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52 Week Photo Challenge 2011


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Week 20 of Greyhounds

this is our Phoebe

- taken on the back deck which is quite dark, but with the sun on her face. I used spot metering to get rid of the crap in the background. :laugh:


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Luci is so cute. I know that look, mind you the one I get is usually two inches from my face and the end of a Collie nose, a Collie who has two paws up on the couch and is expectantly wagging her tail, thinking 'DOL and Farmville are fine mum, but a walk outside sounds like HEAPS more fun':laugh:

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Gorgeous photos everyone as usual :thumbsup:

Lic - Diesel is just :love:

Catch up from me :)

My second set of photography guinea pigs were Bosun and Elly - Full set here. Bosun is a rescue Mastiff cross that his owner has put a lot of effort into, and he was the biggest sook at home :love: Elly is their other dog and she was just a real sweetie.

Week 19 - Bosun


Saw this little guy on one of my plants and he let me hassle him for a few mins :laugh:

Week 20 - Tiny Jumper :)


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"I'm a pretty boy :D"


Lic: Gorgeous horse :love:

Kittikat: Love the look he's giving you :laugh:

FM: Aww :love: Lovely shot !

Annie: Love her ears!

Redangel: Rosie and Luci are so cute :love:

CC: Bosun is just gorgeous :heart: And *shudder* spiders, but that is the best spider shot ever!


eta: Sorry about the bombardment of photos of Joey lately :o

Edited by dogfan
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Hope you are on the improve now Flaves...glad to hear your back to wanting to get out with the camera. Once I start grabbing for the camera my family know im on the improve.

I am finally, thanks. 4 courses of antibiotics later - has not been nice.

But today i got out with the camera and it felt great

Week 18


Week 19


Week 20


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lic 82...hug passed onto Rosie..she said thanks :laugh:

anniek.....Phoebe is gorgeous :thumbsup:

redangel....Luci and Rosie are just the cutest little girls, always look gorgeous in their photo's :)

crazy cresties....Bosun is gorgeous.....brilliant spidy photo to :thumbsup:

dogfan.....would never have an overload of Joey's photo's ...he's beautiful :D

flaves....glad your feeling better...great action photo's :thumbsup:


Frodo waiting for the leaves to drop , so he can chase them in the breeze


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Posted 23 May 2011 - 11:37 AM

Week 21 of Greyhounds

these beautiful regal statueque creatures can look soooo pathetic when waiting for their dinner :laugh:

:rofl: Look at those eyes!!!

Frodos mum: Lovely shot, love the contrast colors of autuumn.

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