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52 Week Photo Challenge 2011


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Week 8?! You're so efficient - my week 8 only started 2 days ago :rolleyes:

Love that collar!!

My week runs from Sun to Sat so started today - I was on early shift this morning at the Western Port Festival - promo.

Not planning on visiting any other greys this week, so figured Harry is it.

Oh and we sell the collars - Harry just borrowed it from the stand to have his pic taken.

Now getting a weekly pic of my old boy for the purist thread is another matter ;)


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Evolving - Echo looks very happy (and I don't have to guess the doggy this week :) )

Anniek - Harry Hound is very handsome :thumbsup: I think he wants to take that collar with him to his new home

dogfan - :thumbsup: agree use both :laugh:

lic - Great catch up :cheer: your old man :laugh:

kja - I love how Boof & Dora are kinda mimicking each others pose :eek: Gorgeous colour too

FM - I love your Bubble shots .Charm is a clown !

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Gorgeous everyone :rofl:

Week 7 of Greyhounds

OMG - greys that sit :):rofl:

Charm's turn this week

Please don't take offence, but it looks like Charms is saying 'duh, what's that thing' - but in a very cute way :rofl:

and this is how handsome he really is

He is a stunner :cry:

Week 8?! You're so efficient - my week 8 only started 2 days ago :D

Yeah way too efficient.....here's my week 7 :):rofl:

Not the most in focus photo by a long shot :) but I loved the reflection it caught :)

Week 7 - Blacked Winged Stilt


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Now i have bandwidth back I can enjoy everyones pics.

6/52 Luci on her fav position at the foot of my bed watching the world go by.


7/52 Rosie has a turn at playing with bubbles. (Trying to decide whether she gets a machine for her birthday)


8/52 Rosie out n about


Edit: pic uploaded.

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7/52 Boof & Dora

Canon 1DIII, Canon 24L 1.4II, f3.2, 1/40, ISO 800

gorgeous photo of Boof and Dora....love the colour

Here's my week 6.1/52 (to make up for my missed shots while moving)

My old man

what a handsome boy :(


Can't decide between them :thanks:


I agree use both :heart:

Week 8 of Greyhounds

Did a photo shoot with Harry Hound this morning - a foster

and this is how handsome he really is

Handsome Harry Hound ;)

This week is Echo with an Alera Cameo.

Echo looks very happy to have her photo taken

Charm's turn this week

Please don't take offence, but it looks like Charms is saying 'duh, what's that thing' - but in a very cute way ;)

No offence taken :(

Not the most in focus photo by a long shot :o but I loved the reflection it caught :)

Week 7 - Blacked Winged Stilt

WOW wow and double wow I really love this photo CC well done :(

Week 7

another gorgeous photo

Week 8/52 "Pepper"

My handsome man is "2" today :o

Beautiful close up KK09 and a Hapt belated Birthday to Pepper :thanks:

love your photo's ....think you sure get Rosie a bubble machine :eek:

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Week 8/52

Stuck Luci on a chair...she is getting so used to the camera she cocks her head to the side as her choice of pose...soon anyone seeing my pics is going to think that my dog has a head tilt....


(oopsy I had done a week eight...ill make this week 9)

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great photos everyone. Flaves that dog of yours is a bit of a stunner :)

The MCP Actions theme this week was "the view from here"

This is my photo. I hate heights so I figure the view from here is the best, but I have seen some great photos someone took from the top :D I decided to not do dog photos for this group and try different photos I wouldn't do otherwise, but I nearly buckled and got Bella in my photo this week. The sun finally came out at lunch time yesterday and I got this with the trusty little point and shoot which I put in my handbag, otherwise I was going to do a shot that involved Bella, but glad I didn't


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