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Awwww Lola in the tub, she looks so pissed at you Huga. :(

My shot for today didn't quite work out the way I had planned, it was meant to be 4 dogs but I had a ring in.


Ring in by CLTB, on Flickr

When I had tried to get all dogs Cooper got up but didn't have enough room to turn around. ;)


Is it really day 50??

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Yeah, Lola isn't a huge fan of baths :( Although finally, after six years, she has improved at two things: she kinda of lets me cut her nails and she no longer attempts the suicide leap from the laundry tub.

I can't believe it's day 50 either!

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Love them Tlc :thumbsup:

;) at Lola in the bath!! That's one of Lottie's absolute worst thing I could do to her - which is funny for a dog who LOVES water as much as she does, the evil looks I get are a classic!!!!

Lucily I just made a shot today (at around 11.30pm!!). Nothing special, but just got home from work and saw this little guy just posing, so thought he would make a nice little model!!

Day 50!!


Edited by LuvLottie
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*sneaks back in*

Sorry I have been AWOL...hectic life = no time to edit photos. Finally had a chance to get on the main computer [OH has been hogging it for work stuff] and edit up most of them. Just need to hunt down my other camera for the missing 5 days. There are too many for me to catch up on posting here, so look here if you want: Facebook

Although...here is todays

Day Fifty-one


Most of my corn plants now has a cob or two on them. Can't wait until they are ready!


Edited by Ravyk
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Love the beach photos Kja!!!

And good to see you back Ravy - lovely photos :heart:

I was thinking it's been extra quiet in here lately!!

Well - I have yet another green tree frog photo today - they're just too cute!!!

Day 51


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The green on that frog is amazing! And his little smile - love :hug:

Very happy he's not near me, though, as frogs do actually creep me out!

He was the most gorgeous little thing - he was hiding out in the cool as yesterday was a scorcher!!!!

Hehe, there's soooo many around here at the moment - everywhere I look I seem to find one - I just love them being around here :hug:

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I seem to be posting alot lately :rofl:

It does help that I have one more week off before uni starts back up (then I'm sure I won't be so on top of the photo a day!!!).

Well, we've just had a big storm go through, and this is looking out from my doorway across the paddocks - I haven't edited the colours at all, it was so pretty to look at!!!!

Day 52.


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