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Puppy Updates

Baileys mum

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I just received an email tonight from one of my puppy owners with a link to their puppy's photo album full of photos & videos.

This particular pup was one of my favourites, & it broke my heart when I had to say good bye to him, so seeing this update of him has really made my night. :laugh: At the age of 8 months he is growing beatifully & his owner absolutely adores him, makes me feel so happy & proud especially when his owner tells me that so many of their friends love him & want to know all about the breed. :)

I also have a few of my puppy owners on my facebook, & it is always nice to get photos & updates from them.

I think this is one of the lovely rewards of dog breeding,after all the hard work of breeding/raising a litter it makes it all worth while.

Just thought I would share my thoughts,as I'm feeling very much over the moon at the moment, & I'm pretty sure you all feel the same when you get lovely updates about your pups. :)


Edited by Baileys mum
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It is lovely receiving updates, isn't it? I have regular photo & email updates from my last litter born in June 2010. I love seeing how they are all growing up and I also send updates back to them on how my young girl is doing as well.

One of my previous puppy buyers is now a very close friend (going on for nearly 10 years now) and another close friendship has developed with people who bought one of my older bitches.

Unfortunately some people you never hear from again and I don't like to push them. I always make sure they understand that if at any time they can not look after/keep their dog, they can contact me and I will try and help with rehoming. They are also welcome to contact me if they are going on holidays & need a place for their dog to stay.

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Yes it is always lovely. :eek:

I also sent back some photos & update of Jasper (the little boy I kept from my litter ) to them which they really appreciated.

I also have 3 puppy owners that I have never heard from again :) & l also don't want to push them. I just hope that the pups are happy & healthy & that the owners love them.

I have told all owners that I would help rehome or take back a pup if they couldn't keep it & I too have made the offer of looking after them if the owner goes on holidays. I would love to see & spend some time with my babies again. :mad

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I love puppy updates, I am in regular contact with my puppy people.

I see my all puppies 3+ times a year.

I looked after Shimmers litter sister for 6 weeks earlier this year, And yesterday Boston went home after a 2 week stay,

he was from my last years litter.

We recently had a 12 month "Family Reunion" The whole litter of puppies came from all over Victoria.


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I love puppy updates, I am in regular contact with my puppy people.

I see my all puppies 3+ times a year.

I looked after Shimmers litter sister for 6 weeks earlier this year, And yesterday Boston went home after a 2 week stay,

he was from my last years litter.

We recently had a 12 month "Family Reunion" The whole litter of puppies came from all over Victoria.


Oh Wow Sway that's really fantastic !! :rofl:

I'd love to have a family reunion with all my litter, although not all my puppy people keep in contact, so it would probably be hard to get everyone together.

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Its so nice when puppy buyers stay in touch and you can follow the dogs progress. My best one for staying in touch was actually one I hadn't been sure about giving a pup as origanally she called thinking it was another breed entirly. I gave her a few contacts for the breed she thought she was calling about and answered some questions she asked about my breed. A few days later she called back to ask if she could purchase one of my pups after she had done some research on the breed, I quizzed her quiet abit and was impresssed at how much a part of her family her previous dog had been but was still abit unsure about her taking on a new breed that she wasn't overly familiar with. Well in the end I agreed on the condition that it was returned to me if she found that they couldn't cope or had any issues, because something in the back of my head kept saying that this was the right home. This lady keeps in regular touch with me, sends pictures of her lovely girl who is very much a member of the family and lives life to the full with them. When I go to country shows where she lives she brings her down to see us and we have a good chat as well as more picture taking.

Of all the pups I have sold this one that was not planned has to be the most successful of all so sometimes it pays to bend ones rules and listen to the little voice inside ones head that says to go ahead.

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I love puppy updates, I am in regular contact with my puppy people.

I see my all puppies 3+ times a year.

I looked after Shimmers litter sister for 6 weeks earlier this year, And yesterday Boston went home after a 2 week stay,

he was from my last years litter.

We recently had a 12 month "Family Reunion" The whole litter of puppies came from all over Victoria.


Thankyou so much for this Sway....I am going to do this during the cooler months....get all my puggie buyers to my place, within reason cos some are interstate.....so cool.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love these updates!

Hi Kerry & Co. Happy New Year!!

We have been checking your website often to look at the puppies, they are so beautiful! Cant believe Zeus used to be so small just over a year ago! It has gone so quickly!

We had our first "family" camping trip with him over the new year, we took him down along the great ocean road near port campbell. He loved it! And so did we, he's so much fun he comes everywhere with us! Hes our big baby!! He loved the beach, wasnt so sure about the waves but ran madly along the sand! I put in a good frothy mouthed pic for you after his run! He met a very placid doberman down there named Barry, and they ran mad along the beach together.

Zeus is starting to get alot better to walk, although he still pulls a fair bit. But his puppy ways are definately starting to ease, hes even stopped chasing our cats less! I think he wouldve been much better if they hadnt ran away from him as much at the start, but they are less scared of him now. Debbie told us she found Ella asleep on her bed next to her cat! I hope one day Zeus & ours can be friends like that!

Zeus is such good company for me when Al is away, he sleeps alongside me now on the bed, when Al is home he tries for a bit but the bed isnt quite big enough for three & eventually he goes back to his couch.

When we were away he slept with us in our tent, he just loved it!

Hes such a beautiful affectionate boy, and everyone comments on his placid manor.

In march we are taking him down to Tassie on the spirit, we are heading over there for two weeks & couldnt bear not to take him. Im worried how he'll travel on the boat, but I know he'll love going with us. There are some great dog beaches & he'll have heaps of fun meeting the rest of my family!

Thanks again for all your support Kerry

Talk to you soon

Sarah Al & Zeus



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I love these updates!
Hi Kerry & Co. Happy New Year!!

We have been checking your website often to look at the puppies, they are so beautiful! Cant believe Zeus used to be so small just over a year ago! It has gone so quickly!

We had our first "family" camping trip with him over the new year, we took him down along the great ocean road near port campbell. He loved it! And so did we, he's so much fun he comes everywhere with us! Hes our big baby!! He loved the beach, wasnt so sure about the waves but ran madly along the sand! I put in a good frothy mouthed pic for you after his run! He met a very placid doberman down there named Barry, and they ran mad along the beach together.

Zeus is starting to get alot better to walk, although he still pulls a fair bit. But his puppy ways are definately starting to ease, hes even stopped chasing our cats less! I think he wouldve been much better if they hadnt ran away from him as much at the start, but they are less scared of him now. Debbie told us she found Ella asleep on her bed next to her cat! I hope one day Zeus & ours can be friends like that!

Zeus is such good company for me when Al is away, he sleeps alongside me now on the bed, when Al is home he tries for a bit but the bed isnt quite big enough for three & eventually he goes back to his couch.

When we were away he slept with us in our tent, he just loved it!

Hes such a beautiful affectionate boy, and everyone comments on his placid manor.

In march we are taking him down to Tassie on the spirit, we are heading over there for two weeks & couldnt bear not to take him. Im worried how he'll travel on the boat, but I know he'll love going with us. There are some great dog beaches & he'll have heaps of fun meeting the rest of my family!

Thanks again for all your support Kerry

Talk to you soon

Sarah Al & Zeus



lucky boy :rofl:

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I love these updates!
Hi Kerry & Co. Happy New Year!!

We have been checking your website often to look at the puppies, they are so beautiful! Cant believe Zeus used to be so small just over a year ago! It has gone so quickly!

We had our first "family" camping trip with him over the new year, we took him down along the great ocean road near port campbell. He loved it! And so did we, he's so much fun he comes everywhere with us! Hes our big baby!! He loved the beach, wasnt so sure about the waves but ran madly along the sand! I put in a good frothy mouthed pic for you after his run! He met a very placid doberman down there named Barry, and they ran mad along the beach together.

Zeus is starting to get alot better to walk, although he still pulls a fair bit. But his puppy ways are definately starting to ease, hes even stopped chasing our cats less! I think he wouldve been much better if they hadnt ran away from him as much at the start, but they are less scared of him now. Debbie told us she found Ella asleep on her bed next to her cat! I hope one day Zeus & ours can be friends like that!

Zeus is such good company for me when Al is away, he sleeps alongside me now on the bed, when Al is home he tries for a bit but the bed isnt quite big enough for three & eventually he goes back to his couch.

When we were away he slept with us in our tent, he just loved it!

Hes such a beautiful affectionate boy, and everyone comments on his placid manor.

In march we are taking him down to Tassie on the spirit, we are heading over there for two weeks & couldnt bear not to take him. Im worried how he'll travel on the boat, but I know he'll love going with us. There are some great dog beaches & he'll have heaps of fun meeting the rest of my family!

Thanks again for all your support Kerry

Talk to you soon

Sarah Al & Zeus



That's wonderful Sway :)

Sounds like Zeus is having a great life! :)

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