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January 2011 - Photo A Day!


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Were you part of the Flashmob at Federation Square today?

They did well, just watched It, I hope It got the message out there about Oscar's Law :crossfingers:

:rofl: so many talented people in here!

I never normally post pictures with me in them as I am very self conscious, but I like this one of Maverick & Me.. it was meant to have Hecotr in it too, but he wouldn't sit still! :rofl:

Nik, I don't know how you do a self portrait everyday! It was hard enough for me to get this one shot!

Sixteen ; We want Oscar's Law!


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Were you part of the Flashmob at Federation Square today?

They did well, just watched It, I hope It got the message out there about Oscar's Law :crossfingers:

:rofl: so many talented people in here!

I never normally post pictures with me in them as I am very self conscious, but I like this one of Maverick & Me.. it was meant to have Hecotr in it too, but he wouldn't sit still! :rofl:

Nik, I don't know how you do a self portrait everyday! It was hard enough for me to get this one shot!

Sixteen ; We want Oscar's Law!


Yep I was there today!

It was an amazing turnout, had alot of people asking us questions so it was really good :D

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Another day of fab photos everyone :crossfingers:

We went to the aquarium today as the MIL is still visiting ( :rofl: )

I've never taken photos at an aquarium before, so pretty much all of them were totally shite :D I tried to save this one by messing in lightroom - I think it's ok, but not sure really :rofl: It was either this or a revolting picture of a cockroach I found this morning outside moulting :D

Day 16



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Bjelkier - Wow that is a stunning photo! The colour is so vibrant and the detail of all the hairs in his mane and coat are gorgeous. Such a beautiful subject too. :crossfingers:

Nearly forgot to take a photo today so today's photo is just of tonight's dinner.

Day 16


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Lavender in Sunset.

Well I was actually happy with this shot, not because it's a good photo but because it's something different for me (the whole point I'm doing this project/challenge). Yeah, that was until my mum told me otherwise :laugh: But oh well, here it is...


Lovely shot, Bjelkier! So cute :)

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Colliepaws, can I come and live at your place? Nom nom nom! Awesome shot DSO!!!

I'm still continuing my month of love shots - and yes, I'm 3 days behind again!

14th January - Star Wars, possibly the coolest movie franchise of all time. Search your feelings. You know it to be true.


15th January - Lazy saturday afternoons with Mow "supervising" me working on the computer.


16th January - I'm loving the lovely Terranik for taking time out from a busy schedule to throw a ball for soakie (and letting me photograph it!).


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Day 17


Bjelkier: Gorgeous shot! :)

Colliepaws: Yum! :)

DSO: Lovely shot! :D

Shell: Your kitty could be a prime hunter with those teeth :D

LuvLottie: Love your shot! :)

TerraNik: You are so creative! :D I wish I was as creative as you!

Lovely shots everyone!

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I've recently invited a girl to agist her horses with my mare. She's a really lovely thoughtful, sensible, reliable girl, wish I'd asked her years ago. Here's just another example of her thoughtful nature. It had never occurred to me to put a sign on my gate when Pagan is in the drive on grass cutting duties. :)

photo taken through my car window.


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Beautiful photo, DSO. And I love the one of Tor, Bjelkier. I like yours too, Kirislin.

Day 17


I've played the flute for most of my life. Don't get as much time to play nowadays, but it's still one of the most relaxing things ever (when Akira's not barking at me to get me to shut up, anyway!)

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15th January - Lazy saturday afternoons with Mow "supervising" me working on the computer.

Mow has the most amazing whiskers :)

LOVING the photos!!!!

Day 16 - 16/01/2011 - Lottie, after discovering the snakes in their enclosure (after looking after them for about 2 weeks) - she was very scared, so didn't take her eyes off them!!

She has such a beautiful head :)

Day 16 - Almost full!

:):laugh::rofl: Very Good!

you will all be sick of seeing Frodo :o

Never :)

Mine is an Orb spider (I think?) She has moulted a few times and this was today's most recent moult. There is also a tiny male lurking around on the edge of her area....not sure how long he'll survive - I guess it depends on how brave or stoopid he gets :o

Day 17


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