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52 Week Photo Challenge 2011


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6/52... Goal!


I missed weeks 4 and 5 with moving house I just didnt have time to get my camera out :laugh: Hopefully once Im settled I will squeeze in some make up shots.

Some really fantastic photos :vomit:

Edited by lic_82
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anniek - What beach was that? Only asked as my folks live that way & I am soon to move in with them

Their beaches still have too many tourists around :rofl:

pumpitdog - :vomit:

kja - I saw this photo on the 365 challenge - AWESOME PHOTO

I prefer the colour too .Question is "it" an amputee ? BTW those eyes :laugh:

tangerinedream - sums up our weird Vic weather ,great capture

lic 82 - Welcome back :rofl: Bet someone was pleased you caught that photo! Hoping move wasn't too stressful too

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wk 6/52 "Otto"

I can't believe my funny little man turns "2" this week :party:

Party time this weekend :rofl:

Happy Birthday Otto :rofl: Gorgeous pic KK :vomit:

seeing as I post frodo most of the time thought would give Jolie a turn

What a pretty girl you are Jolie :cheer:

Week 5

Look at that tongue :party::dropjaw:

Hi, great photos everyone.

Is it too late to join this group? I have just joined a 52 week project with themes and I know the DOL people will keep me motivated

Welcome along, look forward to your photos :laugh:

Week 4 Blister

Look closely, there is a worm

Too cute ;)

6/52 Stick-Guy in colour

ooooo very nice :D I haven't seen an adult one of these since I got my macro :rofl:

6/52... Goal!

Great catch - look how happy his face is :D

I prefer the colour too .Question is "it" an amputee ? BTW those eyes :party:

It's a praying mantis, the front legs fold back at the ends and snap out to catch their prey ;)

Week 6 - Fremantle Fiery Sunset - literally, as it was due to all the smoke coming from the Perth fires last sunday ;)


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Happy Birthday Otto :rofl: Gorgeous pic KK ;)

Otto says "thanx" ...the boys have an ice cream cake to attack tomorrow so that will be fun :rofl:

It's a praying mantis, the front legs fold back at the ends and snap out to catch their prey :)

:rofl: see I know nothing about bugs ...I thought it was one of those "stick thingy's" and I thought the poor lovey lost a leg :rofl:

:p That is an absolute stunning sunset photo :rofl:

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You are all correct it is Echo.

Alera did not get to come out and play today.


I thought very hard too cause they are both so similar in markings & colour too !

But I bet I will still l get them mixed up ;)

Looks like you guys had a great day too !

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