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52 Week Photo Challenge 2011


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I want a Frodo one day - he cracks me up!

Seems like the week for cute poodle photos :o

I can't believe we're up to week 13 already! I thought i would get like 5 maybe 6 photos of mow and then get sick of it!

Week 10 - "So we meet again cockroach...."


Week 11 - "Yes, my toy is a feather boa.... your point is?"


Week 12 - "I will destroy you"


Edited by ~*Shell*~
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week 13



for those who don't visit the frenchie thread frodo loves to play with a pot on his head :laugh:

I love the one of Chazer with the scarf..really nice scarf to :)

:):rofl::eek: :D what a doofus, that is so funny.

Amazing what amuses dogs sometimes.

I know people teach dogs on a skateboard, but it never occured to me they actually enjoyed it until last week. Chazer is in a tricks class and the instructor brings skateboards in. We have never tried it but we were doing foot targeting and Chazer decided to go target the skateboard. 5 minutes later he his zooming along on the skateboard having a ball. He then tried to go back to the skateboard at every oportunity :D

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redangel & lic - :D beautiful poodles :)

shell - I love how Mow's eyes are different in all the shots

showing his different moods :)

helen - cannot wait until you get a photo of Chazer on the skateboard

what a clever boy he is :rofl:

annie - great shot of Phoebe & her best friend :laugh:

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dogfan - love the chooks :)

redangle - hope you're feeling better, your girls look gorgeous even with chopped ears :)

Evolving - :) Caught red handed :(

FM - what a lovely shot of Ruby :) 'scuse my ignorance, but is she yours? :o And :eek::cry: :D at Mr Bucket-head :)

MTD - Blimey that looks like it was one heck of a fire :eek:

TN - Lovely shot, love the clouds in the background too :D

Helen - Another really gorgeous one from you ;) Skinks are everywhere in my garden :)

KK - Thanks for the link :)

Lic - What a sweet shot, your sister has a gorgeous little pup :D

Shell - Just love the Mow pics :D

anniek - Love Phoebes expression in that one :eek:

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Helen..it is funny how some dogs can amuse themselves with anything ( like some kids I guess ) people think I pushed the pot on his head and took photo's..but he scoped it up one day by accident on his and and bounced and jumped about and has done it every since :D

crazy Cresties... yep ruby is mine she will be 9 yrs old next month :p

Shell...love the photo's of Mow :)

Anniek..another great photo :thumbsup:

Cody...Frodo is the clown of the family without a doubt :hug:

lic....gorgeous photo

redangel.....Luci looks so cute behind the plant

Edited by Frodo's mum
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Aww Evolving how could you ever get sick of chasing that cheeky face cutie! Helen, Whatever Bellas going for she really, really wants it...lol at intense eyes! CC Siamese cats are so elegant...they have a grace about them that charms you, and a naughtiness that lurks quitely behind. Beautiful shot.

:cry: Frenchie faceoff!!!!! Would be a funny challenge... movie characters! What is your dogs role?

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Evolving oops caught out :cry: such a happy Echo in the week 13 photo

TerraNik Gorgeous Pose of your 2 , they look so happy

Helen Love the scarf and wow bella is really having fun , the eyes are so intense

Frodo's Mum :(:laugh: love the bucket head

redangel Such a sweet innocent face , hiding behind the plant

lic 82 what a gorgeous poodle pup :thumbsup:

Shell Just love Mow's whiskas

anniek Nothing better than a play with your best friend , great shot :laugh:

KK09 Just love the face off :laugh:

CrazyCresties Just love the siamese , The ears tell the tale

Week 13/52 Tonights Sunset

5581720850_f9d2018754.jpgweek 13/52 by mtd3, on Flickr

Edited by MTD
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KK09....love the frenchie face off :cry:

Helen....great photo :thumbsup: ...I have a blanket the same as that :rofl:

crazy crestie....gorgeous cat i have always wanted a siamese :laugh:

evolving.....Echo looks very pleased with herself for making you chase her :(

MTD.....want a beautiful sunset :laugh: ....mine never seem to turn out as nice as that :laugh:

looking forward to everyone's week 14 :rofl:

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Joey the budgie who blabbers all day long! I swear he doesn't stop!



Frodo's Mum: Frodo is hilarious :)

Redangel: Aww, she looks so innocent :birthday:

Lic: Gorgeous Poodle :shrug:

Annie: They look like they're having a great time :D

Kittikat: Love it! :cry:

Helen: Bellas expression is priceless!

CC: She looks mesmerised, great shot!

Evolving: Echo is so cute :birthday:

MTD: Gorgeous sunset!

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Kit - great Frenchies!

crazy - love the siamese shot!

helen - nice action shot :)

evolving - echo looks so happy!

MTD - such lovely colours in that sunset

dogfan - I love that look he's giving you :cry:

OK, still haven't caught up but no sense getting MORE behind!

13/52 - white tip reef shark flyby


Canon 40D, Sigma 17-70, Subal housing & big dome port, 2 x Inon strobes (one of which was actually working!)

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WOW ! So many awesome photos :birthday:

Kja - Your underwater shots take my breathe away.They are truly amazing ,like this one !

Dogfan - Just :) it ... well done

MTD - GORGEOUS sunset ! One day I hope to capture something as good

Evolving - Echo looks very cheeky :cry: Spritz's have the happiest faces

CC - Stunning shot :birthday: I do hope that Louis's tail didn't get pounced on :shrug:

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