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Puppy Problem - Running & Aggression


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hey guys i have a 1 year old shiba, it seems like he just snaps when there are other dogs next to him, teeth come out, barking, and just wants to tear into them. thats problem one, problem to is that if the front door is open he will run outside the house and just continue running and will not come back at all, any ideas on what this could be and how to fix it?

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hey guys i have a 1 year old shiba, it seems like he just snaps when there are other dogs next to him, teeth come out, barking, and just wants to tear into them. thats problem one, problem to is that if the front door is open he will run outside the house and just continue running and will not come back at all, any ideas on what this could be and how to fix it?

What training have you done with him already to try & fix the problems :laugh: What training do you do with him in general?

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hey guys i have a 1 year old shiba, it seems like he just snaps when there are other dogs next to him, teeth come out, barking, and just wants to tear into them. thats problem one,

Sounds like it would be best to have a consult with a good trainer, now, before the problem gets worse.

problem to is that if the front door is open he will run outside the house and just continue running and will not come back at all, any ideas on what this could be and how to fix it?

It sounds like you haven't trained a reliable recall which is something a trainer can show you how to do. Dogs don't come with an inbuilt recall, that is something we need to put the time in to train. I agree with Sheena, what training have you done with him?

Edited by huski
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Could he be 'out of alignment'? Some pups/dogs show aggression because they are sore and dont want the other dogs to touch/jump on them...animal chiro would fix the problem. Keep a log on when this happens, which dogs/circumstances to try to narrow down the problem...eg is it only when they are running around or is he aggression when they are sitting near/meeting each other as well. Best of luck!

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Did your breeder advise you that shebas are different from normal dogs and that these two problems can be a common complaint amongst owners unless they really try very hard at training early on? How much was you pup socialised, when did the problems start etc

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in general when i first got him i done the usual, come here, sit, teach the name - only does it for treats though, different times when in the backyard he will come etc but its not always 100% without treats

when he was a young pup i was told not to take him outside due to a outbreak of a virus which could of been harmful and so i waited till i got the 3rd shot as advised by the vet after that i introduced him to my friends dog which his completely fine with and doesn't do anything but play, his also good to my other friends dogs too...but when it comes to any others he snaps at them.

as for the running when he got out from the front door since it wasn't closed yes i ran after him i knew he thought it was a game but what could i do let him run and get lost? - though this is slowly improving, before he use to storm to the door when he saw it (open or closed) now its better he doesn't storm to it only when he needs a walk he'd might break out (just to note he hasn't ran out for a long time maybe 3 months now when he came off the leash when he was outside with a friend).

the dog is 1 year old now.

i will be calling around for pro help but first i thought id try the fourms first

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Maybe you need to be a bit more careful about leaving the door open?

I think you should seek the help of a Behaviourist and your Breeder.

Your dog really isn't a puppy anymore, they're a teenager and if you don't get this sorted now it's only going to get worse.

Edited by sas
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can't help with the aggression but have heard many times that lots of dogs that run/bolt out of the door is because of not enough exercise physically or mentally for the individual they jump at the chance of freedom so do a zoomie out the door to run a muck where as one that is quite content dog / pup with regular exercise for it's needs is happy not to run as soon as the door opens.

I would be taking your pup for a good walk to tire him out then start on some training (he may be well behaved in areas or your own home and on lead but with distractions of the outside world it's a different thing )by leaving a long lead on the dog(incase he bolts) and do lots of repetition training around the door; opening and shutting the door while he is close to you and work on a stay, wait or stop command and then start on distance, distractions and time once the dog understands the command 100%. but not all at once its a gradual thing:P

using the food as a instant reward, then delayed reward then intimitent reward whether food or treats.

hope that helps at all. whether you take it or leave it good luck :confused:

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different times when in the backyard he will come etc but its not always 100% without treats

your dog (cos he isn't really a pup anymore) needs you to learn how to effectively train him :happydance: If you don't really understand the importance of timing/rewards,etc in training... your dog won't be getting the lesson right! :confused: It takes practice , and plenty of it!!!

Please book into an obedience class and/or contact a professional to work with you at home . NOT one of the quick fix franchises.. but a reputable person who can take the time to see what the problems are, and show you how to manage them.

he doesn't storm to it only when he needs a walk

When he needs a walk?

he 'should' be walked twice a day, every day , ideally- but at least once every day ,if you can not manage twice.

Dogs need to be walked...

they also need training at home - teaching obedience/tricks.. :o

Edited by persephone
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