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Showing In Sydney


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I'd been toying with showing a bit in Sydney this year but I think this thead has convinced me to stay local. Sth NSW shows are lovely generally, I don't think I need to experience the 'cats' bum' expressions, as someone put it :)

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I have no problem showing at Erskine Park... I actually much prefer it there than the local shows held around wollongong.

My husband and i have only been showing for the past 1 1/2 yrs and there have been lots and lots of lovely helpful people. I can count the number of bad experiences on one hand.

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The nastiness in Sydney is just one of the reasons I rarely show in Sydney anymore. When I do its not with the toys.

Now if YOU say it I believe it.

I have made some VERY VERY good friends in the Sydney rings, but the majority of people are rude, inconsiderate and two faced. They are also extremely self centered and need to win at all costs.

Why do you think I show out west so much ? and why I got the big greys ?

I am extremely grateful to the person who first convinced me to go out west. She knew I had just about had enough of showing and was ready to give it away. I had such a fantastic time (thanks also Dubbo 3 day) that several years on I am still showing, although mainly with a different breed. I do still show my original breed but I very rarely ever show them in Sydney.

I just checked the DOL pointscore. I did 36 shows this last year. Only 12 were in Sydney, and of those 2 were specialties and 1 was a breed specialist judge. For me Erskine Park is 30 mins and Castle Hill 20, but I prefer to drive several hours for a fun weekend away than an unpleasant weekend close to home.

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I am sorry to hear that Sydney has this reputation and that you have personally been subjected to this.

Ive been attending shows for a little over 2 years and showing just a few times at present. I show mainly in Sydney but also at Hillsborough. There are good and bad everywhere from what I can see and hear. I have not experienced it personally but have seen and heard it about people I know and people I dont know, purely bad manners.

There is no need for people to be rude to anyone, if they cant be nice then they shouldnt say or do anything IMO. Maybe I am wrong but I believe that these people are either a. afraid of the competition and would be happy if noone turned up except for them or b. have no idea on how to be nice or c. well I wont voice what I think c is :-)

I agree with Benshiva but then I do cohabit with them at shows :-) but I have also made lots of other friends at the shows aswell. Had I listened to the way people talked and carried I would never have even spoken with them nor anyone else for that matter but am glad I did otherwise I would never have become involved in the dog world.

Please do come and say hello, we arent hard to find and I promise we are nice, well I think we are :-) and happily help anyone that needs help and chat to everyone.

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It is very sad that this occurs.

I make sure if a see a newbie to be welcoming and if they only have a dogs and crate invite them in to the gazebo.

Copied from the Gazebo topic.

"We had a 4 show in 3 days this week. 4 of us set up together then ended up collecting 2 more making 6.

This was fantastic for space and fellowship. In fact we made 8 on the last day.

All different breeds and groups.

Definitely recommend it if possible."

This takes time to achieve but it has its rewards at the end of the day.

Last night I did not see Spikespuppy at all as she was outside and me inside. But I did havea good time with some of my own breed. :laugh:

Edited by Bilbo Baggins
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We go to Sydney shows every now and then and I cant say we have had anymore issue than anywhere else? Everydog show has their weird bitchy people! The freaks who take things to serious! I just ignore the crap these days! We have surrounded ourselves with some pretty awesome people and because of that most shows are very enjoyable!

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It is very sad that this occurs.

I make sure if a see a newbie to be welcoming and if they only have a dogs and crate invite them in to the gazebo.

Copied from the Gazebo topic.

"We had a 4 show in 3 days this week. 4 of us set up together then ended up collecting 2 more making 6.

This was fantastic for space and fellowship. In fact we made 8 on the last day.

All different breeds and groups.

Definitely recommend it if possible."

This takes time to achieve but it has its rewards at the end of the day.

Last night I did not see Spikespuppy at all as she was outside and me inside. But I did havea good time with some of my own breed. :laugh:

You're always very friendly and welcoming BB. But some exhibitors can be quite intimidating without saying a word. :)

Getting to know people can be hard but after 2 and a half years of showing in the Toy Ring I'm pleased to say I haven't meet anyone who was deliberately rude in Melbourne. And people from other Groups are fantasitic also. I nearly walked away from showing in the early days not because people were rude but because I felt I had walked into "a Private Function". It felt like a closed shop at first...I'm glad I've stayed for many reasons but the top two would be that it's fun to catch up with 'like minded people who share the same interest...dogs AND I've noted that in this time there hasn't been another "newbie" in our breed!

For many years the Sydney -Melbourne (general not Dog Show) rivalry has stated that Sydney people are rude....there are rude people everywhere...and this is a generalisation made to feed this rivalry. It's sad that one can be unfortunate enough to encounter these people on a regular basis. It can ruin your day sometimes. Sometimes we are lucky to be able to go through a day and not cross pathes with the "Cat bum" people. :laugh: The other day I was loading my car and a complete stranger, holding a puppy under her arm asked me if I needed any help loading the trolly. I said I was fine but thanked her for asking. These are the people we should remember and let those that try to hurt us slide off us like water on a ducks back. :laugh:

Edited by LizT
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There are no local shows here over summer (Canberra) so I show in Sydney during this time. This is my second year showing at Erskine Park in Summer, and I have found it very different to showing anywhere else (Brisbane, Canberra, southern NSW, Victoria) in that I can guarantee that at every show, at least one person will be unnesessarily rude to me! :o

Other exhibitors, judges & stewards (both EP 'locals') have all had a go at one time - all (IMO) without good cause. I know it is not me as it doesn't happen anywhere else LOL.

Do others experience this? Is it Sydneysiders way of telling the non-locals to b*gger off? (and if so, what does it take to become a local?)

I used to have this problem when I first started going to Hillsborough. I overheard one local say to another "Don't they have enough shows down in Sydney, why do they have to come up here!!!" I didn't allow these people to spoil my enjoyment of attending a dog show somewhere other than Sydney and the locals have worked out that no matter what they say, I will keep coming back. Unfortunately, some people are very small minded and can't see that by "outsiders" supporting shows, they are helping to keep shows running.

In saying that, there will always be the "precious" people who seem to look very hard to find something that annoys them. Whether it be "alien" exhibitors or something else. Don't think that you are alone in having to suffer rudeness from other exhibitors, Judges, stewards or even show committee. I have been showing at "EP" for 4 years now and never cease to be amazed when someone finds something petty to whine at me about.... I have found though, that the pleasant people far outway the not so pleasant people. It's just that the unpleasant people seem to stand out more!!!

One small point to remember is that we have larger group numbers here in Sydney (particularly the Toy group) and the steward who you may think is being rude, is actually just trying to get through the group quickly so as not to inconvenience other exhibitors in smaller groups and to allow General Specials to finish at a reasonable hour.

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Thanks for replies everyone :cheer: . I have just arrived home from a weekend of showing. EP was about the same as usual :rofl: . I want to stress though, that people in my own breed are lovely, and no exhibitor has ever been rude to me in the ring, and I have met a lot of lovely people in Sydney.

Yesterday I braved speaking to some other Toy exhibitors and it went well :D . I was sitting on my own, waiting for General specials, and there was a group of Toy people to either side of me, also waiting. We were the only ones under the ring 7&8 shelter, and I stood out like a sore thumb ('BittyMooPeeb No Friends!") sitting bang smack in the middle on my own. So I shuffled closer to one group and made excuses to chat :D

Havasneeze, the stewards in the instances I am thinking of were definately deliberately rude! Very OTT behaviour, that changed immediately they got back to an exhibitor they knew!

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Come on out to the Western Region NSW,

we may not have huge shows or international judges,

but we always have fun, enjoy each others company,

and there will always be someone to give you a hand if you need it :o

Edited by Libertybrook
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We have some mentally disturbed people in Non-Sporting although 98% of the usual crowd either are lovely or keep to themselves.

:thumbsup: I think there is disturbed exhibitors in all groups, I have not found Showing in Sydney any different to any other city show...

They may not have the same atmosphere as a smaller country show but I can not say I have been rude to or not that I remember... :(

Showing is what you make it, enjoy the social side of it and mix with the sane people :D

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I haven't shown in Sydney since the mid 80's - someone attempted to give my dogs radiator coolant in their drinking water - while they were in their trailer with someone standing about 10 feet away - I found it in time but packed up and went home and never set foot there again......

But, after some of the crapola that has been pulled on people at Durack I have to say I think it happens everywhere......dogs let out of crates and trailers, trailers unhitched from cars, trailer hitches stolen off vehicles, dogs fed poisoned meat, dogs fed cheese with thumbtacks stuck in it, property stolen from cars, trailers and gazebos, gazebos thrown into trees so someone could have that spot, dogs encouraged to urinate on other exhibitors belongings, wheelnuts undone...and the list goes on.....I do think there is a minority - as exists in the real world - of nutters that are so obsessed with winning and being at the top of the tree that they will stop at nothing to win....seriously delusional.........serioulsy poisonous...........seriously dangerous......thank god a couple of the worst offenders from up here are now other states' problems.....

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I haven't shown in Sydney since the mid 80's - someone attempted to give my dogs radiator coolant in their drinking water - while they were in their trailer with someone standing about 10 feet away - I found it in time but packed up and went home and never set foot there again......

But, after some of the crapola that has been pulled on people at Durack I have to say I think it happens everywhere......dogs let out of crates and trailers, trailers unhitched from cars, trailer hitches stolen off vehicles, dogs fed poisoned meat, dogs fed cheese with thumbtacks stuck in it, property stolen from cars, trailers and gazebos, gazebos thrown into trees so someone could have that spot, dogs encouraged to urinate on other exhibitors belongings, wheelnuts undone...and the list goes on.....I do think there is a minority - as exists in the real world - of nutters that are so obsessed with winning and being at the top of the tree that they will stop at nothing to win....seriously delusional.........serioulsy poisonous...........seriously dangerous......thank god a couple of the worst offenders from up here are now other states' problems.....

I have shown dogs for as long as I can remember. I show in Sydney most of the time buit do go interstate for Specialities and Royals.I cannot say that I have ever had anybody be rude to me (except for other exhibitors in my breed). I must say I do find some people have very bad timing in as much as they come up to you and ask lots of questions they expect you to know all the answers to, while you are very busy organising your own dogs or are about to go into the ring. Maybe when people reply to their questions in a bit of a hurry they feel they are being rude.

Some of us have spent a lot of time getting our dogs ready to show (I own a very groomed breed) and really do not have the time at that moment to spare.

We sit at our ring with a lot people who own other breeds in our group and I cannot think of a time when there has been any bad feelings. We all say hello when we arrive. We congratulate whoever wins that day and then say see you next week. I do not say we are all good friends who see each other outside of shows, but we do see each other most weeks and we do try to help newcomers (if they make themselves know to us).

The dog world needs new blood if it is to continue.

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