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Bloomin Grass Seeds


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Let my dogs out t his am and Abby started yelping and crying in pain and rubbing her face on the ground and stuff. She then started drooling lots. I tried to take a look thinking then that something must have bitten her. She was too wriggly so figured I would see what happened.

She then ran down to the creek etc and played aorund. A bit of drool at times but nothing crazy. Went to a friends place for a few hours. She started wimpering and looking scared but then played ball and ran with other dogs.

When she was panting I noticed a red mark under her tongue and so we had a look and found what is in the pictures.

She was working in the paddock at a property yesterday and there was long grass and of course when you run through long grass with your mouth open..well you catch seeds.

So as of this afternoon the lump has burst but there is still redness in her mouth. And her lymph node is still up. She ate dinner tonight.

So am wondering if I should take her to vet and put her through a sedation etc to have a look or just hope the seed popped out when the abscess burst.........



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Ouch. Poor darling. Hard to know with grass seeds as they can burrow pretty deep etc. I'm always inclined to get things thoroughly checked and, especially being inside the mouth it could turn very painful :rofl: Just because the abscess burst it unfortunately doesnt mean the seed is out.

Hope ya pups ok.

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