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The 365 Challenge


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  Dust Angel said:
Thanks guys! How is everyone going for inspiration?

I think I should start doing a theme a month as well - as sometimes I don't know what to do, and my defult is to take Lottie out and just take photos of her playing :thumbsup:

DA - I love the timeless tracks!!!

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Some days I struggle, some days it's really just a point and shoot effort :thumbsup:

Today's is pretty awesome though :thumbsup:


Grateful for...

Empty dinner plates.



Grateful for...

Frenchie puppies!


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Love todays photos!!! Huga - that puppy is sooooooo cute :thumbsup: :D

I didn't take many photos today :laugh: but did get some lovely ones of my friends Aussie!!

Shell - I've just come home from a trip to NSW, and I tell you what, QLD definitely needs daylight savings!!! It's sooooo good!!!!!!

Day 39 - 08/02/2011


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Daylight savings SUCKS if you live in the northern part of the continent. I am so VERY happy we don't have it any more!!

39/365 - Tilly could almost fly with those ears!


Olympus 720SW

This just might be my photo of the week, too. I just like it :thumbsup:

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:thumbsup: Frenchie puppy sooooo cute!!

Love Tillys ears!

Nik your pic just freaked me out. :thumbsup: Well done!!

Everyones pics are great.

A very non effort from me today, had a long one at work stocktake is the pits!!

Snapped this with my iphone, no flash in low light so the quality is just Meh!


He's got legs by CLTB, on Flickr

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It's daylight here nice and early so you can get out before work. With daylight savings it doesn't get light til too late and you go to work in the dark, no time to take the dogs to the beach in the mornings. In the later part of the day now, it's still light until after 1930 and that means it's still HOT. With daylight savings, we would have light until 9pm and it was stinking hot until a couple hours after dark - terrible for sleeping. That hour change makes a difference.

I totally see the value down south where the days are shorter, however, I'm still super duper glad we don't have it :provoke: Each to their own - it's a moot point, it's gone now after years of having it and just like always, some love it, some hate it. No way to keep everyone happy!

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Wow am I first today ;) every one must be having a busy day I know I have been. My first shot isn't the one I am going to use for todays shot but just thought I post it and how it came about. We have been doing stocktake at work and I had my phone out snapping a couple of shots of some team members and my boss came along which was fine but as I went to put my phone in my pocket I somehow snapped this shot. ;) thought it was funny as it really sums up my day, rushing and busy!


Rushing by CLTB, on Flickr

My real shot of the day was one I snapped at the park, well one of a few. This guy is Bert who goes to the dog park every day with his yellow Lab called Floyd. He loves the dogs and they all love him. He literally knows every man and his dog who frequent the park. :(


Old friends by CLTB, on Flickr

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I LOVE the rushing shot!

I totally would have used that for mine and kept Bert for another day since he's always there :D

I've taken mine but didn't have time to download it from the card as I was already late getting to work (because of the subject LOL)

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Well not to bad for an accidental shot, actually I think what happened was when I went to put the phone in my pocket I accidentally hit the button to take the pic. :D

I do love the ones of Bert, he is always there but I will be sad when he's not. He is 85 still driving lives by himself with Floyd always has lots of stories to tell and talks of both his wives with such fondness (they both died) Such a lovely guy.

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