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Canon 50mm 1.8


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I was having the same problem with the 60mm 2.8, my friend suggested i up the iso and use a faster shutter. It has helped.

I was only having focus issues with doing macro shots, others were fine.

Thanks Lablady I will give it a go, I hate using a high ISO as my images come out extremely noisey , does your 450D do the same?

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With my 1.4 I find it a bit soft wide open, if I drop it down just one stop it's so much sharper. And also after the max aperture of about 5 on the kit lenses, you have to get used to playing with a really shallow depth of field on the 50mm.

Have fun with it, I look forward to seeing some photos :vomit:

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Shooting a fast lens wide open takes practice. Be patient and keep shooting. Accept that you will always toss frames when you shoot wide open, it's the nature of the beast. Never shoot just a single frame.

The depth of field (what's in focus) is VERY VERY narrow. It can be difference between the rim of the eyelid and the eyeball itself.

Stop down to 2.2 - you won't lose much and you might find it gives you just enough leeway to nail the focus.

And keep practicing - once you get 1.8, you'll love it.

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