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Dog Question In General


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I have got a quick question about dogs in general.

Ever since I have had Atua desexed when i touch her stomach like when I lift her into the car she yelps.. today i thought i would try and find the area where it is sore as I thought that maybe when she had her puppies she tore her uterus but it is definately right where she was desexed? I applied a fair amount of pressure on different parts of her abdomin and yep around the site where she was desexed it where the yelp comes.

When I picked her up from being desexed her wound was dripping blood and very bruised. I have had a few dogs desexed before and never bruised like this. I kept her quiet for about 5 days and it developed that lump that comes when they have been having too much exercise yet she had been only taken out on lead to toilet and locked in a crate. I took her back to the vet the day after her desexing because there was still a small amount of blood coming out but they said to keep an eye on it and if it hasnt stopped by the next day to come back. It did stop so we didnt go back... not even to get the stitches out as I took them out myself.

Im pretty certain from memory (will have to find desexing receipt) that I had her desexed in July if thats any help. She is a 3 year old Amstaff if thats anymore help.

She has been like it since about a week or two after being desexed. Other then when I try to lift her she doesnt yelp or carry on so its not something that needs urgent vet care. Would it be worth taking her to a vet for a check anyway or just wait to her next vaccine which is in about 3 months?

Thanks in advance

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I would advise getting it checked properly..yes.

Why are you lifting her around the belly?

If you need to lift her.... have her side-on to you .. one arm around the front of her chest.. the other around her hindquarters.. and then lift her that way.. so there is NO contact with her belly at all. ever.

Does she have trouble jumping into the car? can you take portable steps or something?

Even if she did tear the uterus.. it is removed when a bitch is speyed, so it would not be hurting her now :shrug:

Hopefully you find the problem and can do something to ease things.

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If you can afford it then a quick vet check wouldn't hurt. I've not had any bitches still be tender in that area that long after a spey. If you can't afford it then I guess try not to lift her if you can and wait until her next vacc is due.

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Hi all,

Thank you for the replies.

I have found a new vet that I will be using and never going back to the other vet that desexed her.

She is capable of jumping into the car just some times she gets lazy and wants me to life her bum in for her. :confused:

I was talking to my breeder and she said that it could just be a mental thing as it shouldnt be tender but I will definately get it checked out by the vet.

I dont feel its a urgent thing as it doesnt stop her from jumping on things like the outdoor table etc. Its just when you put pressure ie lift her that she screams. She still runs as normal, eats as normal, has no temperatures etc. So will keep an eye on the situation and mention it at our next vet trip as she is due to go at the end of January not March like I first thought. However if something changes in the mean time I will definately take her sooner.

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could be a bad/incomplete stitching job, a herniation, or a bad spey job in general. That lump you described is muscle swelling and it hurts like an absolute bitch I can tell you. She probably is still really tender in that area considering a spey surgery means cutting right through the abdominal muscles then poking about in her intesines to find the uterus and ovaries. Some vets do a really bad job and they can be tender for months afterwards.

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