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January 2011 - Photo A Day!


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Great pics everyone...Frodosmum love the whispering 'secret dogs business'. Kirislin that spidey is tiny...good capture...good spotting (eyesight!)

Editadd: just waiting for more bandwidth to upload pics :) Gotta love school holidays....

Edited by redangel
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Nice shots everyone, sorry I have been absent the last few days. I have been photographing, just been too lazy to edit.

DSO-I love that lavender shot, I think it's awesome. :)

Day Sixteen



Day Seventeen

Mulberry Syrup


Day Eighteen

Smoke Screen


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I can't comment on everyone's photos... because I can't see them! Yay for dial-up speed... NOT!

I did manage to (slowly) upload my photos from the last two days though :D

Day 17


Day 18


Week of self portraits.... maybe :)

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I've been so tired lately, but enjoy catching up here :)

cc - too cute

dso - I like the last couple :) the lavender is wonderful too

piper - awesome bag!

frodo - love your dogs :laugh:

kirislin - who woulda known huh? interesting macro life

shell - I like the one you got of terranik and soaks, sweet :)

luvlottie - great editing, and lottie is a gorgeous model

fattima - love Roky :eek:

catch up :)







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WOW!!!!! All these photos just keep getting better and better!!!! Just amazing - I love looking at all the new ones everyday!!!

Kirislin - LOVE it - how annoying does it look :laugh: Poor grasshopper

CC - LOVE the dog tired pic!!!

DSO - love the one on the grass :)

piper - That bag is just gorgeous!!!!

Frodos mum - I could never get sick of looking at your photos :):eek:

CM - love the one with the rose :)

What an amazing sky Huga!!!

Love the sunlight CP!!!! And the smokey one is great Ravy!!

Love them Nik - and good luck with your remainding exams :)

Well I went over to a friends today - and took some photos of her gorgeous little boy - he was so much fun to take photos of - he's such a happy boy!!! I got some lovely shots - and they can be found here in this flickr set Coopers Set ♥

Day 18 - 18/01/2001


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There are so many fantastic photos, I would comment on them but I really need to go to bed :laugh:

But everyone is doign an amazing job! :eek:

17.1.11 - The Morning Feed


18.1.11 - The Mystery Flower


Edited by Bjelkier
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Good one TN :thumbsup:

LL - That is gorgeous :o

Bjelkier - Love the 1st one, beautiful early morning light ;)

dogfan - Bruce? chooks aren't that hard to sex are they :( Cute pic ;)

Lol at DSO and Huga, both great pics ;)

FM - agree with Kirislin, he is gorgeous ;)

I like it Kirislin, it's got a good 'death' feel about it :D

Mine is called 'Even Flies Bleed' :D another bug pic I'm afraid ;)

Day 19


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