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  tlc said:
Huga, gorgeous shot! I notice your little fella has the necklace on in a lot of your shots, is it one of those special teething necklaces?? Does it work? More to the point how does it work?

Thanks :( Yep, Ed wears his amber necklace all the time. It's kind of a weird hippy thing, but it works for us, so I keep it on him. This is the theory (in very basic terms) - amber is a resin, not a stone and when worn against the skin it heats up and oils leech out and are absorbed by the skin. These oils have sedative and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why amber helps with teething. Now, Ed had most of his teeth when we bought it, but he has a problem with his wee - the pH is wrong, it's very acidic (no one can explain why) and it was burning him. So we gave away the cloth nappies and he now has Ural in his water to neutralise the acid. But even after that, he was still waking through the night whenever he did a wee and was generally a sore and cranky baby. The first night we put the necklace on - he slept through. That was the first night in six months. And he has been so much better ever since. Please excuse the tangent :D :o I know lots of people that have changed babies after they start wearing amber, it's good stuff :thumbsup: My mum has an amber bracelet now too - for arthritis.

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Loving todays photos again :laugh: That's interesting about the amber necklace Huga!!

Mine from today - didn't get to take to many photos as it's been a busy day - but just got this little one - nothing exciting...

Day 19 - 19/01/2011


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  huga said:
Thanks Aziah :laugh: I'm really cranky at myself, because it's not as sharp as it should be :laugh:

There are a couple more on my blog (linky in my sig).

But it gives a soft aspect (sorry, not techinal minded when it comes to photography phrasing :) ) I like it :thumbsup:

The others on the blog are good too, fun!

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A half decent self portrait.

Hats off to photographers that can nail a selfie. Seriously. I am awful at them. I can never get the focus right, my hair goes crazy (see above) and I always have weird expressions on my face. I needed one for the 'about' section of my blog and this was the winner.

Fun fact: This is the first time I've ever worn lipstick. But I figured since I'm pushing thirty, I best get my grown up face on.


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I really like it MM!!

And lovely shot Huga!!!

Well - I haven't got much again today - after driving 8 hours I just didn't feel like taking photos - although the sky was pretty amazing while I was on the road, so I managed to stop and get a photo of it... it's pretty boring though :thumbsup: And for some reason from being exported from lightroom to here it has really lost alot of quality :laugh::o but i'm tooooo tired to try and find the problem!!!!


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:laugh: I was just marvelling at the sky in the last two shots, both so different. Lovely colors in yours LL and MM your tree looks like it has tenticles. :o

Not very often I get a good shot of my white girl Tully but I was quite happy with these shots. I originally was trying to get her catching the ball which she did over and over and after changing the settings on the camera so many times to get it right I just couldn't so I gave up. Anyway I went with this one


Tully Jo by CLTB, on Flickr

and this was the other one


Tully Jo by CLTB, on Flickr

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