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Just Got My New...


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She is about 17 months old now.

I just need to finish breaking her in and start trialling her in March when they start again.

So far the other dogs have accepted her pretty well however the young horse is horrified about the white ghost.



Edited by dasha
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Thanks guys.

I got her from Yass where she has been used as a farm dog and done a few trials.

When I go to freinds property they get worked.

Otherwise I just work them at home here to keep their work up to scratch for trials

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Well, she has worked a lot on property and done a few trials. But her sides aren't real good yet, or her stop. But she is kind on her stock and seems to have a good natural stop when needed so far. Although she is a lot unsettled in the move so far and hasn't really settled in to work yet.

She has been a bit casual and lack lustre so far in her work so I think she hasn't settled or bonded enough yet. I sent her with my other dog today to bring sheep in as I thought it may spark her up a bit (which it did) and to hopefully show her the lay of the land so she knows what the routine is.

She has busted out of dog pen already, and pulled the mesh off the gate in the dog shed.

So she is now chained to the kennel untill I can do necessary repairs to the enclosures. Although even chained to the kennels she managed to jump on top of kennels then on top of water tank and pulled the piping out of the water tank. (another thing to fix) although she is now a lot quieter out there.

As I am off work at present I can go out a lot and play with her to bond a bit. She is not sure about play really but likes to roll around on the ground if you lay down.

Hopefully she will pick up soon.

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Well, she is young. I've more a cattle backgroud and know nothing of sheep, so I'm guessing (based on cattle working dogs) if she has natural eye and balance, that the rest will come with more dry work and bonding. Good luck.

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