get very desperate. :love:

Invaluable if you think along lines of some campgrounds turn off all the lights at 11pm, there are heaps of tents crammed together in one spot, and you are in a direct line to the toilets.

Imagine if you will that its late, the lights are off, you are snug in your tent, all dogs have stopped barking, all the sherbet drinkers have finally gone to bed, and you are in that blissful dream state. Then the dude from the next tent along submits to the call of nature and is a gentlemen so he heads off in the dark towards the loos. Unfortunately he has left his tent with no torch in his hand to guide him quietly on his way. Imagine the poor man tripped up in a very noisy fashion by tent guy-ropes, goes down sprawling over the tent corner, the tent rips, the dogs ALL bark, and the swearing would make a sailor blush! Cyalume sticks stuck up on the ends of the guy ropes would have saved him.

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Ishy - One thing no-one has mentioned are cyalume camping sticks. MUST MUST buy some and keep them handy for those dark nights with no lights. You "crack" the inner cylinder by slightly bending them, shake them to mix the two chemicals and they glow in the dark, have a hook on one end, are about $3 each. (K-Mart, $2 shop if you are lucky, and camping shops for the more expensive versions.) You can make them last twice as long (maybe 3 nights) if you put them in an icebox/freezer when it gets light. You can even read a book by their light if you get very desperate. :love:

Invaluable if you think along lines of some campgrounds turn off all the lights at 11pm, there are heaps of tents crammed together in one spot, and you are in a direct line to the toilets.

Imagine if you will that its late, the lights are off, you are snug in your tent, all dogs have stopped barking, all the sherbet drinkers have finally gone to bed, and you are in that blissful dream state. Then the dude from the next tent along submits to the call of nature and is a gentlemen so he heads off in the dark towards the loos. Unfortunately he has left his tent with no torch in his hand to guide him quietly on his way. Imagine the poor man tripped up in a very noisy fashion by tent guy-ropes, goes down sprawling over the tent corner, the tent rips, the dogs ALL bark, and the swearing would make a sailor blush! Cyalume sticks stuck up on the ends of the guy ropes would have saved him.

Ahhh a very good tip indeed!!

We also have these little things/tubes that the guy ropes thread through and they glow in the dark also (charged by light)

These would prove handy in that situation too but I would imagine these cyalume sticks would last a little longer.

I know exactly what you are talking about...you often find them around before new years eve and for concerts etc.

(we bought loads of them once when we had a NYE/Pool party once and threw them all in the pool....all different colors, shapes and sizes)

Never thought about using them in a camping situation though!

Am going to pick some up for sure!


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