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52 Weeks For Dogs 2011


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tlc - cute cuddle, Chester has a similar toy to that one, lotsa blue fluffy legs to play tug with :eek: love your happy pack in the car too, I can at least identify half these days, Cooper on the left, Bronson sitting in the middle :) (if I enabled signatures, I'd probably have them all by now)

rallyvalley - pup is looking great :thumbsup: I can't get enough of Toby's ears, they are just the best :)

snook - love the adidog! the bling is a nice touch too, Justice looks stylin' ;)

wags - gosh Riley is so good!! 2 biscuits :thumbsup: and a tongue for balance hehehe ... he looks great on the steps too - looking like he's soaking up the sun, or maybe smelling the air? nice colours!

weibritty - the location week 31 reminds me of the You Yangs? took Chester for a walk there once :D nice bush shot too, I could imagine she's a little camouflaged when running around? :)

naomi - gosh he is getting big isn't he :)

annie - yippee! zoom zoom zoom! great cornering angle he's got :)

gila - Spencer looks really nice on the lounge - like the stripes in that shot :)

sammies - I love the way you get such great light indoors!

katalily - Tali is so adorable! she has a beautiful head tilt!

helen - love the phone pics! particularly Chazer with Kyla - those smiles are perfect :)

mtd - tell me about the weeks getting away, it seems to happen to me too often! nice close-ups of Mags, esp. those eyes in the first one!


I was at my parents last week, got to enlist my mum's help at their local off-lead park for a nice action shot of Lotus



but don't have Chester's ready yet ...

but it was his 10th birthday yesterday, so took him for a special walk so have his ready for this week



will be back with Chester's 32/52 and Lotus' 33/52 by the end of the week hopefully ;)

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You guys are so good commenting on all the photos - I really appreciate the comments I get on mine and always tell myself ill come back and comment on everyone elses but I never get time, or I do get time, get it half done, then get distracted by work and loose it all.

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Fantastic shots guys, I've totally lost track of the weeks but will get back on track soon. Slowly getting better but have not had any inclination to pick the camera up!

Cm, good spotting, and if you've got the boys down pat, the girls are easy both smaller and Tully is white.

Funny how Asti and Rileys pics are the same on the steps, Cooper stands on my steps like this all the time, it must be comfy.

Helen, that shot of Chazer and Kyla is so cute, it looks like they are having a great laugh over something! :laugh:

Edited by tlc
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Ok a pretty lame shot for week 32.

Bronson is a slipper and sock boy, he always likes to carry something in his mouth especially if he is greeting someone or when he comes to say hello to me first thing in the morning after Oh lets him out of his crate, he grabs a slipper and a sock and once he has said hello he goes to sleep usually using whatever he has brought me as a pillow. :laugh:


Little (big) Slipper Boy by CLTB, on Flickr

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I'm with Wagsalot - I always intend to come back and comment on everyones photos and run out of time or I click the wrong button...

Thank you to everyone for your comments, I really appreciate them and it helps me keep going with this challenge!

I thought it was great that Riley and Asti were both photographed on the stairs last week! This week I was stuck for ideas SO you get another of Asti on different stairs :o


Week 33/52 of Asti 2011 by SammieS, on Flickr

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Hi All :wave:

Just want to say that I too really appreciate the feedback in the comments & feel terrible that I don't comment enough. It is nice to get feedback. I've been jotting down some notes so I can comment later. There's so many pics I have to catch up on!

This is my pic for week 32. Tali likes to stalk her way up to me, waiting for the ball to be thrown. Don't know about that tongue :laugh: . She could shovel snow with it I reckon :rofl:


#32/52 - Tali: Stalking (Throw that ball! I'm ready!!!)

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weibitty love the photo of Marlo in the bush . looks like a postcard

clicking mad great action shot of lotus . love

tlc must be the cocker in Bronson . Maggie also loves socks and slippers She has to have something in her mouth to greet you when you get home or to greet visitors . Hope your feeling better

sammies what a great photo on the stairs :thumbsup:

katalily love tali's tongue . nice action shot

helen :laugh: at the 2 rebels :thumbsup: nice photo

week #33

If I am really quiet and just stare at the hole , a rat may just poke its head out .


Week #33A Rat Hunting by mtd3, on Flickr

week #33B ( or #34 if i don't get another :o )

Dam , Those pesky rats are so quick


Week #33B Dam !! missed it by mtd3, on Flickr

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E & H is your puppies name Hudson? he is gorgeous, that name was on my short list when I got Bronson.

Thanks MTD, finally starting to feel almost human again after another DR visit and some more medication, onward and upward from hear on out.

Everyones photos are beautiful.


Feed me Seymore by CLTB, on Flickr

Edited by tlc
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CM - love week 32 of Lotus, great pic, well all your pics are great. Love the colours and they are always so clear. p.s. yes, one of my pics was taken at the You Yangs, good pick up there!

tlc - glad you are slowly getting better. A cousin of mine had WC last year and it took him over 3 months to get over it. Awwww, Bronson looks like he is waiting for dinner. :laugh:

Sammies - love the tone of Asti's 33/52 pic. :thumbsup:

katalily - cute pic of Tali, love his tongue curl.

helen - happy pic of Chazer and Kyla, they look like great mates!

mtd - your Maggie reminds me of my Brittany when she is on the hunt for mice. She has the stalking stare down pat!

wagsalot - Riley looks very happy there with his green ball.

elise&hudson - Awwwww, Aussie puppy breathe...... love the zoomie pic.

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