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Consultation Fees For 2 Dogs


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As Raz said - I drive around 45 mins to get to my vet and pay a squillion dollars in tolls (Harbour Bridge, Lane Cove Tunnel and M2 and then back again!) when I have the Sydney Uni vet right around the corner from me.

Anyone who lives in Sydney knows that where Dan comes from to see her vet is pretty hardcore dedicated. That's a hell of a drive but she doesnt care - she loves her vet clinic and I'll guarantee she doesnt ever quibble about the cost. (She's probably scared of Stormie as well :eek: ). When you find a great vet that you love you just stick with them because you know the main thing - they'll look after your animals.

Chocolate bribery also works!

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Chocolate bribery also works!


I've just been showing Mr R a photo of baby sparky. He wants to come along tomorrow as well.

Hey that's two people in the consult room and two coffees - do we get charged two consult fees?

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woooow...... just half a day i got 5 pages of responses.. took a fair bit of time to digest them all....

Thanks all for the quick reply and massive "discussion" on the charges... i just want to know the norm for vet, and sounds like there's no norm and depending on the practice.... I'll rock up my to local vet soon and see what they said....

As most of you identified, different vet has different ways of charging which I totally agreed. Well, we had experience on a suspected virus on a dog, got different opinion from two different vets, that's one of the main reason that triggered to ask the question the "norm" for charging consultation fees for two dogs...

I'll keep you posted soon once my two dogs are due for a vaccination.... is just so coincidence that the two dogs next vaccination due 4 days apart....

thanks all once again for the overwhelming reply.... if only we know about dolforums when we have our current dog, we would have much more expertise to deal with dogs related issues...

Happy New year all in advance!


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I've actually had my cat and dog in together, and only paid the one consult fee. Typically though this is just for vaccinations and heartworm etc so there's hardly any consulting required... If I were you, I would just show up with the both of them and I'd be surprised (unless they both genuinely required indepth consultations) if they tried to charge you for 2 separate consults.

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I don't get charged consult fees period. Nothing to do with rescues. :rofl: To be fair though, I know my Vets, they are friends and I have known them for more than 25 years now.

You would agree that in your case it's a special circumstance though. The OP asked as they have not been to a Vet lately so they will probably be charged 2 sets of fees and that would be generally the norm.

The breeders here also don't get charged or get a heavily discounted fee because they have multiple animals, spend more money, get whole litters of puppies vacc'd and chipped from time to time and probably direct puppy buyers to their particular Vet too- again that's a special circumstance.

I have a Vet I've known for more than 10 years too, he probably wouldn't charge a consult anymore except that he doesn't own his own business.

We don't charge for wildlife, found animals, suture removals and surgery or medical checks in general either.

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The vet I used to go to charged just the one consultation. They did this even when I took in 2 dogs and 4 cats. I got charged for 1 consult and just the individual work (they were all getting vaccinated, wormed and one dog microchipped).

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I checked my bills today after I took one dog to the vet. Tis $49 for one, $59 for two for us normally, sometimes it's 59 EACH, it just depends on the day :rofl: Our vets always allow for 'free' return visits within the next week if necessary ( I know cos we had this convo when he said we have to come back in 7 days if he's not better).

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I get a discount at my vet over all fees, however they have a consult fee and a second animal consult fee which is around half price or a bit more. They have a reconsult which is the same as the second animal cons.

Vaccinations include the consult and there is not discount unless you have three or more. So for mine a C5 is $88 which is the vaccine and consult, the second dog is the same.

If I take two dogs for the same issue - ie a virus they have charged one consult fee but I haven't expected it.

I can and have spoken to them on the phone and never been charged for their time. for an occsional phone call I probably wouldn't expect it, but t one time when rehabing a very unwell cat I was speaking to them every day ot two and no extra charges.

My vets are VERY good to me and go above and beyond normal when trying to help me of fit things in. I am happy to pay for that althogh I have had a whinge to myself when I get the bill as it is a lot of money, but hey who needs money right!

My vet recently came out to euthanase my horse after an early morning start and preg testing over 600 cows. It was non-urgent and could have waited until the next day, but he knew I would be upset so wanted to do it for me as soon as he could.

Edited by OSoSwift
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Just wanted to add that when you find a vet you can trust they are worth their weight in gold or chocolates.

Two week ago: One dead black snake, Four possibilities for snake bite.

Several hours at the vets with snake detection kits and pending results.

Through the whole afternoon surgery into kaos.

One consultation fee (I expected to pay for four).

Not one complaint from the people who didn't get to see the vet that afternoon.

A vet and a vet nurse who went into the night with one of the dogs at no extra charge.

All dogs are fine.

:rofl: To all the dedicated professionals out there.

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I worship the ground our vets walk on :laugh::laugh: they are amazing, they will treat anything, whales even!

They look after my lot wonderfully and we house/pet sit when they are away sometimes.

I've been with them for 16years and dread ever changing... :D

Edited by Monah
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When I had recently brought both my girls in as they were both sick at the same time I got charged one consultation fee and the other was a "check up" fee, such as they charge on a follow up consult.

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I was thinking about this

my lovely vet only charged one consult fee plus the price of 3 x kennel cough vacinations for my 3 when I last took them in

You guys talk about having coffee with your vet :confused:

mine has just spent three days at my family's beach house with me and my family :thumbsup::laugh::o

she might drop that consult fee next year :D :laugh::laugh: but I actually don't expect her too. She kind of hinted about a few days away over the chrissy break and I invited her. She was a lovely guest but was definitely on holidays, Onsy had a bit of a tummy bug but she wasn't interested :laugh:

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Last time my dogs were seen by a vet was back in March for their vaccinations.

The vet came to our place as she was also a large animal vet and was doing a farm visit down the road. So it saved me having to get the dog trailer out, drive to the vet and back etc etc.

I got charged for half the mileage(split between the other visit) and I got charged one consult fee and a reduced price for the third vaccination.

Yep I was happy. And she seemed like a good person to talk to about my furkids.

We had some awesome vets back in NZ. Good vets are worth their weight in gold

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My vet has only ever charged me for one consult, the most i have taken in is 3. Dogs never go in together, they hate each other when on lead and out of the house :confused: So if i need to take 2, it is a dog and a cat or two, if the dogs have to go in together, i will book one for the morning, and one for the afternoon - and am happy to pay the extra for that

I dont think I have ever spent more than 15 mins in with the vet, even with the 3 of them (vaccinations).

I have a great vet who drop everything for me and will put you forward if it is urgent, I took the cat in one day, Atlas wanted to go for a drive.. as he got into the car he hit his foot and took 3 nails off :thumbsup: I carried him into the vet, blood pouring all over the place, they dropped what they were doing, fixed him up, then when it was my turn, fixed the cat.. and still only charged me for one visit!

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