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52 Week Photo Challenge 2011


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Week 17 of Greyhounds

a relatively easy week for me as this is my foster Gracie - I didn't have to travel, well I did have to walk her across the road to take the photo :D

Gracie is 8 years old and an absolute darling.


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Must... resist... urge...


Helen: Chazer looks gorgeous :(

Lic: Gorgeous horse and kids! :shrug:

FM: :D Love it!

MTD: Lovely :laugh:

TN: Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous doggies!

Helen again: I LOVE it!! :rofl:

TN again: Congrats on the win! :D

Kittikat: Very nice :laugh:

CC: Both of your pics are gorgeous, love the Corgi! :rofl:

Evolving: Gorgeous photos. Love the spider webs :rofl:

Annie: Lovely :rofl:


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First my internet kicks out, then changes at work meant going back full time for a bit.....so forgive me for my lateness.

15/52 Rosie trying to stare something off the bench & into her mouth.


16/52 Rosie is facinated by socks. She usually carries one sock around from room to room , somewhat like a comforter. They can be any color, but the flouro pink one is a definite favorite...she beds down with it. If she wants attention, you get given a sock. If you dont close your bedroom door like my teenager, she will wake you with a sock...(often old & from your from your floor he has found out :) ) In my house if you are rated by whether Rosie thinks enough of you to share a sock.




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Helen -Love the pink scarf look..very royal!

Lic- What a beautiful study of Charlie :love

Kittikat- I think Ottos ears are "on trend" what a character he is.

FM- That Easter shot speaks volumes! :)

Dogfan- My chookies as a child used to LOVE silverbeet, I used to love watching the way they devoured it (used to color their yolks nice too)

AnnieK- Meg is cuter than any bunny!

Loved the shot of the spiderwebs on the field.. ugh! cant read back who did the pic......it was awesome!..Evolving- nice shot

Congrats TerraNik!

Edited by redangel
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CC - Aaawww :D How cute is that Corgie ! Love the beach shot too !

Evolving - :eek:your spider web land photos freaked me out ! Great photos :thumbsup:

anniek - Gorgeous :love: Gracie

dogfan - Fantastic photo ;) Love the edit !

lic - :love: Beautiful :love:

redangel - Rosie's eyes have so much expression ... such cute photos :love:

so when you have odd socks in your household you know who has the other ;) / :D

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Poor Pepper had a run in with a cat at the start of the week and unfortunately got a scratch on the eye :thumbsup:

All is healing well , but he is not a happy chappy come eye ointment time

My week 18 is him looking glum as it is eye ointment time ...


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TerraNik Lovely. Your doggies are always happy and they seem to just love each others company

Helen Love the scarf . Perfect for a Princess

KK Otto is soooooooooooo cute . Awwwwwwww poor pepper :thumbsup::love: naughty pussycat

Crazy cresties Great capture of the agilty corgi and the playful beach doggie

Evolving Great photo of all the webs. A real wonderland ;)

AnnieK Awwwwwww Gracie is lovely . What is an average time that a greyhound is in your care before finding a forever home ?

Dogfan Love it :D great effect with the editing

Lic82 Such an angelic face , just waiting to pounce I am sure

redangel Sock thiefs :D A different color for each day of the week

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AnnieK Awwwwwww Gracie is lovely . What is an average time that a greyhound is in your care before finding a forever home ?

It really depends - the cat friendly ones do their mandatory three weeks in foster care then off to their forever homes as we have a waiting list - just need to find out who matches who best. The big black males (of any age) can be around for months. Probably average around 6 - 10 weeks - but they all stay in foster care as inside dogs - not kennels.

Dear Gracie even though she is 8, she already has a home lined up and she has only been here a week.


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wow thats such a great turn around for most of the greys :thumbsup: to Gracie finding a home

Week #17

The pub is usually packed on a Sunday with Bikers , Was hoping to get a photo with all their bikes out the front but for some reason this Sunday it wasn't happening . Anyway a deserted pub


week #17 by mtd3, on Flickr

Edited by MTD
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Evolving - Love those web pics :)

anniek - What a beautiful girl - gorgeous photo of her :)


Must... resist... urge...


lic_82 - Looks like she's about to pounce! Beautiful kitty :cheer:

redangel - Those are so funny, she looks so soulful but she's carrying a florescent pink sock :cheer:

kittikat - Poor Pepper :) Hope he's all healed soon. Super photo of him :laugh:

MTD - Lovely pic of the place, makes it looks like a nice quiet country pub :cheer:

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'i haz a microfone'


Lic: Gorgeous :love:

Redangel: :laugh: Love them!

Kittikat: Poor Pepper :( Hope he feels better soon.

MTD: Looks like a lovely place!

Flaves: Lovely :)

FM: Ruby is gorgeous :love:

Evolving: :laugh: Love it!

Redangel (again): Aww :)


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Flaves - Your boy has such gorgeous eyes :)

FM - Happy belated Birthday Ruby :birthday: We need to see more pics of you ;)

Evolving - :eek::laugh:

redangel - That is just adorable :D

dogfan - :laugh: Too cute :D

Some people at the dog training class I attend are letting me use their dogs to practice my photography on :) These are my first guinea pigs :laugh:

Week 18 - Kiah and Zampa


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Week 18 of greyhounds

I try to do a different geyhound each week but I have failed.

A quick snap from this morning - foster Gracie (again) roaching on the outside couch in her nightie :laugh:


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